In the latest yaffs2 source codes, there is a function: yaffs2_scan_backwards(), in the last of this function, it'll call yaffs_skip_rest_of_block(dev) function which will set FULL flag to allocating block, I think the reason is that the summary info of allocating block is missing, if we do not set FULL to it, the following block's summary will not be correct. Here list some query on this part: 1, in the old version yaffs(which did not support summary info feature or in the version we disable summary feature), if we can delete yaffs_SkipRestOfBlock() function in yaffs_ScanBackwards()? 2, I saw in the very old version yaffs sources codes, there is not yaffs_SkipRestOfBlock () function in yaffs_ScanBackwards (), in 2009, this commit states: /************************************/ commit 53c45617c6cbeffcafce1e96e868fcf516e62373 Author: charles Date: Mon Dec 14 22:03:05 2009 +0000 New partial block handing to improve robustness diff --git a/yaffs_guts.c b/yaffs_guts.c index a51d82d..4af4c40 100644 --- a/yaffs_guts.c +++ b/yaffs_guts.c /************************************/ I failed to find the reason for the importing of this function from sources codes and some design doc on yaffs, would anyone please to give some comments why this will improve robustness. Thanks very much!!