getAccessControlHandler($this->entityTypeId) ->access($this, $operation, $account, $return_as_object); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function preSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage) { parent::preSave($storage); /** @var \Drupal\entityqueue\EntityQueueInterface $queue */ $queue = $this->getQueue(); $max_size = $queue->getMaximumSize(); $act_as_queue = $queue->getActAsQueue(); $items = $this->get('items')->getValue(); $number_of_items = count($items); // Remove extra items from the front of the queue if the maximum size is // exceeded. if ($act_as_queue && $number_of_items > $max_size) { $items = array_slice($items, -$max_size); $this->set('items', $items); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getQueue() { return $this->get('queue')->entity; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setQueue(EntityQueueInterface $queue) { $this->set('queue', $queue->id()); return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTitle() { return $this->get('title')->value; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->set('title', $title); return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCreatedTime() { return $this->get('created')->value; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setCreatedTime($timestamp) { $this->set('created', $timestamp); return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function baseFieldDefinitions(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) { $fields['name'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string') ->setLabel(t('Name')) ->setDescription(t('The name of the subqueue.')) ->setReadOnly(TRUE) // In order to work around the InnoDB 191 character limit on utf8mb4 // primary keys, we set the character set for the field to ASCII. ->setSetting('is_ascii', TRUE); $fields['uuid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('uuid') ->setLabel(t('UUID')) ->setDescription(t('The subqueue UUID.')) ->setReadOnly(TRUE); $fields['queue'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference') ->setLabel(t('Queue')) ->setDescription(t('The queue (bundle) of this subqueue.')) ->setSetting('target_type', 'entity_queue') ->setReadOnly(TRUE); $fields['title'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string') ->setLabel(t('Title')) ->setRequired(TRUE) ->setSetting('max_length', 191) ->setDisplayOptions('view', array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'string', 'weight' => -10, )) ->setDisplayOptions('form', array( 'type' => 'string_textfield', 'weight' => -10, )) ->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE); $fields['items'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference') ->setLabel(t('Items')) ->setCardinality(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) // This setting is overridden per bundle (queue) in // static::bundleFieldDefinitions(), but we need to default to a target // entity type that uses strings IDs, in order to allow both integers and // strings to be stored by the default entity reference field storage. ->setSetting('target_type', 'entity_subqueue') ->setDisplayOptions('view', array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'entity_reference_label', 'weight' => 0, )) ->setDisplayOptions('form', array( 'type' => 'entity_reference_autocomplete', 'weight' => 5, 'settings' => array( 'match_operator' => 'CONTAINS', 'size' => '60', 'placeholder' => '', ), )) ->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE); $fields['langcode'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('language') ->setLabel(t('Language')) ->setDescription(t('The subqueue language code.')) ->setDisplayOptions('view', array( 'type' => 'hidden', )) ->setDisplayOptions('form', array( 'type' => 'language_select', 'weight' => 2, )); $fields['uid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference') ->setLabel(t('Authored by')) ->setDescription(t('The username of the subqueue author.')) ->setSetting('target_type', 'user') ->setDefaultValueCallback('Drupal\entityqueue\Entity\EntitySubqueue::getCurrentUserId'); $fields['created'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('created') ->setLabel(t('Authored on')) ->setDescription(t('The time that the subqueue was created.')) ->setDefaultValueCallback('Drupal\entityqueue\Entity\EntitySubqueue::getDefaultCreatedTime'); $fields['changed'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('changed') ->setLabel(t('Changed')) ->setDescription(t('The time that the subqueue was last edited.')); return $fields; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function bundleFieldDefinitions(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type, $bundle, array $base_field_definitions) { // Change the target type of the 'items' field to the one defined by the // parent queue (i.e. bundle). if ($queue = EntityQueue::load($bundle)) { $fields['items'] = clone $base_field_definitions['items']; $fields['items']->setSettings($queue->getEntitySettings()); return $fields; } return []; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getOwner() { return $this->get('uid')->entity; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getOwnerId() { return $this->getEntityKey('uid'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setOwnerId($uid) { $this->set('uid', $uid); return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setOwner(UserInterface $account) { $this->set('uid', $account->id()); return $this; } /** * Default value callback for 'uid' base field definition. * * @see ::baseFieldDefinitions() * * @return array * An array of default values. */ public static function getCurrentUserId() { return array(\Drupal::currentUser()->id()); } /** * Default value callback for 'created' base field definition. * * @see ::baseFieldDefinitions() * * @return array * An array of default values. */ public static function getDefaultCreatedTime() { return REQUEST_TIME; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function toUrl($rel = 'canonical', array $options = []) { $url = parent::toUrl($rel, $options); // The 'entity_queue' parameter is needed by the subqueue routes, so we need // to add it manually. $url->setRouteParameter('entity_queue', $this->bundle()); return $url; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCacheTagsToInvalidate() { $tags = []; // Use the cache tags of the entity queue. // @todo Allow queue handlers to control this? if ($queue = $this->getQueue()) { $tags = Cache::mergeTags(parent::getCacheTagsToInvalidate(), $queue->getCacheTags()); // Sadly, Views handlers have no way of influencing the cache tags of the // views result cache plugins, so we have to invalidate the target entity // type list tag. // @todo Reconsider this when is fixed. $target_entity_type = $this->entityTypeManager()->getDefinition($this->getQueue()->getTargetEntityTypeId()); $tags = Cache::mergeTags($tags, $target_entity_type->getListCacheTags()); } return $tags; } }