getEntity(); $form['name'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Name'), '#default_value' => $environment_switcher->label(), ]; $form['machine'] = [ '#type' => 'machine_name', '#machine_name' => [ 'source' => ['name'], 'exists' => 'environment_indicator_load', ], '#default_value' => $environment_switcher->id(), '#disabled' => !empty($environment_switcher->machine), ]; $form['url'] = [ '#type' => 'url', '#title' => t('Hostname'), '#description' => t('The hostname you want to switch to.'), '#default_value' => $environment_switcher->getUrl(), ]; $form['bg_color'] = [ '#type' => 'color', '#title' => t('Background Color'), '#description' => t('Background color for the indicator. Ex: #0D0D0D.'), '#default_value' => $environment_switcher->getBgColor() ?: '#0D0D0D', ]; $form['fg_color'] = [ '#type' => 'color', '#title' => t('Color'), '#description' => t('Color for the indicator. Ex: #D0D0D0.'), '#default_value' => $environment_switcher->getFgColor() ?: '#D0D0D0', ]; return $form; } /** * Save your config entity. * * There will eventually be default code to rely on here, but it doesn't exist * yet. */ public function save(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $environment = $this->getEntity(); $environment->save(); drupal_set_message(t('Saved the %label environment.', [ '%label' => $environment->label(), ])); $form_state->setRedirect('entity.environment_indicator.collection'); } }