enableViewsTestModule(); $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(['administer views']); $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser); // Create 10 nodes. for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { $this->drupalCreateNode(['promote' => TRUE]); } } /** * Tests the display test plugin. * * @see \Drupal\views_test_data\Plugin\views\display\DisplayTest */ public function testDisplayPlugin() { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */ $renderer = $this->container->get('renderer'); $view = Views::getView('test_view'); // Add a new 'display_test' display and test it's there. $view->storage->addDisplay('display_test'); $displays = $view->storage->get('display'); $this->assertTrue(isset($displays['display_test_1']), 'Added display has been assigned to "display_test_1"'); // Check the display options are like expected. $options = [ 'display_options' => [], 'display_plugin' => 'display_test', 'id' => 'display_test_1', 'display_title' => 'Display test', 'position' => 1, ]; $this->assertEqual($displays['display_test_1'], $options); // Add another one to ensure that position is counted up. $view->storage->addDisplay('display_test'); $displays = $view->storage->get('display'); $options = [ 'display_options' => [], 'display_plugin' => 'display_test', 'id' => 'display_test_2', 'display_title' => 'Display test 2', 'position' => 2, ]; $this->assertEqual($displays['display_test_2'], $options); // Move the second display before the first one in order to test custom // sorting. $displays['display_test_1']['position'] = 2; $displays['display_test_2']['position'] = 1; $view->storage->set('display', $displays); $view->save(); $view->setDisplay('display_test_1'); $this->assertTrue($view->display_handler instanceof DisplayTestPlugin, 'The correct display handler instance is on the view object.'); // Check the test option. $this->assertIdentical($view->display_handler->getOption('test_option'), ''); $style = $view->display_handler->getOption('style'); $style['type'] = 'test_style'; $view->display_handler->setOption('style', $style); $view->initDisplay(); $view->initStyle(); $view->style_plugin->setUsesRowPlugin(FALSE); $output = $view->preview(); $output = $renderer->renderRoot($output); $this->assertTrue(strpos($output, '

') !== FALSE, 'An empty value for test_option found in output.'); // Change this option and check the title of out output. $view->display_handler->overrideOption('test_option', 'Test option title'); $view->save(); $output = $view->preview(); $output = $renderer->renderRoot($output); // Test we have our custom

tag in the output of the view. $this->assertTrue(strpos($output, '

