# No license information: should default to GPL 2.0 or later.. no-license-info: version: 1.0 js: no-license-info.js: {} css: base: no-license-info.css: {} # A library with all assets licensed under the GPL-compatible GPL 2 license. gpl2: version: 1.0 license: name: gpl2 url: https://url-to-gpl2-license gpl-compatible: true js: gpl2.js: {} css: base: gpl2.css: {} # A library with all assets licensed under the GPL-compatible MIT license. mit: version: 1.0 license: name: MIT url: https://url-to-mit-license gpl-compatible: true js: mit.js: {} css: base: mit.css: {} # A library with all assets licensed under the GPL-compatible Public Domain. public-domain: version: 1.0 license: name: Public Domain url: https://url-to-public-domain-license gpl-compatible: true js: public-domain.js: {} css: base: public-domain.css: {} # A library with all assets licensed under the GPL-incompatible Apache license. apache: version: 1.0 license: name: apache url: https://url-to-apache-license gpl-compatible: false js: apache.js: {} css: base: apache.css: {} # A library with all assets licensed under the GPL-incompatible copyright. copyright: version: 1.0 license: name: © Some company gpl-compatible: false js: copyright.js: {} css: base: copyright.css: {}