Hi, I found some other clues about my problem, but I didn't fully manage it yet... Brief summary : I want to use yaffs on linux-2.4.22 kernel with uClinux (m68k coldfire), and with the MTD of the 2.4.22 kernel. (I attempted to backport a newer MTD, but without success for the moment). My Flash is a Samsung 16Mb Nand. So, my problem occurs when I erase a file on my 2Mb partition. More precisely, it occurs when I want to copy/create some other files. Hence, I think it's the garbage collect process that is the source of my problem on my system. Here is the log: * after erasing the file : yaffs locking ___________ really free is 3033, pending 1001, nFree is 4034 yaffs unlocking * When I want to recreate a file after an unmount / mount : nand_read_ecc: from = 0x00909e00, len = 512 nand_read_oob: from = 0x00909e00, len = 16 nand_write_oob: to = 0x00908000, len = 16 nand_write_oob: Failed write verify, page 0x00004840 <----- This corresponds to the (falsely) damaged marked blocks that I see when I nand_write_oob: to = 0x00908200, len = 16 nand_write_oob: Failed write verify, page 0x00004841 <----- want to format my partition. * Finally, here is the interesting part of 'cat /proc/yaffs' : nPageWrites........ 10 nPageReads......... 181 nBlockErasures..... 0 nGCCopies.......... 0 garbageCollections. 3 <----- It seems that at each garbage collection, 8Kb are used on my partition (is it normal ?). Then, passiveGCs......... 3 <----- I find 104Kb used, instead of 80Kb... nRetriedWrites..... 0 nRetireBlocks...... 3 Once again, if you have some ideas, I'll take them ! Thanks and regards. Ludovic.