containerBuilder = $this->prophesize('\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder'); $this->containerBuilder->getAliases()->willReturn([]); $this->containerBuilder->getParameterBag()->willReturn(new ParameterBag()); $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions()->willReturn(NULL); $this->containerBuilder->isCompiled()->willReturn(TRUE); $definition = []; $definition['aliases'] = []; $definition['parameters'] = []; $definition['services'] = []; $definition['frozen'] = TRUE; $definition['machine_format'] = $this->machineFormat; $this->containerDefinition = $definition; // Create the dumper. $this->dumper = new $this->dumperClass($this->containerBuilder->reveal()); } /** * Tests that an empty container works properly. * * @covers ::dump * @covers ::getArray * @covers ::supportsMachineFormat */ public function testDumpForEmptyContainer() { $serialized_definition = $this->dumper->dump(); $this->assertEquals(serialize($this->containerDefinition), $serialized_definition); } /** * Tests that alias processing works properly. * * @covers ::getAliases * * @dataProvider getAliasesDataProvider */ public function testGetAliases($aliases, $definition_aliases) { $this->containerDefinition['aliases'] = $definition_aliases; $this->containerBuilder->getAliases()->willReturn($aliases); $this->assertEquals($this->containerDefinition, $this->dumper->getArray(), 'Expected definition matches dump.'); } /** * Data provider for testGetAliases(). * * @return array[] * Returns data-set elements with: * - aliases as returned by ContainerBuilder. * - aliases as expected in the container definition. */ public function getAliasesDataProvider() { return [ [[], []], [ ['foo' => 'foo.alias'], ['foo' => 'foo.alias'], ], [ ['foo' => 'foo.alias', 'foo.alias' => 'foo.alias.alias'], ['foo' => 'foo.alias.alias', 'foo.alias' => 'foo.alias.alias'], ], ]; } /** * Tests that parameter processing works properly. * * @covers ::getParameters * @covers ::prepareParameters * @covers ::escape * @covers ::dumpValue * @covers ::getReferenceCall * * @dataProvider getParametersDataProvider */ public function testGetParameters($parameters, $definition_parameters, $is_frozen) { $this->containerDefinition['parameters'] = $definition_parameters; $this->containerDefinition['frozen'] = $is_frozen; $parameter_bag = new ParameterBag($parameters); $this->containerBuilder->getParameterBag()->willReturn($parameter_bag); $this->containerBuilder->isCompiled()->willReturn($is_frozen); if (isset($parameters['reference'])) { $definition = new Definition('\stdClass'); $this->containerBuilder->getDefinition('referenced_service')->willReturn($definition); } $this->assertEquals($this->containerDefinition, $this->dumper->getArray(), 'Expected definition matches dump.'); } /** * Data provider for testGetParameters(). * * @return array[] * Returns data-set elements with: * - parameters as returned by ContainerBuilder. * - parameters as expected in the container definition. * - frozen value */ public function getParametersDataProvider() { return [ [[], [], TRUE], [ ['foo' => 'value_foo'], ['foo' => 'value_foo'], TRUE, ], [ ['foo' => ['llama' => 'yes']], ['foo' => ['llama' => 'yes']], TRUE, ], [ ['foo' => '%llama%', 'llama' => 'yes'], ['foo' => '%%llama%%', 'llama' => 'yes'], TRUE, ], [ ['foo' => '%llama%', 'llama' => 'yes'], ['foo' => '%llama%', 'llama' => 'yes'], FALSE, ], [ ['reference' => new Reference('referenced_service')], ['reference' => $this->getServiceCall('referenced_service')], TRUE, ], ]; } /** * Tests that service processing works properly. * * @covers ::getServiceDefinitions * @covers ::getServiceDefinition * @covers ::dumpMethodCalls * @covers ::dumpCollection * @covers ::dumpCallable * @covers ::dumpValue * @covers ::getPrivateServiceCall * @covers ::getReferenceCall * @covers ::getServiceCall * @covers ::getParameterCall * * @dataProvider getDefinitionsDataProvider * * @group legacy */ public function testGetServiceDefinitions($services, $definition_services) { $this->containerDefinition['services'] = $definition_services; $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions()->willReturn($services); $bar_definition = new Definition('\stdClass'); $this->containerBuilder->getDefinition('bar')->willReturn($bar_definition); $private_definition = new Definition('\stdClass'); $private_definition->setPublic(FALSE); $this->containerBuilder->getDefinition('private_definition')->willReturn($private_definition); $this->assertEquals($this->containerDefinition, $this->dumper->getArray(), 'Expected definition matches dump.'); } /** * Data provider for testGetServiceDefinitions(). * * @return array[] * Returns data-set elements with: * - parameters as returned by ContainerBuilder. * - parameters as expected in the container definition. * - frozen value */ public function getDefinitionsDataProvider() { $base_service_definition = [ 'class' => '\stdClass', 'public' => TRUE, 'file' => FALSE, 'synthetic' => FALSE, 'lazy' => FALSE, 'arguments' => [], 'arguments_count' => 0, 'properties' => [], 'calls' => [], 'shared' => TRUE, 'factory' => FALSE, 'configurator' => FALSE, ]; // Test basic flags. $service_definitions[] = [] + $base_service_definition; $service_definitions[] = [ 'public' => FALSE, ] + $base_service_definition; $service_definitions[] = [ 'file' => 'test_include.php', ] + $base_service_definition; $service_definitions[] = [ 'synthetic' => TRUE, ] + $base_service_definition; $service_definitions[] = [ 'shared' => FALSE, ] + $base_service_definition; $service_definitions[] = [ 'lazy' => TRUE, ] + $base_service_definition; // Test a basic public Reference. $service_definitions[] = [ 'arguments' => ['foo', new Reference('bar')], 'arguments_count' => 2, 'arguments_expected' => $this->getCollection(['foo', $this->getServiceCall('bar')]), ] + $base_service_definition; // Test a public reference that should not throw an Exception. $reference = new Reference('bar', ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE); $service_definitions[] = [ 'arguments' => [$reference], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'arguments_expected' => $this->getCollection([$this->getServiceCall('bar', ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE)]), ] + $base_service_definition; // Test a private shared service, denoted by having a Reference. $private_definition = [ 'class' => '\stdClass', 'public' => FALSE, 'arguments_count' => 0, ]; $service_definitions[] = [ 'arguments' => ['foo', new Reference('private_definition')], 'arguments_count' => 2, 'arguments_expected' => $this->getCollection([ 'foo', $this->getPrivateServiceCall('private_definition', $private_definition, TRUE), ]), ] + $base_service_definition; // Test a private non-shared service, denoted by having a Definition. $private_definition_object = new Definition('\stdClass'); $private_definition_object->setPublic(FALSE); $service_definitions[] = [ 'arguments' => ['foo', $private_definition_object], 'arguments_count' => 2, 'arguments_expected' => $this->getCollection([ 'foo', $this->getPrivateServiceCall(NULL, $private_definition), ]), ] + $base_service_definition; // Test a deep collection without a reference. $service_definitions[] = [ 'arguments' => [[['foo']]], 'arguments_count' => 1, ] + $base_service_definition; // Test a deep collection with a reference to resolve. $service_definitions[] = [ 'arguments' => [[new Reference('bar')]], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'arguments_expected' => $this->getCollection([$this->getCollection([$this->getServiceCall('bar')])]), ] + $base_service_definition; // Test a collection with a variable to resolve. $service_definitions[] = [ 'arguments' => [new Parameter('llama_parameter')], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'arguments_expected' => $this->getCollection([$this->getParameterCall('llama_parameter')]), ] + $base_service_definition; // Test objects that have _serviceId property. $drupal_service = new \stdClass(); $drupal_service->_serviceId = 'bar'; $service_definitions[] = [ 'arguments' => [$drupal_service], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'arguments_expected' => $this->getCollection([$this->getServiceCall('bar')]), ] + $base_service_definition; // Test getMethodCalls. $calls = [ ['method', $this->getCollection([])], ['method2', $this->getCollection([])], ]; $service_definitions[] = [ 'calls' => $calls, ] + $base_service_definition; $service_definitions[] = [ 'shared' => FALSE, ] + $base_service_definition; // Test factory. $service_definitions[] = [ 