FALSE, 'separator' => '-', 'case' => '1', 'max_length' => '100', 'max_component_length' => '100', 'update_action' => '2', 'transliterate' => '1', 'reduce_ascii' => FALSE, 'ignore_words' => 'a, an, as, at, before, but, by, for, from, is, in, into, like, of, off, on, onto, per, since, than, the, this, that, to, up, via, with', ); /** * Punctuation form items with default values. * * @var array */ protected $defaultPunctuations = array( 'punctuation[double_quotes]' => '0', 'punctuation[quotes]' => '0', 'punctuation[backtick]' => '0', 'punctuation[comma]' => '0', 'punctuation[period]' => '0', 'punctuation[hyphen]' => '1', 'punctuation[underscore]' => '0', 'punctuation[colon]' => '0', 'punctuation[semicolon]' => '0', 'punctuation[pipe]' => '0', 'punctuation[left_curly]' => '0', 'punctuation[left_square]' => '0', 'punctuation[right_curly]' => '0', 'punctuation[right_square]' => '0', 'punctuation[plus]' => '0', 'punctuation[equal]' => '0', 'punctuation[asterisk]' => '0', 'punctuation[ampersand]' => '0', 'punctuation[percent]' => '0', 'punctuation[caret]' => '0', 'punctuation[dollar]' => '0', 'punctuation[hash]' => '0', 'punctuation[exclamation]' => '0', 'punctuation[tilde]' => '0', 'punctuation[left_parenthesis]' => '0', 'punctuation[right_parenthesis]' => '0', 'punctuation[question_mark]' => '0', 'punctuation[less_than]' => '0', 'punctuation[greater_than]' => '0', 'punctuation[slash]' => '0', 'punctuation[back_slash]' => '0', ); /** * {inheritdoc} */ function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->drupalCreateContentType(array('type' => 'article')); $permissions = array( 'administer pathauto', 'notify of path changes', 'administer url aliases', 'create url aliases', 'administer nodes', 'bypass node access', ); $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser($permissions); $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser); $this->createPattern('node', '/content/[node:title]'); } /** * Test if the default values are shown correctly in the form. */ function testDefaultFormValues() { $this->drupalGet('/admin/config/search/path/settings'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-verbose'); $this->assertField('edit-separator', $this->defaultFormValues['separator']); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-case'); $this->assertField('edit-max-length', $this->defaultFormValues['max_length']); $this->assertField('edit-max-component-length', $this->defaultFormValues['max_component_length']); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-update-action-2'); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-transliterate'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-reduce-ascii'); $this->assertField('edit-ignore-words', $this->defaultFormValues['ignore_words']); } /** * Test the verbose option. */ function testVerboseOption() { $edit = array('verbose' => '1'); $this->drupalPostForm('/admin/config/search/path/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration')); $this->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.')); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-verbose'); $title = 'Verbose settings test'; $this->drupalGet('/node/add/article'); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-path-0-pathauto'); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array('title[0][value]' => $title), t('Save and publish')); $this->assertText('Created new alias /content/verbose-settings-test for'); $node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($title); $this->drupalPostForm('/node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', array('title[0][value]' => 'Updated title'), t('Save and keep published')); $this->assertText('Created new alias /content/updated-title for'); $this->assertText('replacing /content/verbose-settings-test.'); } /** * Tests generating aliases with different settings. */ function testSettingsForm() { // Ensure the separator settings apply correctly. $this->checkAlias('My awesome content', '/content/my.awesome.content', array('separator' => '.')); // Ensure the character case setting works correctly. // Leave case the same as source token values. $this->checkAlias('My awesome Content', '/content/My-awesome-Content', array('case' => FALSE)); $this->checkAlias('Change Lower', '/content/change-lower', array('case' => '1')); // Ensure the maximum alias length is working. $this->checkAlias('My awesome Content', '/content/my-awesome', array('max_length' => '23')); // Ensure the maximum component length is working. $this->checkAlias('My awesome Content', '/content/my', array('max_component_length' => '2')); // Ensure transliteration option is working. $this->checkAlias('è é àl ö äl ü', '/content/e-e-al-o-al-u', array('transliterate' => '1')); $this->checkAlias('è é àl äl ö ü', '/content/è-é-àl-äl-ö-ü', array('transliterate' => FALSE)); $ignore_words = 'a, new, very, should'; $this->checkAlias('a very new alias to test', '/content/alias-to-test', array('ignore_words' => $ignore_words)); } /** * Test the punctuation setting form items. */ function testPunctuationSettings() { // Test the replacement of punctuations. $settings = []; foreach ($this->defaultPunctuations as $key => $punctuation) { $settings[$key] = PathautoGeneratorInterface::PUNCTUATION_REPLACE; } $title = 'aa"b`c,d.e-f_g:h;i|j{k[l}m]n+o=p*q%r^s$t#u!v~w(x)y?z>1/2\3'; $alias = '/content/aa-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-x-y-z-1-2-3'; $this->checkAlias($title, $alias, $settings); // Test the removal of punctuations. $settings = []; foreach ($this->defaultPunctuations as $key => $punctuation) { $settings[$key] = PathautoGeneratorInterface::PUNCTUATION_REMOVE; } $title = 'a"b`c,d.e-f_g:h;i|j{k[l}m]n+o=p*q%r^s$t#u!v~w(x)y?z>1/2\3'; $alias = '/content/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123'; $this->checkAlias($title, $alias, $settings); // Keep all punctuations in alias. $settings = []; foreach ($this->defaultPunctuations as $key => $punctuation) { $settings[$key] = PathautoGeneratorInterface::PUNCTUATION_DO_NOTHING; } $title = 'al"b`c,d.e-f_g:h;i|j{k[l}m]n+o=p*q%r^s$t#u!v~w(x)y?z>1/2\3'; $alias = '/content/al"b`c,d.e-f_g:h;i|j{k[l}m]n+o=p*q%r^s$t#u!v~w(x)y?z>1/2\3'; $this->checkAlias($title, $alias, $settings); } /** * Helper method to check the an aliases. * * @param string $title * The node title to build the aliases from. * @param string $alias * The expected alias. * @param array $settings * The form values the alias should be generated with. */ protected function checkAlias($title, $alias, $settings = array()) { // Submit the settings form. $edit = array_merge($this->defaultFormValues + $this->defaultPunctuations, $settings); $this->drupalPostForm('/admin/config/search/path/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration')); $this->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.')); // If we do not clear the caches here, AliasCleaner will use its // cleanStringCache instance variable. Due to that the creation of aliases // with $this->createNode() will only work correctly on the first call. \Drupal::service('pathauto.generator')->resetCaches(); // Create a node and check if the settings applied. $node = $this->createNode( array( 'title' => $title, 'type' => 'article', ) ); $this->drupalGet($alias); $this->assertResponse(200); $this->assertEntityAlias($node, $alias); } }