realChecks = security_review_security_review_checks(); $this->testChecks = security_review_test_security_review_checks(); $this->checks = array_merge($this->realChecks, $this->testChecks); } /** * Tests whether $checks is empty. */ protected function testChecksExist() { $this->assertFalse(empty($this->checks), 'Checks found.'); } /** * Every check should be enabled by default. */ public function testEnabledByDefault() { foreach ($this->checks as $check) { $this->assertFalse($check->isSkipped(), $check->getTitle() . ' is enabled by default.'); } } /** * Tests some check's results on a clean install of Drupal. */ public function testDefaultResults() { $defaults = [ 'security_review-field' => CheckResult::SUCCESS, ]; foreach ($this->checks as $check) { if (array_key_exists($check->id(), $defaults)) { $result = $check->run(); $this->assertEqual($result->result(), $defaults[$check->id()], $check->getTitle() . ' produced the right result.'); } } } /** * Tests the storing of a check result on every test check. */ public function testStoreResult() { foreach ($this->testChecks as $check) { // Run the check and store its result. $result = $check->run(); $check->storeResult($result); // Compare lastResult() with $result. $last_result = $check->lastResult(TRUE); $this->assertEqual($result->result(), $last_result->result(), 'Result stored.'); $this->assertEqual($result->time(), $last_result->time(), 'Time stored.'); if ($check->storesFindings()) { // If storesFindings() is set to FALSE, then these could differ. $this->assertEqual($result->findings(), $last_result->findings(), 'Findings stored.'); } } } /** * Tests stored result correction on lastResult() call. * * Tests the case when the check doesn't store its findings, and the new * result that lastResult() returns overwrites the old one if the result * integer is not the same. */ public function testLastResultUpdate() { foreach ($this->testChecks as $check) { if (!$check->storesFindings()) { // Get the real result. $result = $check->run(); // Build the fake result. $new_result_result = $result->result() == CheckResult::SUCCESS ? CheckResult::FAIL : CheckResult::SUCCESS; $new_result = new CheckResult( $check, $new_result_result, [], TRUE ); // Store it. $check->storeResult($new_result); // Check if lastResult()'s result integer is the same as $result's. $last_result = $check->lastResult(TRUE); $this->assertEqual($last_result->result(), $result->result(), 'Invalid result got updated.'); } } } }