'factory' => [new Reference('bar'), 'factoryMethod'], 'factory_expected' => [$this->getServiceCall('bar'), 'factoryMethod'], ] + $base_service_definition; // Test invalid factory - needed to test deep dumpValue(). $service_definitions[] = [ 'factory' => [['foo', 'llama'], 'factoryMethod'], ] + $base_service_definition; // Test properties. $service_definitions[] = [ 'properties' => ['_value' => 'llama'], ] + $base_service_definition; // Test configurator. $service_definitions[] = [ 'configurator' => [new Reference('bar'), 'configureService'], 'configurator_expected' => [$this->getServiceCall('bar'), 'configureService'], ] + $base_service_definition; $services_provided = []; $services_provided[] = [ [], [], ]; foreach ($service_definitions as $service_definition) { $definition = $this->prophesize('\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition'); $definition->getClass()->willReturn($service_definition['class']); $definition->isPublic()->willReturn($service_definition['public']); $definition->getFile()->willReturn($service_definition['file']); $definition->isSynthetic()->willReturn($service_definition['synthetic']); $definition->isLazy()->willReturn($service_definition['lazy']); $definition->getArguments()->willReturn($service_definition['arguments']); $definition->getProperties()->willReturn($service_definition['properties']); $definition->getMethodCalls()->willReturn($service_definition['calls']); $definition->isShared()->willReturn($service_definition['shared']); $definition->getDecoratedService()->willReturn(NULL); $definition->getFactory()->willReturn($service_definition['factory']); $definition->getConfigurator()->willReturn($service_definition['configurator']); // Preserve order. $filtered_service_definition = []; foreach ($base_service_definition as $key => $value) { $filtered_service_definition[$key] = $service_definition[$key]; unset($service_definition[$key]); if ($key == 'class' || $key == 'arguments_count') { continue; } if ($filtered_service_definition[$key] === $base_service_definition[$key]) { unset($filtered_service_definition[$key]); } } // Add remaining properties. $filtered_service_definition += $service_definition; // Allow to set _expected values. foreach (['arguments', 'factory', 'configurator'] as $key) { $expected = $key . '_expected'; if (isset($filtered_service_definition[$expected])) { $filtered_service_definition[$key] = $filtered_service_definition[$expected]; unset($filtered_service_definition[$expected]); } } if (isset($filtered_service_definition['public']) && $filtered_service_definition['public'] === FALSE) { $services_provided[] = [ ['foo_service' => $definition->reveal()], [], ]; continue; } $services_provided[] = [ ['foo_service' => $definition->reveal()], ['foo_service' => $this->serializeDefinition($filtered_service_definition)], ]; } return $services_provided; } /** * Helper function to serialize a definition. * * Used to override serialization. */ protected function serializeDefinition(array $service_definition) { return serialize($service_definition); } /** * Helper function to return a service definition. */ protected function getServiceCall($id, $invalid_behavior = ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE) { return (object) [ 'type' => 'service', 'id' => $id, 'invalidBehavior' => $invalid_behavior, ]; } /** * Tests that references to aliases work correctly. * * @covers ::getReferenceCall * * @dataProvider publicPrivateDataProvider * * @group legacy */ public function testGetServiceDefinitionWithReferenceToAlias($public) { $bar_definition = new Definition('\stdClass'); $bar_definition_php_array = [ 'class' => '\stdClass', ]; if (!