getMock('Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface'); $this->entityManager = $this->getMock('Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityManagerInterface'); $this->entityManager->expects($this->any())->method('getStorage')->with('date_format')->willReturn($entity_storage); $this->languageManager = $this->getMock('Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface'); $this->stringTranslation = $this->getMock('Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface'); $this->requestStack = $this->getMock('Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack'); $config_factory = $this->getConfigFactoryStub(['' => ['country' => ['default' => 'GB']]]); $container = new ContainerBuilder(); $container->set('config.factory', $config_factory); $container->set('string_translation', $this->getStringTranslationStub()); \Drupal::setContainer($container); $this->dateFormatter = new DateFormatter($this->entityManager, $this->languageManager, $this->stringTranslation, $this->getConfigFactoryStub(), $this->requestStack); $this->dateFormatterStub = $this->getMockBuilder('\Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter') ->setConstructorArgs([$this->entityManager, $this->languageManager, $this->stringTranslation, $this->getConfigFactoryStub(), $this->requestStack]) ->setMethods(['formatDiff']) ->getMock(); } /** * Tests the formatInterval method. * * @dataProvider providerTestFormatInterval * * @covers ::formatInterval */ public function testFormatInterval($interval, $granularity, $expected, $langcode = NULL) { // Mocks a simple formatPlural implementation. $this->stringTranslation->expects($this->any()) ->method('translateString') ->willReturnCallback(function (TranslatableMarkup $arg) { return $arg->getUntranslatedString(); }); // Check if the granularity is specified. if ($granularity) { $result = $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval($interval, $granularity, $langcode); } else { $result = $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval($interval); } $this->assertEquals(new TranslatableMarkup($expected, [], ['langcode' => $langcode], $this->stringTranslation), $result); } /** * Provides some test data for the format interval test. */ public function providerTestFormatInterval() { $data = [ // Checks for basic seconds. [1, 1, '1 sec'], [1, 2, '1 sec'], [2, 1, '2 sec'], [2, 2, '2 sec'], // Checks for minutes with seconds. [61, 1, '1 min'], [61, 2, '1 min 1 sec'], [62, 2, '1 min 2 sec'], [121, 1, '2 min'], [121, 2, '2 min 1 sec'], // Check for hours with minutes and seconds. [3601, 1, '1 hour'], [3601, 2, '1 hour'], // Check for higher units. [86401, 1, '1 day'], [604800, 1, '1 week'], [2592000 * 2, 1, '2 months'], [31536000 * 2, 1, '2 years'], // Check for a complicated one with months weeks and days. [2592000 * 2 + 604800 * 3 + 86400 * 4, 3, '2 months 3 weeks 4 days'], // Check for the langcode. [61, 1, '1 min', 'xxx-lolspeak'], // Check with an unspecified granularity. [61, NULL, '1 min 1 sec'], ]; return $data; } /** * Tests the formatInterval method for 0 second. */ public function testFormatIntervalZeroSecond() { $result = $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval(0, 1, 'xxx-lolspeak'); $this->assertEquals(new TranslatableMarkup('0 sec', [], ['langcode' => 'xxx-lolspeak'], $this->stringTranslation), $result); } /** * Tests the getSampleDateFormats method. * * @covers \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter::getSampleDateFormats */ public function testGetSampleDateFormats() { $timestamp = strtotime('2015-03-22 14:23:00'); $expected = $this->dateFormatter->getSampleDateFormats('en', $timestamp, 'Australia/Sydney'); // Removed characters related to timezone 'e' and 'T', as test does not have // timezone set. $date_characters = 'dDjlNSwzWFmMntLoYyaABgGhHisuIOPZcrU'; $date_chars = str_split($date_characters); foreach ($date_chars as $val) { $this->assertEquals($expected[$val], date($val, $timestamp)); } } /** * Tests the formatTimeDiffUntil method. * * @covers ::formatTimeDiffUntil */ public function testFormatTimeDiffUntil() { $expected = '1 second'; $request_time = $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:08'); $timestamp = $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:09'); $options = []; // Mocks the formatDiff function of the dateformatter object. $this->dateFormatterStub ->expects($this->at(0)) ->method('formatDiff') ->with($timestamp, $request_time, $options) ->will($this->returnValue($expected)); $this->dateFormatterStub ->expects($this->at(1)) ->method('formatDiff') ->with($timestamp, $request_time, $options + ['return_as_object' => TRUE]) ->will($this->returnValue(new FormattedDateDiff('1 second', 1))); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', $request_time); // Mocks a the request stack getting the current request. $this->requestStack->expects($this->any()) ->method('getCurrentRequest') ->willReturn($request); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->dateFormatterStub->formatTimeDiffSince($timestamp, $options)); $options['return_as_object'] = TRUE; $expected_object = new FormattedDateDiff('1 second', 1); $this->assertEquals($expected_object, $this->dateFormatterStub->formatTimeDiffSince($timestamp, $options)); } /** * Tests the formatTimeDiffSince method. * * @covers ::formatTimeDiffSince */ public function testFormatTimeDiffSince() { $expected = '1 second'; $timestamp = $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:07'); $request_time = $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:08'); $options = []; // Mocks the formatDiff function of the dateformatter object. $this->dateFormatterStub ->expects($this->at(0)) ->method('formatDiff') ->with($request_time, $timestamp, $options) ->will($this->returnValue($expected)); $this->dateFormatterStub ->expects($this->at(1)) ->method('formatDiff') ->with($request_time, $timestamp, $options + ['return_as_object' => TRUE]) ->will($this->returnValue(new FormattedDateDiff('1 second', 1))); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', $request_time); // Mocks a the request stack getting the current