drupalGet($goto); } $this->assertBreadcrumbParts($trail); // Additionally assert page title, if given. if (isset($page_title)) { $this->assertTitle(strtr('@title | Drupal', ['@title' => $page_title])); } // Additionally assert active trail in a menu tree output, if given. if ($tree) { $this->assertMenuActiveTrail($tree, $last_active); } } /** * Assert that a trail exists in the internal browser. * * @param array $trail * An associative array whose keys are expected breadcrumb link paths and * whose values are expected breadcrumb link texts (not sanitized). */ protected function assertBreadcrumbParts($trail) { // Compare paths with actual breadcrumb. $parts = $this->getBreadcrumbParts(); $pass = TRUE; // There may be more than one breadcrumb on the page. If $trail is empty // this test would go into an infinite loop, so we need to check that too. while ($trail && !empty($parts)) { foreach ($trail as $path => $title) { // If the path is empty, generate the path from the route. If // the path does not start with a leading slash, then run it through // Url::fromUri('base:')->toString() to get the correct base // prepended. if ($path == '') { $url = Url::fromRoute('')->toString(); } elseif ($path[0] != '/') { $url = Url::fromUri('base:' . $path)->toString(); } else { $url = $path; } $part = array_shift($parts); $pass = ($pass && $part['href'] === $url && $part['text'] === Html::escape($title)); } } // No parts must be left, or an expected "Home" will always pass. $pass = ($pass && empty($parts)); $this->assertTrue($pass, format_string('Breadcrumb %parts found on @path.', [ '%parts' => implode(' ยป ', $trail), '@path' => $this->getUrl(), ])); } /** * Returns the breadcrumb contents of the current page in the internal browser. */ protected function getBreadcrumbParts() { $parts = []; $elements = $this->xpath('//nav[@class="breadcrumb"]/ol/li/a'); if (!empty($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $element) { $parts[] = [ 'text' => $element->getText(), 'href' => $element->getAttribute('href'), 'title' => $element->getAttribute('title'), ]; } } return $parts; } }