$this->randomMachineName(), 'field' => $this->randomMachineName(), ]; $handler = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.views.' . $type)->getHandler($item); $this->assertEqual('Drupal\views\Plugin\views\\' . $type . '\Broken', get_class($handler), new FormattableMarkup('Make sure that a broken handler of type: @type is created.', ['@type' => $type])); } $views_data = $this->viewsData(); $test_tables = ['views_test_data' => ['id', 'name']]; foreach ($test_tables as $table => $fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $data = $views_data[$table][$field]; $item = [ 'table' => $table, 'field' => $field, ]; foreach ($data as $id => $field_data) { if (!in_array($id, ['title', 'help'])) { $handler = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.views.' . $id)->getHandler($item); $this->assertInstanceHandler($handler, $table, $field, $id); } } } } // Test the override handler feature. $item = [ 'table' => 'views_test_data', 'field' => 'job', ]; $handler = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.views.filter')->getHandler($item, 'standard'); $this->assertTrue($handler instanceof Standard); // @todo Reinstate these tests when the debug() in views_get_handler() is // restored. return; // Test non-existent tables/fields. set_error_handler([$this, 'customErrorHandler']); $item = [ 'table' => 'views_test_data', 'field' => 'field_invalid', ]; $this->container->get('plugin.manager.views.field')->getHandler($item); $this->assertTrue(strpos($this->lastErrorMessage, format_string("Missing handler: @table @field @type", ['@table' => 'views_test_data', '@field' => 'field_invalid', '@type' => 'field'])) !== FALSE, 'An invalid field name throws a debug message.'); unset($this->lastErrorMessage); $item = [ 'table' => 'table_invalid', 'field' => 'id', ]; $this->container->get('plugin.manager.views.filter')->getHandler($item); $this->assertEqual(strpos($this->lastErrorMessage, format_string("Missing handler: @table @field @type", ['@table' => 'table_invalid', '@field' => 'id', '@type' => 'filter'])) !== FALSE, 'An invalid table name throws a debug message.'); unset($this->lastErrorMessage); $item = [ 'table' => 'table_invalid', 'field' => 'id', ]; $this->container->get('plugin.manager.views.filter')->getHandler($item); $this->assertEqual(strpos($this->lastErrorMessage, format_string("Missing handler: @table @field @type", ['@table' => 'table_invalid', '@field' => 'id', '@type' => 'filter'])) !== FALSE, 'An invalid table name throws a debug message.'); unset($this->lastErrorMessage); restore_error_handler(); } /** * Defines an error handler which is used in the test. * * Because this is registered in set_error_handler(), it has to be public. * * @param int $error_level * The level of the error raised. * @param string $message * The error message. * @param string $filename * The filename that the error was raised in. * @param int $line * The line number the error was raised at. * @param array $context * An array that points to the active symbol table at the point the error * occurred. * * @see set_error_handler() */ public function customErrorHandler($error_level, $message, $filename, $line, $context) { $this->lastErrorMessage = $message; } /** * Tests the load wrapper/helper functions. */ public function testLoadFunctions() { $this->enableModules(['text', 'node']); $this->installConfig(['node']); $storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('view'); // Test views_view_is_enabled/disabled. $archive = $storage->load('archive'); $this->assertTrue(views_view_is_disabled($archive), 'views_view_is_disabled works as expected.'); // Enable the view and check this. $archive->enable(); $this->assertTrue(views_view_is_enabled($archive), ' views_view_is_enabled works as expected.'); // We can store this now, as we have enabled/disabled above. $all_views = $storage->loadMultiple(); // Test Views::getAllViews(). ksort($all_views); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($all_views), array_keys(Views::getAllViews()), 'Views::getAllViews works as expected.'); // Test Views::getEnabledViews(). $expected_enabled = array_filter($all_views, function($view) { return views_view_is_enabled($view); }); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($expected_enabled), array_keys(Views::getEnabledViews()), 'Expected enabled views returned.'); // Test Views::getDisabledViews(). $expected_disabled = array_filter($all_views, function($view) { return views_view_is_disabled($view); }); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($expected_disabled), array_keys(Views::getDisabledViews()), 'Expected disabled views returned.'); // Test Views::getViewsAsOptions(). // Test the $views_only parameter. $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($all_views), array_keys(Views::getViewsAsOptions(TRUE)), 'Expected option keys for all views were returned.'); $expected_options = []; foreach ($all_views as $id => $view) { $expected_options[$id] = $view->label(); } $this->assertIdentical($expected_options, $this->castSafeStrings(Views::getViewsAsOptions(TRUE)), 'Expected options array was returned.'); // Test the default. $this->assertIdentical($this->formatViewOptions($all_views), $this->castSafeStrings(Views::getViewsAsOptions()), 'Expected options array for all views was returned.'); // Test enabled views. $this->assertIdentical($this->formatViewOptions($expected_enabled), $this->castSafeStrings(Views::getViewsAsOptions(FALSE, 'enabled')), 'Expected enabled options array was returned.'); // Test disabled views. $this->assertIdentical($this->formatViewOptions($expected_disabled), $this->castSafeStrings(Views::getViewsAsOptions(FALSE, 'disabled')), 'Expected disabled options array was returned.'); // Test the sort parameter. $all_views_sorted = $all_views; ksort($all_views_sorted); $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($all_views_sorted), array_keys(Views::getViewsAsOptions(TRUE, 'all', NULL, FALSE, TRUE)), 'All view id keys returned in expected sort order'); // Test $exclude_view parameter. $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('archive', Views::getViewsAsOptions(TRUE, 'all', 'archive')), 'View excluded from options based on name'); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('archive:default', Views::getViewsAsOptions(FALSE, 'all', 'archive:default')), 'View display excluded from options based on name'); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('archive', Views::getViewsAsOptions(TRUE, 'all', $archive->getExecutable())), 'View excluded from options