badExtension = 'php'; $this->name = $this->randomMachineName() . '.' . $this->badExtension . '.txt'; $this->nameWithUcExt = $this->randomMachineName() . '.' . strtoupper($this->badExtension) . '.txt'; } /** * Create a file and munge/unmunge the name. */ public function testMunging() { // Disable insecure uploads. $this->config('system.file')->set('allow_insecure_uploads', 0)->save(); $munged_name = file_munge_filename($this->name, '', TRUE); $messages = drupal_get_messages(); $this->assertTrue(in_array(strtr('For security reasons, your upload has been renamed to %filename.', ['%filename' => $munged_name]), $messages['status']), 'Alert properly set when a file is renamed.'); $this->assertNotEqual($munged_name, $this->name, format_string('The new filename (%munged) has been modified from the original (%original)', ['%munged' => $munged_name, '%original' => $this->name])); } /** * Tests munging with a null byte in the filename. */ public function testMungeNullByte() { $prefix = $this->randomMachineName(); $filename = $prefix . '.' . $this->badExtension . "\0.txt"; $this->assertEqual(file_munge_filename($filename, ''), $prefix . '.' . $this->badExtension . '_.txt', 'A filename with a null byte is correctly munged to remove the null byte.'); } /** * If the system.file.allow_insecure_uploads setting evaluates to true, the file should * come out untouched, no matter how evil the filename. */ public function testMungeIgnoreInsecure() { $this->config('system.file')->set('allow_insecure_uploads', 1)->save(); $munged_name = file_munge_filename($this->name, ''); $this->assertSame($munged_name, $this->name, format_string('The original filename (%original) matches the munged filename (%munged) when insecure uploads are enabled.', ['%munged' => $munged_name, '%original' => $this->name])); } /** * White listed extensions are ignored by file_munge_filename(). */ public function testMungeIgnoreWhitelisted() { // Declare our extension as whitelisted. The declared extensions should // be case insensitive so test using one with a different case. $munged_name = file_munge_filename($this->nameWithUcExt, $this->badExtension); $this->assertSame($munged_name, $this->nameWithUcExt, format_string('The new filename (%munged) matches the original (%original) once the extension has been whitelisted.', ['%munged' => $munged_name, '%original' => $this->nameWithUcExt])); // The allowed extensions should also be normalized. $munged_name = file_munge_filename($this->name, strtoupper($this->badExtension)); $this->assertSame($munged_name, $this->name, format_string('The new filename (%munged) matches the original (%original) also when the whitelisted extension is in uppercase.', ['%munged' => $munged_name, '%original' => $this->name])); } /** * Ensure that unmunge gets your name back. */ public function testUnMunge() { $munged_name = file_munge_filename($this->name, '', FALSE); $unmunged_name = file_unmunge_filename($munged_name); $this->assertSame($unmunged_name, $this->name, format_string('The unmunged (%unmunged) filename matches the original (%original)', ['%unmunged' => $unmunged_name, '%original' => $this->name])); } }