$public) { $bar_definition->setPublic(FALSE); $bar_definition_php_array['public'] = FALSE; } $bar_definition_php_array['arguments_count'] = 0; $services['bar'] = $bar_definition; $aliases['bar.alias'] = 'bar'; $foo = new Definition('\stdClass'); $foo->addArgument(new Reference('bar.alias')); $services['foo'] = $foo; $this->containerBuilder->getAliases()->willReturn($aliases); $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions()->willReturn($services); $this->containerBuilder->getDefinition('bar')->willReturn($bar_definition); $dump = $this->dumper->getArray(); if ($public) { $service_definition = $this->getServiceCall('bar'); } else { $service_definition = $this->getPrivateServiceCall('bar', $bar_definition_php_array, TRUE); } $data = [ 'class' => '\stdClass', 'arguments' => $this->getCollection([ $service_definition, ]), 'arguments_count' => 1, ]; $this->assertEquals($this->serializeDefinition($data), $dump['services']['foo'], 'Expected definition matches dump.'); } public function publicPrivateDataProvider() { return [ [TRUE], [FALSE], ]; } /** * Tests that getDecoratedService() is unsupported. * * Tests that the correct InvalidArgumentException is thrown for * getDecoratedService(). * * @covers ::getServiceDefinition * * @group legacy */ public function testGetServiceDefinitionForDecoratedService() { $bar_definition = new Definition('\stdClass'); $bar_definition->setDecoratedService(new Reference('foo')); $services['bar'] = $bar_definition; $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions()->willReturn($services); if (method_exists($this, 'expectException')) { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); } else { $this->setExpectedException(InvalidArgumentException::class); } $this->dumper->getArray(); } /** * Tests that the correct RuntimeException is thrown for expressions. * * @covers ::dumpValue */ public function testGetServiceDefinitionForExpression() { $expression = new Expression(); $bar_definition = new Definition('\stdClass'); $bar_definition->addArgument($expression); $services['bar'] = $bar_definition; $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions()->willReturn($services); if (method_exists($this, 'expectException')) { $this->expectException(RuntimeException::class); } else { $this->setExpectedException(RuntimeException::class); } $this->dumper->getArray(); } /** * Tests that the correct RuntimeException is thrown for dumping an object. * * @covers ::dumpValue */ public function testGetServiceDefinitionForObject() { $service = new \stdClass(); $bar_definition = new Definition('\stdClass'); $bar_definition->addArgument($service); $services['bar'] = $bar_definition; $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions()->willReturn($services); if (method_exists($this, 'expectException')) { $this->expectException(RuntimeException::class); } else { $this->setExpectedException(RuntimeException::class); } $this->dumper->getArray(); } /** * Tests that the correct RuntimeException is thrown for dumping a resource. * * @covers ::dumpValue */ public function testGetServiceDefinitionForResource() { $resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r'); $bar_definition = new Definition('\stdClass'); $bar_definition->addArgument($resource); $services['bar'] = $bar_definition; $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions()->willReturn($services); if (method_exists($this, 'expectException')) { $this->expectException(RuntimeException::class); } else { $this->setExpectedException(RuntimeException::class); } $this->dumper->getArray(); } /** * Helper function to return a private service definition. */ protected function getPrivateServiceCall($id, $service_definition, $shared = FALSE) { if (!$id) { $hash = Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($service_definition)); $id = 'private__' . $hash; } return (object) [ 'type' => 'private_service', 'id' => $id, 'value' => $service_definition, 'shared' => $shared, ]; } /** * Helper function to return a machine-optimized collection. */ protected function getCollection($collection, $resolve = TRUE) { return (object) [ 'type' => 'collection', 'value' => $collection, 'resolve' => $resolve, ]; } /** * Helper function to return a parameter definition. */ protected function getParameterCall($name) { return (object) [ 'type' => 'parameter', 'name' => $name, ]; } } } /** * As Drupal Core does not ship with ExpressionLanguage component we need to * define a dummy, else it cannot be tested. */ namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage { if (!class_exists('\Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression')) { /** * Dummy class to ensure non-existent Symfony component can be tested. */ class Expression { /** * Gets the string representation of the expression. */ public function __toString() { return 'dummy_expression'; } } } }