request. $this->requestStack->expects($this->any()) ->method('getCurrentRequest') ->willReturn($request); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->dateFormatterStub->formatTimeDiffUntil($timestamp, $options)); $options['return_as_object'] = TRUE; $expected_object = new FormattedDateDiff('1 second', 1); $this->assertEquals($expected_object, $this->dateFormatterStub->formatTimeDiffUntil($timestamp, $options)); } /** * Tests the formatDiff method. * * @dataProvider providerTestFormatDiff * * @covers ::formatDiff */ public function testformatDiff($expected, $max_age, $timestamp1, $timestamp2, $options = []) { // Mocks a simple translateString implementation. $this->stringTranslation->expects($this->any()) ->method('translateString') ->willReturnCallback(function (TranslatableMarkup $arg) { return $arg->getUntranslatedString(); }); if (isset($options['langcode'])) { $expected_markup = new TranslatableMarkup($expected, [], ['langcode' => $options['langcode']], $this->stringTranslation); } else { $expected_markup = new TranslatableMarkup($expected, [], [], $this->stringTranslation); } $this->assertEquals($expected_markup, $this->dateFormatter->formatDiff($timestamp1, $timestamp2, $options)); $options['return_as_object'] = TRUE; $expected_object = new FormattedDateDiff($expected, $max_age); $this->assertEquals($expected_object, $this->dateFormatter->formatDiff($timestamp1, $timestamp2, $options)); } /** * Data provider for testformatDiff(). */ public function providerTestFormatDiff() { // This is the fixed request time in the test. $request_time = $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:08'); $granularity_3 = ['granularity' => 3]; $granularity_4 = ['granularity' => 4]; $langcode_en = ['langcode' => 'en']; $langcode_lolspeak = ['langcode' => 'xxx-lolspeak']; $non_strict = ['strict' => FALSE]; $data = [ // Checks for equal timestamps. ['0 seconds', 0, $request_time, $request_time], // Checks for seconds only. ['1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:07'), $request_time], ['1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:07'), $request_time], ['1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:07'), $request_time, $granularity_3 + $langcode_en], ['1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:07'), $request_time, $granularity_4 + $langcode_lolspeak], ['2 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:06'), $request_time], ['59 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:08:09'), $request_time], ['59 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:08:09'), $request_time], // Checks for minutes and possibly seconds. ['1 minute', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:08:08'), $request_time], ['1 minute', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:08:08'), $request_time], ['1 minute 1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:08:07'), $request_time], ['1 minute 59 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:07:09'), $request_time], ['2 minutes', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:07:08'), $request_time], ['2 minutes 1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:07:07'), $request_time], ['2 minutes 2 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:07:06'), $request_time], ['2 minutes 2 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_3], ['2 minutes 2 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_4], ['30 minutes', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:39:08'), $request_time], ['59 minutes 59 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:09:09'), $request_time], ['59 minutes 59 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:09:09'), $request_time], // Checks for hours and possibly minutes or seconds. ['1 hour', 3600, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 hour', 3600, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 hour', 3600, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:09:07'), $request_time], ['1 hour', 3600, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:09:06'), $request_time], ['1 hour 1 minute', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:08:08'), $request_time], ['1 hour 1 minute 1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:08:07'), $request_time, $granularity_3], ['1 hour 1 minute 2 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 09:08:06'), $request_time, $granularity_4], ['1 hour 30 minutes', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 08:39:08'), $request_time], ['2 hours', 3600, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 08:09:08'), $request_time], ['23 hours 59 minutes', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-10 10:10:08'), $request_time], // Checks for days and possibly hours, minutes or seconds. ['1 day', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-10 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 day', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-10 10:09:07'), $request_time], ['1 day 1 hour', 3600, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-10 09:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 day 1 hour 1 minute', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-10 09:08:07'), $request_time, $granularity_3 + $langcode_en], ['1 day 1 hour 1 minute 1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-10 09:08:07'), $request_time, $granularity_4 + $langcode_lolspeak], ['1 day 2 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-10 08:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_4], ['2 days', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-09 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 days', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-09 10:07:08'), $request_time], ['2 days 2 hours', 3600, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-09 08:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 days 2 hours 2 minutes', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-09 08:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_3 + $langcode_en], ['2 days 2 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-09 08:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_4 + $langcode_lolspeak], // Checks for weeks and possibly days, hours, minutes or seconds. ['1 week', 7 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-04 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 week 1 day', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-03 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 weeks', 7 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-27 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 weeks 2 days', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-25 08:07:08'), $request_time], ['2 weeks 2 days 2 hours 2 minutes', 60, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-25 08:07:08'), $request_time, $granularity_4], ['4 weeks', 7 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-13 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['4 weeks 1 day', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-12 10:09:08'), $request_time], // Checks for months and possibly days, hours, minutes or seconds. ['1 month', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-11 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 month', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-11 10:09:07'), $request_time], ['1 month', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-11 09:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 month', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-11 09:08:07'), $request_time, $granularity_3], ['1 month', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-11-11 09:08:07'), $request_time, $granularity_4], ['1 month 4 weeks', 7 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-13 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 month 4 weeks 1 day', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-13 10:09:08'), $request_time, $granularity_3], ['1 month 4 weeks', 7 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-12 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 month 4 weeks 2 days', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-12 10:09:08'), $request_time, $granularity_3], ['2 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-11 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-10 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-09 08:07:06'), $request_time], ['2 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-09 08:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_3], ['2 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-10-09 08:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_4], ['6 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-06-09 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['11 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2013-01-11 07:09:08'), $request_time], ['11 months 4 weeks', 7 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2012-12-12 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['11 months 4 weeks 2 days', 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2012-12-12 10:09:08'), $request_time, $granularity_3], // Checks for years and possibly months, days, hours, minutes or seconds. ['1 year', 365 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2012-12-11 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['1 year', 365 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2012-12-11 10:08:08'), $request_time], ['1 year', 365 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2012-12-10 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 years', 365 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2011-12-11 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 years', 365 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2011-12-11 10:07:08'), $request_time], ['2 years', 365 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2011-12-09 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['2 years 2 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2011-10-09 08:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_3], ['2 years 2 months', 30 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2011-10-09 08:07:06'), $request_time, $granularity_4], ['10 years', 365 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2003-12-11 10:09:08'), $request_time], ['100 years', 365 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('1913-12-11 10:09:08'), $request_time], // Checks the non-strict option vs. strict (default). ['1 second', 1, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:08'), $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:07'), $non_strict], ['0 seconds', 0, $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:08'), $this->createTimestamp('2013-12-11 10:09:07')], // Checks granularity limit. ['2 years 3 months 1 week', 7 * 86400, $this->createTimestamp('2011-08-30 11:15:57'), $request_time, $granularity_3], ]; return $data; } /** * Tests FormattedDateDiff. * * @covers \Drupal\Core\Datetime\FormattedDateDiff::toRenderable * @covers \Drupal\Core\Datetime\FormattedDateDiff::getString * @covers \Drupal\Core\Datetime\FormattedDateDiff::getCacheMaxAge */ public function testFormattedDateDiff() { $string = '10 minutes'; $max_age = 60; $object = new FormattedDateDiff($string, $max_age); // Test conversion to a render array. $expected = [ '#markup' => $string, '#cache' => [ 'max-age' => $max_age, ], ]; $this->assertArrayEquals($expected, $object->toRenderable()); // Test retrieving the formatted time difference string. $this->assertEquals($string, $object->getString()); // Test applying cacheability data to an existing build. $build = []; CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($object)->applyTo($build); $this->assertEquals($max_age, $build['#cache']['max-age']); // Test the BC layer. $this->assertSame($object->getCacheMaxAge(), $object->getMaxAge()); } /** * Creates a UNIX timestamp given a date and time string in the format * year-month-day hour:minute:seconds (e.g. 2013-12-11 10:09:08). * * @param string $dateTimeString * The formatted date and time string. * * @return int * The UNIX timestamp. */ private function createTimestamp($dateTimeString) { return \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d G:i:s', $dateTimeString)->getTimestamp(); } }