# Migration configuration for user accounts. We've described most of what goes # into migration configuration in migrate_plus.migration.beer_term.yml, so won't # repeat that here. id: beer_user label: Beer Drinkers of the world migration_group: beer source: plugin: beer_user destination: plugin: entity:user process: pass: password mail: email init: email status: status roles: plugin: default_value default_value: 2 # Here's a new process plugin - dedupe_entity. Our source site allowed there # to be multiple user accounts with the same username, but Drupal wants # usernames to be unique. This plugin allows us to automatically generate # unique usernames when we detect collisions. name: plugin: dedupe_entity # The name of the source field containing the username. source: username # These next two settings identify the destination-side field to check for # duplicates. They say "see if the incoming 'name' matches any existing # 'name' field in any 'user' entity". entity_type: user field: name # Finally, this specifies a string to use between the original value and the # sequence number appended to make the value unique. Thus, the first 'alice' # account gets the name 'alice' in Drupal, and the second one gets the name # 'alice_1'. postfix: _ # Another new process plugin - callback. This allows us to filter an incoming # source value through an arbitrary PHP function. The function called must # have one required argument. created: plugin: callback # The 'registered' timestamp in the source data is a string of the form # 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss', but Drupal wants a UNIX timestamp for 'created'. source: registered callable: strtotime # Our source data only has a single timestamp value, 'registered', which we # want to use for all four of Drupal's user timestamp fields. We could # duplicate the callback plugin we used for 'created' above - but we have a # shortcut. Putting an @ sign at the beginning of the source value indicates # that it is to be interpreted as a *destination* field name instead of a # *source* field name. Thus, if a value we need in more than one place # requires some processing beyond simply copying it directly, we can perform # that processing a single time and use the result in multiple places. changed: '@created' access: '@created' login: '@created' # Yet another new process plugin - static_map. We're making a transformation # in how we represent gender data - formerly it was integer values 0 for male # and 1 for female, but in our modern Drupal site we will be making this a # free-form text field, so we want to replace the obscure integers with # simple strings. field_migrate_example_gender: plugin: static_map # Specify the source field we're reading (containing 0's and 1's). source: sex # Tell it to transform 0 to 'Male', and 1 to 'Female'. map: 0: Male 1: Female # If the input is missing, leave the field empty. Without this, an empty # or invalid source value would cause the user record to be skipped # entirely. bypass: true # This looks like a simple migration process plugin, but there's magic # happening here. We import nodes after terms and users, because they have # references to terms and users, so of course the terms and users must be # migrated first - right? However, the favbeers field is a reference to the # beer nodes which haven't yet been migrated - we have a circular relationship # between users and nodes. The way the migration system resolves this # situation is by creating "stubs". In this case, because no beer nodes have # been created, each time a beer is looked up against the beer_node migration # nothing is found, and by default the migration process plugin creates an # empty stub node as a placeholder so the favbeers reference field has # something to point to. The stub is recorded in the beer_node map table, so # when that migration runs it knows that each incoming beer should overwrite # its stub instead of creating a new node. field_migrate_example_favbeers: plugin: migration source: beers migration: beer_node migration_dependencies: {} # When a module is creating a custom content type it needs to add an # enforced dependency to itself, otherwise the content type will persist # after the module is disabled. See: https://www.drupal.org/node/2629516. dependencies: enforced: module: - migrate_example