[Yaffs] Object (file) creation fix seems to have problems

Charles Manning manningc2@actrix.gen.nz
Fri, 7 Jan 2005 20:17:38 +1300


I was able to reproduce this and have fixed it.

The fix is in CVS.=20

I posted to the group earlier today, but it was tacked on the end of a lo=
mail so it was blocked by the list.

-- CHarles

On Friday 07 January 2005 18:18, Aras Vaichas wrote:
> bbosch@iphase.com wrote:
> > Charles,
> >
> > I recently updated my kernel to the latest CVS YAFFS code and
> > discovered rather serious filesystem corruption apparently triggered
> > by heavy file unlink and creation activity.  The symptoms are easily
> > reproduced by repeatedly extracting a tar archive containing several
> > files and symbolic links in an initially empty YAFFS file system.
> > Soon, tar reports "tar: Couldnt remove old file: Directory not empty"
> > for a random file which was not supposed to be a directory!  Other
> Hi, before xmas I was getting exactly the same problem but never got a
> chance to make up a proper report for it because I've had to move proje=
> for a couple of months.
> I was getting this error when copying a large amount of files and
> subdirectories and then deleting them e.g.
> # cp -a /usr /mnt/yaffs-partition-on-nand
> # rm -rf /mnt/yaffs-partition-on-nand/usr
> and then I would get exactly the same problems as Brad i.e I would have=
> file with a crazy long name of non-printable characters and I would get=
> directory not empty error message.
> Don't know if this helps, but it shows that the problem isn't unique to=
> person.
> Aras
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