configFactory = $config_factory; $this->config = $config_factory->getEditable('security_review.settings'); $this->state = $state; $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler; $this->currentUser = $current_user; } /** * Returns whether the module has been configured. * * If the module has been configured on the settings page this function * returns true. Otherwise it returns false. * * @return bool * A boolean indicating whether the module has been configured. */ public function isConfigured() { return $this->config->get('configured') === TRUE; } /** * Returns true if logging is enabled, otherwise returns false. * * @return bool * A boolean indicating whether logging is enabled. */ public function isLogging() { // Check for temporary logging. if (static::$temporaryLogging !== NULL) { return static::$temporaryLogging; } return $this->config->get('log') === TRUE; } /** * Returns the last time Security Review has been run. * * @return int * The last time Security Review has been run. */ public function getLastRun() { return $this->config->get('last_run'); } /** * Returns the IDs of the stored untrusted roles. * * @return string[] * Stored untrusted roles' IDs. */ public function getUntrustedRoles() { return $this->config->get('untrusted_roles'); } /** * Sets the 'configured' flag. * * @param bool $configured * The new value of the 'configured' setting. */ public function setConfigured($configured) { $this->config->set('configured', $configured); $this->config->save(); } /** * Sets the 'logging' flag. * * @param bool $logging * The new value of the 'logging' setting. * @param bool $temporary * Whether to set only temporarily. */ public function setLogging($logging, $temporary = FALSE) { if (!$temporary) { $this->config->set('log', $logging); $this->config->save(); } else { static::$temporaryLogging = ($logging == TRUE); } } /** * Sets the 'last_run' value. * * @param int $last_run * The new value for 'last_run'. */ public function setLastRun($last_run) { $this->config->set('last_run', $last_run); $this->config->save(); } /** * Stores the given 'untrusted_roles' setting. * * @param string[] $untrusted_roles * The new untrusted roles' IDs. */ public function setUntrustedRoles(array $untrusted_roles) { $this->config->set('untrusted_roles', $untrusted_roles); $this->config->save(); } /** * Logs an event. * * @param \Drupal\security_review\Check $check * The Check the message is about. * @param string $message * The message. * @param array $context * The context of the message. * @param int $level * Severity (RfcLogLevel). */ public function log(Check $check, $message, array $context, $level) { if (static::isLogging()) { $this->moduleHandler->invokeAll( 'security_review_log', [ 'check' => $check, 'message' => $message, 'context' => $context, 'level' => $level, ] ); } } /** * Logs a check result. * * @param \Drupal\security_review\CheckResult $result * The result to log. */ public function logCheckResult(CheckResult $result = NULL) { if ($this->isLogging()) { if ($result == NULL) { $check = $result->check(); $context = [ '@check' => $check->getTitle(), '@namespace' => $check->getNamespace(), ]; $this->log($check, '@check of @namespace produced a null result', $context, RfcLogLevel::CRITICAL); return; } $check = $result->check(); // Fallback log message. $level = RfcLogLevel::NOTICE; $message = '@name check invalid result'; // Set log message and level according to result. switch ($result->result()) { case CheckResult::SUCCESS: $level = RfcLogLevel::INFO; $message = '@name check succeeded'; break; case CheckResult::FAIL: $level = RfcLogLevel::ERROR; $message = '@name check failed'; break; case CheckResult::WARN: $level = RfcLogLevel::WARNING; $message = '@name check raised a warning'; break; case CheckResult::INFO: $level = RfcLogLevel::INFO; $message = '@name check returned info'; break; } $context = ['@name' => $check->getTitle()]; $this->log($check, $message, $context, $level); } } /** * Deletes orphaned check data. */ public function cleanStorage() { /** @var \Drupal\security_review\Checklist $checklist */ $checklist = \Drupal::service('security_review.checklist'); // Get list of check configuration names. $orphaned = $this->configFactory->listAll('security_review.check.'); // Remove items that are used by the checks. foreach ($checklist->getChecks() as $check) { $key = array_search('security_review.check.' . $check->id(), $orphaned); if ($key !== FALSE) { unset($orphaned[$key]); } } // Delete orphaned configuration data. foreach ($orphaned as $config_name) { $config = $this->configFactory->getEditable($config_name); $config->delete(); } } /** * Stores information about the server into the State system. */ public function setServerData() { if (!static::isServerPosix() || PHP_SAPI === 'cli') { return; } // Determine web server's uid and groups. $uid = posix_getuid(); $groups = posix_getgroups(); // Store the data in the State system. $this->state->set('security_review.server.uid', $uid); $this->state->set('security_review.server.groups', $groups); } /** * Returns whether the server is POSIX. * * @return bool * Whether the web server is POSIX based. */ public function isServerPosix() { return function_exists('posix_getuid'); } /** * Returns the UID of the web server. * * @return int * UID of the web server's user. */ public function getServerUid() { return $this->state->get('security_review.server.uid'); } /** * Returns the GIDs of the web server. * * @return int[] * GIDs of the web server's user. */ public function getServerGids() { return $this->state->get('security_review.server.groups'); } }