grouper = $grouper; $this->optimizer = $optimizer; $this->dumper = $dumper; $this->state = $state; $this->config = $config_factory->get('advagg.settings'); $this->systemConfig = $config_factory->get('system.performance'); $this->advaggAggregates = $advagg_aggregates; $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler; $this->settingsHash = '_' . advagg_get_current_hooks_hash(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function optimize(array $js_assets) { // Group the assets. $js_groups = $this->grouper->group($js_assets); // Now optimize (concatenate, not minify) and dump each asset group, unless // that was already done, in which case it should appear in // system.js_cache_files. // Drupal contrib can override this default JS aggregator to keep the same // grouping, optimizing and dumping, but change the strategy that is used to // determine when the aggregate should be rebuilt (e.g. mtime, HTTPS …). $js_assets = []; $protocol_relative = $this->config->get('path.convert.absolute_to_protocol_relative'); $force_https = $this->config->get('path.convert.force_https'); foreach ($js_groups as $order => $js_group) { // We have to return a single asset, not a group of assets. It is now up // to one of the pieces of code in the switch statement below to set the // 'data' property to the appropriate value. $js_assets[$order] = $js_group; unset($js_assets[$order]['items']); switch ($js_group['type']) { case 'file': // No preprocessing, single JS asset: just use the existing URI. if (!$js_group['preprocess']) { $js_assets[$order]['data'] = $js_group['items'][0]['data']; } // Preprocess (aggregate), unless the aggregate file already exists. else { $key = $this->generateHash($js_group) . $this->settingsHash; $uri = ''; if ($aggregate = $this->advaggAggregates->get($key)) { $uri = $aggregate['uri']; } if (empty($uri) || !file_exists($uri)) { // Concatenate each asset within the group. $data = ''; foreach ($js_group['items'] as $js_asset) { // Optimize this JS file, but only if it's not yet minified. if (isset($js_asset['minified']) && $js_asset['minified']) { $content = file_get_contents($js_asset['data']); } else { $content = $this->optimizer->optimize($js_asset); } // Allow other modules to modify this file's contents. // Call hook_advagg_js_contents_alter(). $this->moduleHandler->alter('advagg_js_contents', $content, $js_asset); $data .= $content; // Append a ';' and a newline after each JS file to prevent them // from running together. $data .= ";\n"; } // Remove unwanted JS code that cause issues. $data = $this->optimizer->clean($data); // Dump the optimized JS for this group into an aggregate file. list($uri, $filename) = $this->dumper->dump($data, 'js'); // Set the URI for this group's aggregate file. $js_assets[$order]['data'] = $uri; // Persist the URI for this aggregate file. $aggregate_info = [ 'uri' => $uri, 'contents' => $js_group['items'], 'hooks_hash' => advagg_current_hooks_hash_array(), 'uid' => $filename, ]; $this->advaggAggregates->set($key, $aggregate_info); } else { // Use the persisted URI for the optimized JS file. $js_assets[$order]['data'] = $uri; } $js_assets[$order]['preprocessed'] = TRUE; } break; case 'external': // We don't do any aggregation and hence also no caching for external // JS assets. $uri = $js_group['items'][0]['data']; if ($force_https) { $uri = advagg_path_convert_force_https($uri); } elseif ($protocol_relative) { $uri = advagg_path_convert_protocol_relative($uri); } $js_assets[$order]['data'] = $uri; break; } } return $js_assets; } /** * Generate a hash for a given group of JavaScript assets. * * @param array $js_group * A group of JavaScript assets. * * @return string * A hash to uniquely identify the given group of JavaScript assets. */ protected function generateHash(array $js_group) { $js_data = []; foreach ($js_group['items'] as $js_file) { $js_data[] = $js_file['data']; $js_data[] = filemtime($js_file['data']); } return hash('sha256', serialize($js_data)); } /** * Deletes all optimized collection assets. * * Note: Core's deleteAll() only deletes old files not all. */ public function deleteAllReal() { $log = []; $this->state->delete('system.js_cache_files'); Cache::invalidateTags(['library_info']); $delete_all = function ($uri) use (&$log) { file_unmanaged_delete($uri); $log[] = $uri; }; $this->state->delete('system.js_cache_files'); file_scan_directory($this->dumper->preparePath('js'), '/.*/', ['callback' => $delete_all]); return $log; } /** * Delete stale optimized collection assets. */ public function deleteStale() { $log = []; $this->state->delete('system.js_cache_files'); Cache::invalidateTags(['library_info']); $delete_stale = function ($uri) use (&$log) { // Default stale file threshold is 30 days. if (REQUEST_TIME - fileatime($uri) > $this->systemConfig->get('stale_file_threshold')) { file_unmanaged_delete($uri); $log[] = $uri; } }; file_scan_directory($this->dumper->preparePath('js'), '/.*/', ['callback' => $delete_stale]); return $log; } /** * Delete old optimized collection assets. */ public function deleteOld() { $log = []; $this->state->delete('system.js_cache_files'); Cache::invalidateTags(['library_info']); $delete_old = function ($uri) use (&$log) { // Default stale file threshold is 30 days. // Delete old if > 3 times that. if (REQUEST_TIME - filemtime($uri) > $this->systemConfig->get('stale_file_threshold') * 3) { file_unmanaged_delete($uri); $log[] = $uri; } }; file_scan_directory($this->dumper->preparePath('js'), '/.*/', ['callback' => $delete_old]); return $log; } }