t('No results'), ]]; } // Special for link to front page. if (strpos($search_string, 'front') !== FALSE) { $matches[] = [ 'title' => t('Front page'), 'description' => 'The front page for this site.', 'path' => Url::fromRoute('')->toString(), 'group' => t('System'), ]; } foreach ($linkitProfile->getMatchers() as $plugin) { $matches = array_merge($matches, $plugin->getMatches($search_string)); } // Check for an e-mail address then return an e-mail match and create a // mail-to link if appropriate. if (filter_var($search_string, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $matches[] = [ 'title' => t('E-mail @email', ['@email' => $search_string]), 'description' => t('Opens your mail client ready to e-mail @email', ['@email' => $search_string]), 'path' => 'mailto:' . Html::escape($search_string), 'group' => t('E-mail'), ]; } // If there is still no matches, return a "no results" array. if (empty($matches)) { return [[ 'title' => t('No results'), ]]; } return $matches; } }