based on object'); // Test the $opt_group parameter. $expected_opt_groups = []; foreach ($all_views as $view) { foreach ($view->get('display') as $display) { $expected_opt_groups[$view->id()][$view->id() . ':' . $display['id']] = (string) t('@view : @display', ['@view' => $view->id(), '@display' => $display['id']]); } } $this->assertIdentical($expected_opt_groups, $this->castSafeStrings(Views::getViewsAsOptions(FALSE, 'all', NULL, TRUE)), 'Expected option array for an option group returned.'); } /** * Tests view enable and disable procedural wrapper functions. */ public function testStatusFunctions() { $view = Views::getView('test_view_status')->storage; $this->assertFalse($view->status(), 'The view status is disabled.'); views_enable_view($view); $this->assertTrue($view->status(), 'A view has been enabled.'); $this->assertEqual($view->status(), views_view_is_enabled($view), 'views_view_is_enabled is correct.'); views_disable_view($view); $this->assertFalse($view->status(), 'A view has been disabled.'); $this->assertEqual(!$view->status(), views_view_is_disabled($view), 'views_view_is_disabled is correct.'); } /** * Tests the \Drupal\views\Views::fetchPluginNames() method. */ public function testViewsFetchPluginNames() { // All style plugins should be returned, as we have not specified a type. $plugins = Views::fetchPluginNames('style'); $definitions = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.views.style')->getDefinitions(); $expected = []; foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) { $expected[$id] = $definition['title']; } asort($expected); $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($plugins), array_keys($expected)); // Test using the 'test' style plugin type only returns the test_style and // mapping_test plugins. $plugins = Views::fetchPluginNames('style', 'test'); $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($plugins), ['mapping_test', 'test_style', 'test_template_style']); // Test a non existent style plugin type returns no plugins. $plugins = Views::fetchPluginNames('style', $this->randomString()); $this->assertIdentical($plugins, []); } /** * Tests the \Drupal\views\Views::pluginList() method. */ public function testViewsPluginList() { $plugin_list = Views::pluginList(); // Only plugins used by 'test_view' should be in the plugin list. foreach (['display:default', 'pager:none'] as $key) { list($plugin_type, $plugin_id) = explode(':', $key); $plugin_def = $this->container->get("plugin.manager.views.$plugin_type")->getDefinition($plugin_id); $this->assertTrue(isset($plugin_list[$key]), SafeMarkup::format('The expected @key plugin list key was found.', ['@key' => $key])); $plugin_details = $plugin_list[$key]; $this->assertEqual($plugin_details['type'], $plugin_type, 'The expected plugin type was found.'); $this->assertEqual($plugin_details['title'], $plugin_def['title'], 'The expected plugin title was found.'); $this->assertEqual($plugin_details['provider'], $plugin_def['provider'], 'The expected plugin provider was found.'); $this->assertTrue(in_array('test_view', $plugin_details['views']), 'The test_view View was found in the list of views using this plugin.'); } } /** * Tests views.module: views_embed_view(). */ public function testViewsEmbedView() { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */ $renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer'); $result = views_embed_view('test_argument'); $renderer->renderPlain($result); $this->assertEqual(count($result['view_build']['#view']->result), 5); $result = views_embed_view('test_argument', 'default', 1); $renderer->renderPlain($result); $this->assertEqual(count($result['view_build']['#view']->result), 1); $result = views_embed_view('test_argument', 'default', '1,2'); $renderer->renderPlain($result); $this->assertEqual(count($result['view_build']['#view']->result), 2); $result = views_embed_view('test_argument', 'default', '1,2', 'John'); $renderer->renderPlain($result); $this->assertEqual(count($result['view_build']['#view']->result), 1); $result = views_embed_view('test_argument', 'default', '1,2', 'John,George'); $renderer->renderPlain($result); $this->assertEqual(count($result['view_build']['#view']->result), 2); } /** * Tests the \Drupal\views\ViewsExecutable::preview() method. */ public function testViewsPreview() { $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default'); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 5); $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default', ['0' => 1]); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 1); $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default', ['3' => 1]); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 1); $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default', ['0' => '1,2']); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 2); $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default', ['3' => '1,2']); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 2); $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default', ['0' => '1,2', '1' => 'John']); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 1); $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default', ['3' => '1,2', '4' => 'John']); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 1); $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default', ['0' => '1,2', '1' => 'John,George']); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 2); $view = Views::getView('test_argument'); $result = $view->preview('default', ['3' => '1,2', '4' => 'John,George']); $this->assertEqual(count($result['#view']->result), 2); } /** * Helper to return an expected views option array. * * @param array $views * An array of Drupal\views\Entity\View objects for which to * create an options array. * * @return array * A formatted options array that matches the expected output. */ protected function formatViewOptions(array $views = []) { $expected_options = []; foreach ($views as $view) { foreach ($view->get('display') as $display) { $expected_options[$view->id() . ':' . $display['id']] = (string) t('View: @view - Display: @display', ['@view' => $view->id(), '@display' => $display['id']]); } } return $expected_options; } /** * Ensure that a certain handler is a instance of a certain table/field. */ public function assertInstanceHandler($handler, $table, $field, $id) { $table_data = $this->container->get('views.views_data')->get($table); $field_data = $table_data[$field][$id]; $this->assertEqual($field_data['id'], $handler->getPluginId()); } }