[Yaffs] An observation about "useHeaderFileSize" !

Charles Manning manningc2@actrix.gen.nz
Fri, 4 Feb 2005 13:32:10 +1300

The useHeaderFileSize option is only useful for YAFFS1.

YAFFS2 needs to use this otherwise various things break.
For this reason, yaffs_GutsInitialise forces this on for YAFFS2 in the th=
following lines:

dev->useHeaderFileSize =3D 1;

Defeat this and YAFFS2 will break.

On Friday 04 February 2005 01:08, Abhishek Bhattacharya wrote:
> Hello Yaffs ers and Charles
> I want to report an observation I had when testing Yaffs2 direct
> interface. In yaffs2 we have the option of "useHeaderFileSize".
> Now in yaffs_Scan() , after we scan all blocks, we check if "yaffs2"
> option is enabled or not.
> If yaffs2 is enabled we make dev->useHeaderFileSize =3D 1. Upon enablin=
> this, the expected result would be , that object
> would get the file size from object header, and not from scanned file
> size.
> Now when we do dumpDir(const char* path), my observation was that , it
> shows all the files , but sizes are shown as 0.
> At this point , I tried to make dev->useHeaderFileSize =3D 0. So now , =
> directly assign the object's scanned file size
> to object's file size and VOILA!!! Everything seems to work fine. This
> time dumpDir(const char* path) returns all the files
> with there respective sizes!!!
> Please let me know if you have encountered any such issues!
> Thanks
> Abhishek
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