[Yaffs] mv problem

Sergey Kubushyn ksi at koi8.net
Tue Sep 20 21:51:55 BST 2005

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Timofei V. Bondarenko wrote:

It does NOT. Now it crashes the kernel. When using it as a root FS the very
first ldconfig bombs out on rename. sys_rename->vfs_rename->yaffs_rename and
KABOOM!!! -- kernel's dead with sefgault and the filesystem is trashed. Next
mount attempt results in syslog full of "kernel: yaffs tragedy: attempting
to use non-directory as a directory in scan. Put in lost+found." messages.

What production quality are you talking about, guys? Storing a couple of
non-essential data files off of a real filesystem?

YAFFS1 used to work to some extent. Less for those floods of "**>>ecc error
unfixed" raised every single week in the list and usual reply "Fix your MTD"
as it is something to fix there it somehow managed to survive with a root
filesystem on it. YAFFS2 "compatibility mode" is total junk. Dunno about
real YAFFS2 but watching that sorry state of YAFFS1 I'm pretty sure it's
also unusable.

BTW, it is NOT a good idea to nail down a yaffs module configuration with
that "moduleconfig.h" file. Less for compiler complaints it makes the entire
weirdo kinda funny when mututally exclusive options got picked up from that
file and kernel config...

> Charles Manning wrote:
> > Please try the current CVS.
> > Fixes for this applied a few minutes ago.
> It works now.
> Thank you.
> --
> 	Tim.
> >
> > On Saturday 17 September 2005 04:35, Timofei V. Bondarenko wrote:
> >
> >>Hello.
> >>
> >>I have a problem with mv command on yaffs filesystem.
> >>
> >>linux kernel 2.6.12
> >>yaffs2 code from current CVS (I use yaffs1)
> >>
> >>There are 2 different files /hello and /helly exist.
> >>
> >>mv hello helly
> >>
> >>Failed: ENOTEMPTY
> >>
> >>ls -l
> >>No hello file present
> >>
> >>ls -l hello
> >>The hello file shown
> >>
> >>cat hello
> >>Content of hello is ok.
> >>The file helly is left unchaged.
> >>
> >>After reboot the hello file disappear completly.
> >>
> >>The ENOTEMPTY error reported by yaffs_rename()/yaffs_RenameObject(),
> >>but I've no idea why.
> >>
> >>Any thoughts?
> >>
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