Hi Ketil,
A global variable, yaffs_auto_checkpoint, control the checkpoint action, just like:
 If 0 only checkpoint on unmount.
 If 1 checkpoint on sync.
 If 2 checkpoint on write_super and sync.
 Default is 1.
I'd like to know what would happen if it was set to zero(yaffs_auto_checkpoint = 0), only a little slow during booting because it would check the whole NAND, was it?

From: Ketil Froyn
Date: 2014-04-09 13:53
To: albhuang
Subject: Re: Re: [Yaffs] umount YAFFS2 block: the used NAND space was increased

Not sure how it can be disabled, but looking at http://www.yaffs.net/yaffs-tuning-and-configuration#Initialisation_Parameters it seems possible.

If you redo the math I think you will find that the difference was 128k after all, but perhaps you did that already. :)

On 9 Apr 2014 04:05, "albhuang" <albhuang@hotmail.com> wrote:
It seemed the checkpoint action caused the error,could i abandon it, or anything could i do?
Best Regards!

Date: 2014-04-08 17:42
CC: yaffs
Subject: Re: [Yaffs] umount YAFFS2 block: the used NAND space was increased
Could it perhaps be a yaffs2 checkpoint that was written on unmount so that it'll mount quickly next time?

Cheers, Ketil

On 8 April 2014 10:07, albhuang <albhuang@hotmail.com> wrote:
I utilized yaffs2 to K9F2G08(1Page=2K+64Bytes), the kernel was linux2.6.12. All seemed OK except the command, umount, was executed, the used space would be increased, each time, when a umount command followed by the mount command. What's wrong with it.
The following was the infoes.
[root@INTUM /]$mount
/dev/mtdblock/5 on /mnt/database type yaffs2 (rw,noatime)
[root@INTUM /]$df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mtdblock/5         208896      1292    207604   1% /mnt/database               //the used space was 1292K
[root@INTUM /]$umount /mnt/database/
save exit: isCheckpointed 1
[root@INTUM /]$mount -t yaffs2 /dev/mtdblock/5 /mnt/database/
yaffs: dev is 32505861 name is "mtdblock5"
yaffs: passed flags ""
yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.5, "mtdblock5"
[root@INTUM /]$df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mtdblock/5         208896      1420    207476   1% /mnt/database                //the used space increased to 1420K

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