Test option title

') !== FALSE, 'The test_option value found in display output title.'); // Test that the display category/summary is in the UI. $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/views/view/test_view/edit/display_test_1'); $this->assertText('Display test settings'); // Ensure that the order is as expected. $result = $this->xpath('//ul[@id="views-display-menu-tabs"]/li/a/child::text()'); $this->assertEqual($result[0]->getText(), 'Display test 2'); $this->assertEqual($result[1]->getText(), 'Display test'); $this->clickLink('Test option title'); $test_option = $this->randomString(); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, ['test_option' => $test_option], t('Apply')); // Check the new value has been saved by checking the UI summary text. $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/views/view/test_view/edit/display_test_1'); $this->assertLink($test_option); // Test the enable/disable status of a display. $view->display_handler->setOption('enabled', FALSE); $this->assertFalse($view->display_handler->isEnabled(), 'Make sure that isEnabled returns FALSE on a disabled display.'); $view->display_handler->setOption('enabled', TRUE); $this->assertTrue($view->display_handler->isEnabled(), 'Make sure that isEnabled returns TRUE on a disabled display.'); } /** * Tests the overriding of filter_groups. */ public function testFilterGroupsOverriding() { $view = Views::getView('test_filter_groups'); $view->initDisplay(); // mark is as overridden, yes FALSE, means overridden. $view->displayHandlers->get('page')->setOverride('filter_groups', FALSE); $this->assertFalse($view->displayHandlers->get('page')->isDefaulted('filter_groups'), "Make sure that 'filter_groups' is marked as overridden."); $this->assertFalse($view->displayHandlers->get('page')->isDefaulted('filters'), "Make sure that 'filters'' is marked as overridden."); } /** * Tests the getAttachedDisplays method. */ public function testGetAttachedDisplays() { $view = Views::getView('test_get_attach_displays'); // Both the feed_1 and the feed_2 display are attached to the page display. $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $this->assertEqual($view->display_handler->getAttachedDisplays(), ['feed_1', 'feed_2']); $view->setDisplay('feed_1'); $this->assertEqual($view->display_handler->getAttachedDisplays(), []); } /** * Tests the readmore validation. */ public function testReadMoreNoDisplay() { $view = Views::getView('test_display_more'); // Confirm that the view validates when there is a page display. $errors = $view->validate(); $this->assertTrue(empty($errors), 'More link validation has no errors.'); // Confirm that the view does not validate when the page display is disabled. $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $view->display_handler->setOption('enabled', FALSE); $view->setDisplay('default'); $errors = $view->validate(); $this->assertTrue(!empty($errors), 'More link validation has some errors.'); $this->assertEqual($errors['default'][0], 'Display "Master" uses a "more" link but there are no displays it can link to. You need to specify a custom URL.', 'More link validation has the right error.'); // Confirm that the view does not validate when the page display does not exist. $view = Views::getView('test_view'); $view->setDisplay('default'); $view->display_handler->setOption('use_more', 1); $errors = $view->validate(); $this->assertTrue(!empty($errors), 'More link validation has some errors.'); $this->assertEqual($errors['default'][0], 'Display "Master" uses a "more" link but there are no displays it can link to. You need to specify a custom URL.', 'More link validation has the right error.'); } /** * Tests invalid display plugins. */ public function testInvalidDisplayPlugins() { $this->drupalGet('test_display_invalid'); $this->assertResponse(200); // Change the page plugin id to an invalid one. Bypass the entity system // so no menu rebuild was executed (so the path is still available). $config = $this->config('views.view.test_display_invalid'); $config->set('display.page_1.display_plugin', 'invalid'); $config->save(); $this->drupalGet('test_display_invalid'); $this->assertResponse(200); $this->assertText('The "invalid" plugin does not exist.'); // Rebuild the router, and ensure that the path is not accessible anymore. views_invalidate_cache(); \Drupal::service('router.builder')->rebuildIfNeeded(); $this->drupalGet('test_display_invalid'); $this->assertResponse(404); // Change the display plugin ID back to the correct ID. $config = $this->config('views.view.test_display_invalid'); $config->set('display.page_1.display_plugin', 'page'); $config->save(); // Place the block display. $block = $this->drupalPlaceBlock('views_block:test_display_invalid-block_1', ['label' => 'Invalid display']); $this->drupalGet(''); $this->assertResponse(200); $result = $this->xpath('//div[@id = :id]', [':id' => 'block-' . $block->id()]); $this->assertEquals(1, count($result)); // Change the block plugin ID to an invalid one. $config = $this->config('views.view.test_display_invalid'); $config->set('display.block_1.display_plugin', 'invalid'); $config->save(); // Test the page is still displayed, the block not present, and has the // plugin warning message. $this->drupalGet(''); $this->assertResponse(200); $this->assertText('The "invalid" plugin does not exist.'); $result = $this->xpath('//div[@id = :id]', [':id' => 'block-' . $block->id()]); $this->assertEquals(0, count($result)); } /** * Tests display validation when a required relationship is missing. */ public function testMissingRelationship() { $view = Views::getView('test_exposed_relationship_admin_ui'); // Remove the relationship that is not used by other handlers. $view->removeHandler('default', 'relationship', 'uid_1'); $errors = $view->validate(); // Check that no error message is shown. $this->assertTrue(empty($errors['default']), 'No errors found when removing unused relationship.'); // Unset cached relationships (see DisplayPluginBase::getHandlers()) unset($view->display_handler->handlers['relationship']); // Remove the relationship used by other handlers. $view->removeHandler('default', 'relationship', 'uid'); // Validate display $errors = $view->validate(); // Check that the error messages are shown. $this->assertTrue(count($errors['default']) == 2, 'Error messages found for required relationship'); $this->assertEqual($errors['default'][0], t('The %handler_type %handler uses a relationship that has been removed.', ['%handler_type' => 'field', '%handler' => 'User: Last login'])); $this->assertEqual($errors['default'][1], t('The %handler_type %handler uses a relationship that has been removed.', ['%handler_type' => 'field', '%handler' => 'User: Created'])); } /** * Tests the outputIsEmpty method on the display. */ public function testOutputIsEmpty() { $view = Views::getView('test_display_empty'); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertTrue(count($view->result) > 0, 'Ensure the result of the view is not empty.'); $this->assertFalse($view->display_handler->outputIsEmpty(), 'Ensure the view output is marked as not empty.'); $view->destroy(); // Add a filter, so the view result is empty. $view->setDisplay('default'); $item = [ 'table' => 'views_test_data', 'field' => 'id', 'id' => 'id', 'value' => ['value' => 7297], ]; $view->setHandler('default', 'filter', 'id', $item); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertFalse(count($view->result), 'Ensure the result of the view is empty.'); $this->assertFalse($view->display_handler->outputIsEmpty(), 'Ensure the view output is marked as not empty, because the empty text still appears.'); $view->destroy(); // Remove the empty area, but mark the header area to still appear. $view->removeHandler('default', 'empty', 'area'); $item = $view->getHandler('default', 'header', 'area'); $item['empty'] = TRUE; $view->setHandler('default', 'header', 'area', $item); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertFalse(count($view->result), 'Ensure the result of the view is empty.'); $this->assertFalse($view->display_handler->outputIsEmpty(), 'Ensure the view output is marked as not empty, because the header text still appears.'); $view->destroy(); // Hide the header on empty results. $item = $view->getHandler('default', 'header', 'area'); $item['empty'] = FALSE; $view->setHandler('default', 'header', 'area', $item); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertFalse(count($view->result), 'Ensure the result of the view is empty.'); $this->assertTrue($view->display_handler->outputIsEmpty(), 'Ensure the view output is marked as empty.'); } /** * Test translation rendering settings based on entity translatability. */ public function testTranslationSetting() { \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(['file']); \Drupal::service('router.builder')->rebuild(); // By default there should be no language settings. $this->checkTranslationSetting(); \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(['language']); // Enabling the language module should not make a difference. $this->checkTranslationSetting(); // Making the site multilingual should let translatable entity types support // translation rendering. ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('it')->save(); $this->checkTranslationSetting(TRUE); } /** * Asserts a node and a file based view for the translation setting. * * The file based view should never expose that setting. The node based view * should if the site is multilingual. * * @param bool $expected_node_translatability * Whether the node based view should be expected to support translation * settings. */ protected function checkTranslationSetting($expected_node_translatability = FALSE) { $not_supported_text = 'The view is not based on a translatable entity type or the site is not multilingual.'; $supported_text = 'All content that supports translations will be displayed in the selected language.'; $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/views/nojs/display/content/page_1/rendering_language'); if ($expected_node_translatability) { $this->assertNoText($not_supported_text); $this->assertText($supported_text); } else { $this->assertText($not_supported_text); $this->assertNoText($supported_text); } $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/views/nojs/display/files/page_1/rendering_language'); $this->assertText($not_supported_text); $this->assertNoText($supported_text); } }