getName(); $fail = new AssertionFailedError($message); $result = $test->getTestResultObject(); $result->addFailure($test, $fail, 0); } /** * Helper method to check if a string names a valid class or trait. * * @param string $class * Name of the class to check. * * @return bool * TRUE if the class exists, FALSE otherwise. */ private function classExists($class) { return class_exists($class, TRUE) || trait_exists($class, TRUE); } /** * Check an individual test run for valid @covers annotation. * * This method is called from $this::endTest(). * * @param \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase $test * The test to examine. */ private function checkValidCoversForTest(TestCase $test) { // If we're generating a coverage report already, don't do anything here. if ($test->getTestResultObject() && $test->getTestResultObject()->getCollectCodeCoverageInformation()) { return; } // Gather our annotations. $annotations = $test->getAnnotations(); // Glean the @coversDefaultClass annotation. $default_class = ''; $valid_default_class = FALSE; if (isset($annotations['class']['coversDefaultClass'])) { if (count($annotations['class']['coversDefaultClass']) > 1) { $this->fail($test, '@coversDefaultClass has too many values'); } // Grab the first one. $default_class = reset($annotations['class']['coversDefaultClass']); // Check whether the default class exists. $valid_default_class = $this->classExists($default_class); if (!$valid_default_class && interface_exists($default_class)) { $this->fail($test, "@coversDefaultClass refers to an interface '$default_class' and those can not be tested."); } elseif (!$valid_default_class) { $this->fail($test, "@coversDefaultClass does not exist '$default_class'"); } } // Glean @covers annotation. if (isset($annotations['method']['covers'])) { // Drupal allows multiple @covers per test method, so we have to check // them all. foreach ($annotations['method']['covers'] as $covers) { // Ensure the annotation isn't empty. if (trim($covers) === '') { $this->fail($test, '@covers should not be empty'); // If @covers is empty, we can't proceed. return; } // Ensure we don't have (). if (strpos($covers, '()') !== FALSE) { $this->fail($test, "@covers invalid syntax: Do not use '()'"); } // Glean the class and method from @covers. $class = $covers; $method = ''; if (strpos($covers, '::') !== FALSE) { list($class, $method) = explode('::', $covers); } // Check for the existence of the class if it's specified by @covers. if (!empty($class)) { // If the class doesn't exist we have either a bad classname or // are missing the :: for a method. Either way we can't proceed. if (!$this->classExists($class)) { if (empty($method)) { $this->fail($test, "@covers invalid syntax: Needs '::' or class does not exist in $covers"); return; } elseif (interface_exists($class)) { $this->fail($test, "@covers refers to an interface '$class' and those can not be tested."); } else { $this->fail($test, '@covers class does not exist ' . $class); return; } } } else { // The class isn't specified and we have the ::, so therefore this // test either covers a function, or relies on a default class. if (empty($default_class)) { // If there's no default class, then we need to check if the global // function exists. Since this listener should always be listening // for endTest(), the function should have already been loaded from // its .module or .inc file. if (!function_exists($method)) { $this->fail($test, '@covers global method does not exist ' . $method); } } else { // We have a default class and this annotation doesn't act like a // global function, so we should use the default class if it's // valid. if ($valid_default_class) { $class = $default_class; } } } // Finally, after all that, let's see if the method exists. if (!empty($class) && !empty($method)) { $ref_class = new \ReflectionClass($class); if (!$ref_class->hasMethod($method)) { $this->fail($test, '@covers method does not exist ' . $class . '::' . $method); } } } } } /** * Handles errors to ensure deprecation messages are not triggered. * * @param int $type * The severity level of the error. * @param string $msg * The error message. * @param $file * The file that caused the error. * @param $line * The line number that caused the error. * @param array $context * The error context. */ public static function errorHandler($type, $msg, $file, $line, $context = []) { if ($type === E_USER_DEPRECATED) { return; } $error_handler = class_exists('PHPUnit_Util_ErrorHandler') ? 'PHPUnit_Util_ErrorHandler' : 'PHPUnit\Util\ErrorHandler'; return $error_handler::handleError($type, $msg, $file, $line, $context); } /** * Reacts to the end of a test. * * We must mark this method as belonging to the special legacy group because * it might trigger an E_USER_DEPRECATED error during coverage annotation * validation. The legacy group allows symfony/phpunit-bridge to keep the * deprecation notice as a warning instead of an error, which would fail the * test. * * @group legacy * * @param \PHPUnit\Framework\Test|\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test * The test object that has ended its test run. * @param float $time * The time the test took. * * @see */ private function doEndTest($test, $time) { // \PHPUnit_Framework_Test does not have any useful methods of its own for // our purpose, so we have to distinguish between the different known // subclasses. if ($test instanceof TestCase) { // Change the error handler to ensure deprecation messages are not // triggered. set_error_handler([$this, 'errorHandler']); $this->checkValidCoversForTest($test); restore_error_handler(); } elseif ($this->isTestSuite($test)) { foreach ($test->getGroupDetails() as $tests) { foreach ($tests as $test) { $this->doEndTest($test, $time); } } } } /** * Determine if a test object is a test suite regardless of PHPUnit version. * * @param \PHPUnit\Framework\Test|\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test * The test object to test if it is a test suite. * * @return bool * TRUE if it is a test suite, FALSE if not. */ private function isTestSuite($test) { if (class_exists('\PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite') && $test instanceof \PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite) { return TRUE; } if (class_exists('PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite') && $test instanceof TestSuite) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Reacts to the end of a test. * * @param \PHPUnit\Framework\Test|\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test * The test object that has ended its test run. * @param float $time * The time the test took. */ protected function standardsEndTest($test, $time) { $this->doEndTest($test, $time); } }