install(['test_theme']); } /** * Tests that the Twig engine handles PHP data correctly. */ public function testTwigVariableDataTypes() { $this->config('system.theme') ->set('default', 'test_theme') ->save(); $this->drupalGet('twig-theme-test/php-variables'); foreach (_test_theme_twig_php_values() as $type => $value) { $this->assertRaw('
  • ' . $type . ': ' . $value['expected'] . '
  • '); } } /** * Tests the url and url_generate Twig functions. */ public function testTwigUrlGenerator() { $this->drupalGet('twig-theme-test/url-generator'); // Find the absolute URL of the current site. $url_generator = $this->container->get('url_generator'); $expected = [ 'path (as route) not absolute: ' . $url_generator->generateFromRoute('user.register'), 'url (as route) absolute: ' . $url_generator->generateFromRoute('user.register', [], ['absolute' => TRUE]), 'path (as route) not absolute with fragment: ' . $url_generator->generateFromRoute('user.register', [], ['fragment' => 'bottom']), 'url (as route) absolute despite option: ' . $url_generator->generateFromRoute('user.register', [], ['absolute' => TRUE]), 'url (as route) absolute with fragment: ' . $url_generator->generateFromRoute('user.register', [], ['absolute' => TRUE, 'fragment' => 'bottom']), ]; // Verify that url() has the ability to bubble cacheability metadata: // absolute URLs should bubble the '' cache context. (This only // needs to test that cacheability metadata is bubbled *at all*; detailed // tests for *which* cacheability metadata is bubbled live elsewhere.) $this->assertCacheContext(''); // Make sure we got something. $content = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent(); $this->assertFalse(empty($content), 'Page content is not empty'); foreach ($expected as $string) { $this->assertRaw('
    ' . $string . '
    '); } } /** * Tests the link_generator Twig functions. */ public function testTwigLinkGenerator() { $this->drupalGet('twig-theme-test/link-generator'); /** @var \Drupal\Core\Utility\LinkGenerator $link_generator */ $link_generator = $this->container->get('link_generator'); $generated_url = Url::fromRoute('user.register', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString(TRUE)->getGeneratedUrl(); $expected = [ 'link via the linkgenerator: ' . $link_generator->generate('register', new Url('user.register', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])), 'link via the linkgenerator: ' . $link_generator->generate('register', new Url('user.register', [], ['absolute' => TRUE, 'attributes' => ['foo' => 'bar']])), 'link via the linkgenerator: ' . $link_generator->generate('register', new Url('user.register', [], ['attributes' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'id' => 'kitten']])), 'link via the linkgenerator: ' . $link_generator->generate('register', new Url('user.register', [], ['attributes' => ['id' => 'kitten']])), 'link via the linkgenerator: ' . $link_generator->generate('register', new Url('user.register', [], ['attributes' => ['class' => ['llama', 'kitten', 'panda']]])), 'link via the linkgenerator: ' . $link_generator->generate(Markup::create('register'), new Url('user.register', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])), 'link via the linkgenerator: register', 'link via the linkgenerator: ' . $link_generator->generate('register', new Url('user.register', [], ['attributes' => ['foo' => 'bar']])) . ' ' . $link_generator->generate('register', new Url('user.register', [], ['attributes' => ['foo' => 'bar']])), ]; // Verify that link() has the ability to bubble cacheability metadata: // absolute URLs should bubble the '' cache context. (This only // needs to test that cacheability metadata is bubbled *at all*; detailed // tests for *which* cacheability metadata is bubbled live elsewhere.) $this->assertCacheContext(''); $content = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent(); $this->assertFalse(empty($content), 'Page content is not empty'); foreach ($expected as $string) { $this->assertRaw('
    ' . $string . '
    '); } } /** * Tests the magic url to string Twig functions. * * @see \Drupal\Core\Url */ public function testTwigUrlToString() { $this->drupalGet('twig-theme-test/url-to-string'); $expected = [ 'rendered url: ' . Url::fromRoute('user.register')->toString(), ]; $content = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent(); $this->assertFalse(empty($content), 'Page content is not empty'); foreach ($expected as $string) { $this->assertRaw('
    ' . $string . '
    '); } } /** * Tests the automatic/magic calling of toString() on objects, if exists. */ public function testTwigFileUrls() { $this->drupalGet('/twig-theme-test/file-url'); $filepath = file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('core/modules/system/tests/modules/twig_theme_test/twig_theme_test.js')); $this->assertRaw('
    file_url: ' . $filepath . '
    '); } /** * Tests the attach of asset libraries. */ public function testTwigAttachLibrary() { $this->drupalGet('/twig-theme-test/attach-library'); $this->assertRaw('ckeditor.js'); } /** * Tests the rendering of renderables. */ public function testRenderable() { $this->drupalGet('/twig-theme-test/renderable'); $this->assertRaw('
    Example markup
    '); } }