getSession(); $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $form_path = 'ajax_forms_test_ajax_commands_form'; $web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(['access content']); $this->drupalLogin($web_user); $this->drupalGet($form_path); // Tests the 'add_css' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX 'add_css' command"); $this->assertWaitPageContains('my/file.css'); // Tests the 'after' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX 'After': Click to put something after the div"); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
Something can be inserted after this
This will be placed after'); // Tests the 'alert' command. $test_alert_command = <<executeScript($test_alert_command); $page->pressButton("AJAX 'Alert': Click to alert"); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
'); // Tests the 'append' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX 'Append': Click to append something"); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
Append inside this divAppended text
'); // Tests the 'before' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX 'before': Click to put something before the div"); $this->assertWaitPageContains('Before text
Insert something before this.
'); // Tests the 'changed' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX changed: Click to mark div changed."); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
'); // Tests the 'changed' command using the second argument. // Refresh page for testing 'changed' command to same element again. $this->drupalGet($form_path); $page->pressButton("AJAX changed: Click to mark div changed with asterisk."); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
This div can be marked as changed or not. *
'); // Tests the 'css' command. $page->pressButton("Set the '#box' div to be blue."); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
'); // Tests the 'data' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX data command: Issue command."); $this->assertTrue($page->waitFor(10, function () use ($session) { return 'testvalue' === $session->evaluateScript('window.jQuery("#data_div").data("testkey")'); })); // Tests the 'html' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX html: Replace the HTML in a selector."); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
replacement text
'); // Tests the 'insert' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX insert: Let client insert based on #ajax['method']."); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
insert replacement textOriginal contents
'); // Tests the 'invoke' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX invoke command: Invoke addClass() method."); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
Original contents
'); // Tests the 'prepend' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX 'prepend': Click to prepend something"); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
prepended textSomething will be prepended to this div.
'); // Tests the 'remove' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX 'remove': Click to remove text"); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
'); // Tests the 'restripe' command. $page->pressButton("AJAX 'restripe' command"); $this->assertWaitPageContains('first row'); $this->assertWaitPageContains('second row'); // Tests the 'settings' command. $test_settings_command = <<' + + '
'); } }; JS; $session->executeScript($test_settings_command); // @todo: Replace after $session->executeScript('window.jQuery("#edit-settings-command-example").mousedown();'); $this->assertWaitPageContains('
'); } /** * Asserts that page contains a text after waiting. * * @param string $text * A needle text. */ protected function assertWaitPageContains($text) { $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $page->waitFor(10, function () use ($page, $text) { return stripos($page->getContent(), $text) !== FALSE; }); $this->assertContains($text, $page->getContent()); } }