[Yaffs] More YAFFS2 activity

Charles Manning manningc2@actrix.gen.nz
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 16:43:18 +1300

Hi YAFFSers...

I have just checked in more YAFFS2 changes and additions.
YAFFS2 now works in "YAFFS/Direct" and in the Linux kernel using RAM=20

The Linux kernel stuff does not yet support mtd. The ram emulation helps =
test that the YAFFS<->Linux file system glue is working, as well as test =
the tags munging, ECC etc.  The last phase of the exercise is now underwa=
the YAFFS<->mtd glue.

Except, of course, there is still mkyaffsimage and associated stuff to=20
complete as well as a bit of extra documentation.

Any feedback/tests/whatever much appreciated.

-- Charles