copyConfig($this->container->get(''), $this->container->get('')); } /** * Runs test methods for each module within a single test run. */ public function testConfigUpdateImport() { $this->doActionUpdate(); $this->doBlockUpdate(); $this->doFilterFormatUpdate(); $this->doImageStyleUpdate(); $this->doSearchPageUpdate(); $this->doThirdPartySettingsUpdate(); } /** * Tests updating a action during import. */ protected function doActionUpdate() { // Create a test action with a known label. $name = ''; $entity = Action::create([ 'id' => 'apple', 'plugin' => 'action_message_action', ]); $entity->save(); $this->checkSinglePluginConfigSync($entity, 'configuration', 'message', ''); // Read the existing data, and prepare an altered version in sync. $custom_data = $original_data = $this->container->get('')->read($name); $custom_data['configuration']['message'] = 'Granny Smith'; $this->assertConfigUpdateImport($name, $original_data, $custom_data); } /** * Tests updating a block during import. */ protected function doBlockUpdate() { // Create a test block with a known label. $name = ''; $block = $this->drupalPlaceBlock('system_powered_by_block', [ 'id' => 'apple', 'label' => 'Red Delicious', ]); $this->checkSinglePluginConfigSync($block, 'settings', 'label', 'Red Delicious'); // Read the existing data, and prepare an altered version in sync. $custom_data = $original_data = $this->container->get('')->read($name); $custom_data['settings']['label'] = 'Granny Smith'; $this->assertConfigUpdateImport($name, $original_data, $custom_data); } /** * Tests updating a filter format during import. */ protected function doFilterFormatUpdate() { // Create a test filter format with a known label. $name = 'filter.format.plain_text'; /** @var $entity \Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat */ $entity = FilterFormat::load('plain_text'); $plugin_collection = $entity->getPluginCollections()['filters']; $filters = $entity->get('filters'); $this->assertIdentical(72, $filters['filter_url']['settings']['filter_url_length']); $filters['filter_url']['settings']['filter_url_length'] = 100; $entity->set('filters', $filters); $entity->save(); $this->assertIdentical($filters, $entity->get('filters')); $this->assertIdentical($filters, $plugin_collection->getConfiguration()); $filters['filter_url']['settings']['filter_url_length'] = -100; $entity->getPluginCollections()['filters']->setConfiguration($filters); $entity->save(); $this->assertIdentical($filters, $entity->get('filters')); $this->assertIdentical($filters, $plugin_collection->getConfiguration()); // Read the existing data, and prepare an altered version in sync. $custom_data = $original_data = $this->container->get('')->read($name); $custom_data['filters']['filter_url']['settings']['filter_url_length'] = 100; $this->assertConfigUpdateImport($name, $original_data, $custom_data); } /** * Tests updating an image style during import. */ protected function doImageStyleUpdate() { // Create a test image style with a known label. $name = ''; /** @var $entity \Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle */ $entity = ImageStyle::load('thumbnail'); $plugin_collection = $entity->getPluginCollections()['effects']; $effects = $entity->get('effects'); $effect_id = key($effects); $this->assertIdentical(100, $effects[$effect_id]['data']['height']); $effects[$effect_id]['data']['height'] = 50; $entity->set('effects', $effects); $entity->save(); // Ensure the entity and plugin have the correct configuration. $this->assertIdentical($effects, $entity->get('effects')); $this->assertIdentical($effects, $plugin_collection->getConfiguration()); $effects[$effect_id]['data']['height'] = -50; $entity->getPluginCollections()['effects']->setConfiguration($effects); $entity->save(); // Ensure the entity and plugin have the correct configuration. $this->assertIdentical($effects, $entity->get('effects')); $this->assertIdentical($effects, $plugin_collection->getConfiguration()); // Read the existing data, and prepare an altered version in sync. $custom_data = $original_data = $this->container->get('')->read($name); $effect_name = key($original_data['effects']); $custom_data['effects'][$effect_name]['data']['upscale'] = FALSE; $this->assertConfigUpdateImport($name, $original_data, $custom_data); } /** * Tests updating a search page during import. */ protected function doSearchPageUpdate() { // Create a test search page with a known label. $name = ''; $entity = SearchPage::create([ 'id' => 'apple', 'plugin' => 'search_extra_type_search', ]); $entity->save(); $this->checkSinglePluginConfigSync($entity, 'configuration', 'boost', 'bi'); // Read the existing data, and prepare an altered version in sync. $custom_data = $original_data = $this->container->get('')->read($name); $custom_data['configuration']['boost'] = 'asdf'; $this->assertConfigUpdateImport($name, $original_data, $custom_data); } /** * Tests updating of third party settings. */ protected function doThirdPartySettingsUpdate() { // Create a test action with a known label. $name = 'system.action.third_party_settings_test'; /** @var \Drupal\config_test\Entity\ConfigTest $entity */ $entity = Action::create([ 'id' => 'third_party_settings_test', 'plugin' => 'action_message_action', ]); $entity->save(); $this->assertIdentical([], $entity->getThirdPartyProviders()); // Get a copy of the configuration before the third party setting is added. $no_third_part_setting_config = $this->container->get('')->read($name); // Add a third party setting. $entity->setThirdPartySetting('config_test', 'integer', 1); $entity->save(); $this->assertIdentical(1, $entity->getThirdPartySetting('config_test', 'integer')); $has_third_part_setting_config = $this->container->get('')->read($name); // Ensure configuration imports can completely remove third party settings. $this->assertConfigUpdateImport($name, $has_third_part_setting_config, $no_third_part_setting_config); } /** * Tests that a single set of plugin config stays in sync. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityWithPluginCollectionInterface $entity * The entity. * @param string $config_key * Where the plugin config is stored. * @param string $setting_key * The setting within the plugin config to change. * @param mixed $expected * The expected default value of the plugin config setting. */ protected function checkSinglePluginConfigSync(EntityWithPluginCollectionInterface $entity, $config_key, $setting_key, $expected) { $plugin_collection = $entity->getPluginCollections()[$config_key]; $settings = $entity->get($config_key); // Ensure the default config exists. $this->assertIdentical($expected, $settings[$setting_key]); // Change the plugin config by setting it on the entity. $settings[$setting_key] = $this->randomString(); $entity->set($config_key, $settings); $entity->save(); $this->assertIdentical($settings, $entity->get($config_key)); $this->assertIdentical($settings, $plugin_collection->getConfiguration()); // Change the plugin config by setting it on the plugin. $settings[$setting_key] = $this->randomString(); $plugin_collection->setConfiguration($settings); $entity->save(); $this->assertIdentical($settings, $entity->get($config_key)); $this->assertIdentical($settings, $plugin_collection->getConfiguration()); } /** * Asserts that config entities are updated during import. * * @param string $name * The name of the config object. * @param array $original_data * The original data stored in the config object. * @param array $custom_data * The new data to store in the config object. */ public function assertConfigUpdateImport($name, $original_data, $custom_data) { $this->container->get('')->write($name, $custom_data); // Verify the active configuration still returns the default values. $config = $this->config($name); $this->assertIdentical($config->get(), $original_data); // Import. $this->configImporter()->import(); // Verify the values were updated. $this->container->get('config.factory')->reset($name); $config = $this->config($name); $this->assertIdentical($config->get(), $custom_data); } }