foo = 'Drupal'; } // Alter second argument, if present. if (isset($arg2)) { if (is_array($arg2)) { $arg2['foo'] = 'Drupal'; } elseif (is_object($arg2)) { $arg2->foo = 'Drupal'; } } // Try to alter third argument, if present. if (isset($arg3)) { if (is_array($arg3)) { $arg3['foo'] = 'Drupal'; } elseif (is_object($arg3)) { $arg3->foo = 'Drupal'; } } } /** * Implements hook_TYPE_alter() on behalf of Bartik theme. * * Same as common_test_drupal_alter_alter(), but here, we verify that themes * can also alter and come last. */ function bartik_drupal_alter_alter(&$data, &$arg2 = NULL, &$arg3 = NULL) { // Alter first argument. if (is_array($data)) { $data['foo'] .= ' theme'; } elseif (is_object($data)) { $data->foo .= ' theme'; } // Alter second argument, if present. if (isset($arg2)) { if (is_array($arg2)) { $arg2['foo'] .= ' theme'; } elseif (is_object($arg2)) { $arg2->foo .= ' theme'; } } // Try to alter third argument, if present. if (isset($arg3)) { if (is_array($arg3)) { $arg3['foo'] .= ' theme'; } elseif (is_object($arg3)) { $arg3->foo .= ' theme'; } } } /** * Implements hook_TYPE_alter() on behalf of block module. * * This is to verify that * \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter(array(TYPE1, TYPE2), ...) allows * hook_module_implements_alter() to affect the order in which module * implementations are executed. */ function block_drupal_alter_foo_alter(&$data, &$arg2 = NULL, &$arg3 = NULL) { $data['foo'] .= ' block'; } /** * Implements hook_module_implements_alter(). * * @see block_drupal_alter_foo_alter() */ function common_test_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) { // For // \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter(array('drupal_alter', 'drupal_alter_foo'), ...), // make the block module implementations run after all the other modules. Note // that when \Drupal::moduleHandler->alter() is called with an array of types, // the first type is considered primary and controls the module order. if ($hook == 'drupal_alter_alter' && isset($implementations['block'])) { $group = $implementations['block']; unset($implementations['block']); $implementations['block'] = $group; } } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function common_test_theme() { return [ 'common_test_foo' => [ 'variables' => ['foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar'], ], 'common_test_render_element' => [ 'render element' => 'foo', ], 'common_test_empty' => [ 'variables' => ['foo' => 'foo'], 'function' => 'theme_common_test_empty', ], ]; } /** * Provides a theme function for drupal_render(). */ function theme_common_test_foo($variables) { return $variables['foo'] . $variables['bar']; } /** * Always returns an empty string. */ function theme_common_test_empty($variables) { return ''; } /** * Implements MODULE_preprocess(). * * @see RenderTest::testDrupalRenderThemePreprocessAttached() */ function common_test_preprocess(&$variables, $hook) { if (!\Drupal::state()->get('theme_preprocess_attached_test', FALSE)) { return; } $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'test/generic_preprocess'; } /** * Implements MODULE_preprocess_HOOK(). * * @see RenderTest::testDrupalRenderThemePreprocessAttached() */ function common_test_preprocess_common_test_render_element(&$variables) { if (!\Drupal::state()->get('theme_preprocess_attached_test', FALSE)) { return; } $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'test/specific_preprocess'; } /** * Implements hook_library_info_build(). */ function common_test_library_info_build() { $libraries = []; if (\Drupal::state()->get('common_test.library_info_build_test')) { $libraries['dynamic_library'] = [ 'version' => '1.0', 'css' => [ 'base' => [ 'common_test.css' => [], ], ], ]; } return $libraries; } /** * Implements hook_library_info_alter(). */ function common_test_library_info_alter(&$libraries, $module) { if ($module == 'core' && isset($libraries['jquery.farbtastic'])) { // Change the version of Farbtastic to 0.0. $libraries['jquery.farbtastic']['version'] = '0.0'; // Make Farbtastic depend on jQuery Form to test library dependencies. $libraries['jquery.farbtastic']['dependencies'][] = 'core/jquery.form'; } // Alter the dynamically registered library definition. if ($module == 'common_test' && isset($libraries['dynamic_library'])) { $libraries['dynamic_library']['dependencies'] = [ 'core/jquery', ]; } } /** * Implements hook_cron(). * * System module should handle if a module does not catch an exception and keep * cron going. * * @see common_test_cron_helper() */ function common_test_cron() { throw new Exception(t('Uncaught exception')); } /** * Implements hook_page_attachments(). * * @see \Drupal\system\Tests\Common\PageRenderTest::assertPageRenderHookExceptions() */ function common_test_page_attachments(array &$page) { $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/foo'; $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/bar'; $page['#cache']['tags'] = ['example']; $page['#cache']['contexts'] = ['user.permissions']; if (\Drupal::state()->get('common_test.hook_page_attachments.descendant_attached', FALSE)) { $page['content']['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/jquery'; } if (\Drupal::state()->get('common_test.hook_page_attachments.render_array', FALSE)) { $page['something'] = [ '#markup' => 'test', ]; } } /** * Implements hook_page_attachments_alter(). * * @see \Drupal\system\Tests\Common\PageRenderTest::assertPageRenderHookExceptions() */ function common_test_page_attachments_alter(array &$page) { // Remove a library that was added in common_test_page_attachments(), to test // that this hook can do what it claims to do. if (isset($page['#attached']['library']) && ($index = array_search('core/bar', $page['#attached']['library'])) && $index !== FALSE) { unset($page['#attached']['library'][$index]); } $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/baz'; $page['#cache']['tags'] = ['example']; $page['#cache']['contexts'] = ['user.permissions']; if (\Drupal::state()->get('common_test.hook_page_attachments_alter.descendant_attached', FALSE)) { $page['content']['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/jquery'; } if (\Drupal::state()->get('common_test.hook_page_attachments_alter.render_array', FALSE)) { $page['something'] = [ '#markup' => 'test', ]; } } /** * Implements hook_js_settings_alter(). * * @see \Drupal\system\Tests\Common\JavaScriptTest::testHeaderSetting() */ function common_test_js_settings_alter(&$settings, AttachedAssetsInterface $assets) { // Modify an existing setting. if (array_key_exists('pluralDelimiter', $settings)) { $settings['pluralDelimiter'] = '☃'; } // Add a setting. $settings['foo'] = 'bar'; }