config = [ 'one' => '1', 'two' => '2', 'hash_salt' => $this->randomMachineName(), ]; $this->settings = new Settings($this->config); } /** * @covers ::get */ public function testGet() { // Test stored settings. $this->assertEquals($this->config['one'], Settings::get('one'), 'The correct setting was not returned.'); $this->assertEquals($this->config['two'], Settings::get('two'), 'The correct setting was not returned.'); // Test setting that isn't stored with default. $this->assertEquals('3', Settings::get('three', '3'), 'Default value for a setting not properly returned.'); $this->assertNull(Settings::get('four'), 'Non-null value returned for a setting that should not exist.'); } /** * @covers ::getAll */ public function testGetAll() { $this->assertEquals($this->config, Settings::getAll()); } /** * @covers ::getInstance */ public function testGetInstance() { $singleton = $this->settings->getInstance(); $this->assertEquals($singleton, $this->settings); } /** * Tests Settings::getHashSalt(); * * @covers ::getHashSalt */ public function testGetHashSalt() { $this->assertSame($this->config['hash_salt'], $this->settings->getHashSalt()); } /** * Tests Settings::getHashSalt() with no hash salt value. * * @covers ::getHashSalt * * @dataProvider providerTestGetHashSaltEmpty */ public function testGetHashSaltEmpty(array $config) { // Re-create settings with no 'hash_salt' key. $settings = new Settings($config); $this->setExpectedException(\RuntimeException::class); $settings->getHashSalt(); } /** * Data provider for testGetHashSaltEmpty. * * @return array */ public function providerTestGetHashSaltEmpty() { return [ [[]], [['hash_salt' => '']], [['hash_salt' => NULL]], ]; } /** * Ensures settings cannot be serialized. * * @covers ::__sleep */ public function testSerialize() { $this->setExpectedException(\LogicException::class); serialize(new Settings([])); } /** * Tests Settings::getApcuPrefix(). * * @covers ::getApcuPrefix */ public function testGetApcuPrefix() { $settings = new Settings(['hash_salt' => 123]); $this->assertNotEquals($settings::getApcuPrefix('cache_test', '/test/a'), $settings::getApcuPrefix('cache_test', '/test/b')); $settings = new Settings(['hash_salt' => 123, 'apcu_ensure_unique_prefix' => FALSE]); $this->assertNotEquals($settings::getApcuPrefix('cache_test', '/test/a'), $settings::getApcuPrefix('cache_test', '/test/b')); } /** * Tests that an exception is thrown when settings are not initialized yet. * * @covers ::getInstance */ public function testGetInstanceReflection() { $settings = new Settings([]); $class = new \ReflectionClass(Settings::class); $instace_property = $class->getProperty("instance"); $instace_property->setAccessible(TRUE); $instace_property->setValue(NULL); $this->setExpectedException(\BadMethodCallException::class); $settings->getInstance(); } }