+++ roy basavaraju [2009-01-29 14:54 +0900]: > Hi Charles/all, > > Is it possible to build Mkyaffs utils on visual studio 2005. i mean > how difficult it is, if we take mkyaffs linux code and build on VS2005? > > Is there any other way around/options available? my requirement is to > build mkyaffs2image utility on VS2005. Are you trying to build an app to run on a unix/linux target using Windows tools, or do you need the target to run on Windows? If the latter than you could also do this using mingw, which is a tool to let you compile Windows targets using gcc (run on a linux machine rather than a windows one). That's probably easier than getting it to build on VS2005, although as mkyaffsimage is a simple stand-alone C program building it with VS2005 shouldn't be particularly hard. Wookey -- Principal hats: Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian http://wookware.org/