getMockBuilder('Drupal\Core\Database\Connection') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMockForAbstractClass(); $this->query = new Select('test', NULL, $connection); } /** * Checks that invalid sort directions in ORDER BY get converted to ASC. */ public function testInvalidDirection() { $this->query->orderBy('test', 'invalid direction'); $order_bys = $this->query->getOrderBy(); $this->assertEquals($order_bys['test'], 'ASC', 'Invalid order by direction is converted to ASC.'); } /** * Tests that fields passed for ordering get escaped properly. */ public function testFieldEscaping() { $this->query->orderBy('x; DROP table node; --'); $sql = $this->query->__toString(); $this->assertStringEndsWith('ORDER BY xDROPtablenode ASC', $sql, 'Order by field is escaped correctly.'); } }