routeProvider = $route_provider; $this->state = $state; $this->viewStorage = $view_storage; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, $base_plugin_id) { return new static( $container->get('router.route_provider'), $container->get('state'), $container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('view') ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getDerivativeDefinitions($base_plugin_definition) { $this->derivatives = []; $view_route_names = $this->state->get('views.view_route_names'); foreach ($this->getApplicableMenuViews() as $pair) { /** @var $executable \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable */ list($view_id, $display_id) = $pair; $executable = $this->viewStorage->load($view_id)->getExecutable(); $executable->setDisplay($display_id); $menu = $executable->display_handler->getOption('menu'); if (in_array($menu['type'], ['tab', 'default tab'])) { $plugin_id = 'view.' . $executable->storage->id() . '.' . $display_id; $route_name = $view_route_names[$executable->storage->id() . '.' . $display_id]; // Don't add a local task for views which override existing routes. // @todo Alternative it could just change the existing entry. if ($route_name != $plugin_id) { continue; } $this->derivatives[$plugin_id] = [ 'route_name' => $route_name, 'weight' => $menu['weight'], 'title' => $menu['title'], ] + $base_plugin_definition; // Default local tasks have themselves as root tab. if ($menu['type'] == 'default tab') { $this->derivatives[$plugin_id]['base_route'] = $route_name; } } } return $this->derivatives; } /** * Alters base_route and parent_id into the views local tasks. */ public function alterLocalTasks(&$local_tasks) { $view_route_names = $this->state->get('views.view_route_names'); foreach ($this->getApplicableMenuViews() as $pair) { list($view_id, $display_id) = $pair; /** @var $executable \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable */ $executable = $this->viewStorage->load($view_id)->getExecutable(); $executable->setDisplay($display_id); $menu = $executable->display_handler->getOption('menu'); // We already have set the base_route for default tabs. if (in_array($menu['type'], ['tab'])) { $plugin_id = 'view.' . $executable->storage->id() . '.' . $display_id; $view_route_name = $view_route_names[$executable->storage->id() . '.' . $display_id]; // Don't add a local task for views which override existing routes. if ($view_route_name != $plugin_id) { unset($local_tasks[$plugin_id]); continue; } // Find out the parent route. // @todo Find out how to find both the root and parent tab. $path = $executable->display_handler->getPath(); $split = explode('/', $path); array_pop($split); $path = implode('/', $split); $pattern = '/' . str_replace('%', '{}', $path); if ($routes = $this->routeProvider->getRoutesByPattern($pattern)) { foreach ($routes->all() as $name => $route) { $local_tasks['views_view:' . $plugin_id]['base_route'] = $name; // Skip after the first found route. break; } } } } } /** * Return a list of all views and display IDs that have a menu entry. * * @return array * A list of arrays containing the $view and $display_id. * @code * array( * array($view, $display_id), * array($view, $display_id), * ); * @endcode */ protected function getApplicableMenuViews() { return Views::getApplicableViews('uses_menu_links'); } }