'This is TestControllers::testLogin.']; } /** * Prints out test data. */ public function test1() { return ['#markup' => 'test1']; } /** * Prints out test data. */ public function test2() { return ['#markup' => 'test2']; } /** * Prints out test data. */ public function testSession() { if (!isset($_SESSION['menu_test'])) { $_SESSION['menu_test'] = 0; } $_SESSION['menu_test']++; return ['#markup' => SafeMarkup::format('Session menu_test is @count', ['@count' => $_SESSION['menu_test']])]; } /** * Prints out test data. */ public function testDerived() { return ['#markup' => 'testDerived']; } /** * Prints out test data. * * @param string|null $placeholder * A placeholder for the return string. * * @return string * The string for this route. */ public function testDefaults($placeholder = NULL) { if ($placeholder) { return ['#markup' => SafeMarkup::format("Sometimes there is a placeholder: '@placeholder'.", ['@placeholder' => $placeholder])]; } else { return ['#markup' => 'Sometimes there is no placeholder.']; } } /** * Prints out test data with contextual links. */ public function testContextual() { return [ '#markup' => 'testContextual', 'stuff' => [ '#type' => 'contextual_links', '#contextual_links' => [ 'menu_test_menu' => [ 'route_parameters' => ['bar' => 1], ] ] ] ]; } }