container->get('update.root') . '/' . DrupalKernel::findSitePath($request); $this->container->set('update.root', $update_root); \Drupal::setContainer($this->container); // Create the directories within the root path within which the Update // Manager will install projects. foreach (drupal_get_updaters() as $updater_info) { $updater = $updater_info['class']; $install_directory = $update_root . '/' . $updater::getRootDirectoryRelativePath(); if (!is_dir($install_directory)) { mkdir($install_directory); } } } /** * Refreshes the update status based on the desired available update scenario. * * @param $xml_map * Array that maps project names to availability scenarios to fetch. The key * '#all' is used if a project-specific mapping is not defined. * @param $url * (optional) A string containing the URL to fetch update data from. * Defaults to 'update-test'. * * @see Drupal\update_test\Controller\UpdateTestController::updateTest() */ protected function refreshUpdateStatus($xml_map, $url = 'update-test') { // Tell the Update Manager module to fetch from the URL provided by // update_test module. $this->config('update.settings')->set('fetch.url', Url::fromUri('base:' . $url, ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString())->save(); // Save the map for UpdateTestController::updateTest() to use. $this->config('update_test.settings')->set('xml_map', $xml_map)->save(); // Manually check the update status. $this->drupalGet('admin/reports/updates'); $this->clickLink(t('Check manually')); } /** * Runs a series of assertions that are applicable to all update statuses. */ protected function standardTests() { $this->assertRaw('

' . t('Drupal core') . '

'); $this->assertRaw(\Drupal::l(t('Drupal'), Url::fromUri('')), 'Link to the Drupal project appears.'); $this->assertNoText(t('No available releases found')); } }