map(['id']); // Add necessary classes. $element->addClass(['form-item', 'js-form-item', 'form-wrapper', 'js-form-wrapper']); $body = []; $properties = ['field_prefix', 'body', 'children']; // Only add the #value property if it's a "details" or "fieldset" element // type. Some form elements may use "CompositeFormElementTrait" which // will inadvertently and eventually become preprocessed here and #value // may actually be the element's value instead of a renderable element. if ($element->isType(['details', 'fieldset'])) { $properties[] = 'value'; } // Add the "#field_suffix" property. $properties[] = 'field_suffix'; // Merge all possible content from the element into a single render array. foreach ($properties as $property) { $body[$property] = Element::create($element->getProperty($property, []))->getArray(); } $variables['body'] = array_filter($body); $map = [ 'attributes' => 'attributes', 'body_attributes' => 'body_attributes', 'content_attributes' => 'body_attributes', 'description' => 'description', 'description_attributes' => 'description_attributes', 'description_display' => 'description_display', 'errors' => 'errors', 'footer' => 'footer', 'required' => 'required', 'panel_type' => 'panel_type', 'title' => 'heading', 'title_attributes' => 'heading_attributes', ]; // Handle specific "details" elements. if ($element->isType('details')) { // Details are always collapsible per the HTML5 spec. // @see $variables['collapsible'] = TRUE; // Determine the collapsed state. $variables['collapsed'] = !$element->getProperty('open', TRUE); // Remove the unnecessary details attribute. $element->removeAttribute('open'); } // Handle specific "fieldset" elements. elseif ($element->isType('fieldset')) { // Override variables to mimic the default "fieldset" element info. // They will be mapped below if they exist on the element. unset($variables['collapsible'], $variables['collapsed']); $map['collapsed'] = 'collapsed'; $map['collapsible'] = 'collapsible'; } // Map the element properties to the variables array. $variables->map($map); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function preprocessVariables(Variables $variables) { // Retrieve the ID, generating one if needed. $id = $variables->getAttribute('id', Html::getUniqueId($variables->offsetGet('id', 'bootstrap-panel'))); unset($variables['id']); // Handle collapsible state. if ($variables['heading'] && $variables['collapsible']) { // Retrieve the body ID attribute. if ($body_id = $variables->getAttribute('id', "$id--content", 'body_attributes')) { // Ensure the target is set. if ($variables['target'] = $variables->offsetGet('target', "#$body_id")) { // Set additional necessary attributes to the heading. $variables->setAttributes([ 'aria-controls' => preg_replace('/^#/', '', $variables['target']), 'aria-expanded' => !$variables['collapsed'] ? 'true' : 'false', 'aria-pressed' => !$variables['collapsed'] ? 'true' : 'false', 'data-toggle' => 'collapse', 'role' => 'button', ], 'heading_attributes'); } } } // Ensure we render HTML from heading. $heading = $variables->offsetGet('heading'); if ($heading && (is_string($heading) || ($heading instanceof MarkupInterface))) { $variables->offsetSet('heading', ['#markup' => $heading]); } // Ensure there is a valid panel state. if (!$variables->offsetGet('panel_type')) { $variables->offsetSet('panel_type', 'default'); } // Convert the description variable. $this->preprocessDescription(); // Ensure all attributes are proper objects. $this->preprocessAttributes(); } }