submitForm([], FALSE); $this->submitForm(['textfield' => 'test 1'], TRUE); $this->submitForm([], FALSE); $this->submitForm(['textfield' => 'test 2'], TRUE); // Test that a programmatic form submission can turn on and off checkboxes // which are, by default, checked. $this->submitForm(['textfield' => 'dummy value', 'checkboxes' => [1 => 1, 2 => 2]], TRUE); $this->submitForm(['textfield' => 'dummy value', 'checkboxes' => [1 => 1, 2 => NULL]], TRUE); $this->submitForm(['textfield' => 'dummy value', 'checkboxes' => [1 => NULL, 2 => 2]], TRUE); $this->submitForm(['textfield' => 'dummy value', 'checkboxes' => [1 => NULL, 2 => NULL]], TRUE); // Test that a programmatic form submission can correctly click a button // that limits validation errors based on user input. Since we do not // submit any values for "textfield" here and the textfield is required, we // only expect form validation to pass when validation is limited to a // different field. $this->submitForm(['op' => 'Submit with limited validation', 'field_to_validate' => 'all'], FALSE); $this->submitForm(['op' => 'Submit with limited validation', 'field_to_validate' => 'textfield'], FALSE); $this->submitForm(['op' => 'Submit with limited validation', 'field_to_validate' => 'field_to_validate'], TRUE); // Restore the current batch status. $batch = $current_batch; } /** * Helper function used to programmatically submit the form defined in * form_test.module with the given values. * * @param $values * An array of field values to be submitted. * @param $valid_input * A boolean indicating whether or not the form submission is expected to * be valid. */ private function submitForm($values, $valid_input) { // Programmatically submit the given values. $form_state = (new FormState())->setValues($values); \Drupal::formBuilder()->submitForm('\Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestProgrammaticForm', $form_state); // Check that the form returns an error when expected, and vice versa. $errors = $form_state->getErrors(); $valid_form = empty($errors); $args = [ '%values' => print_r($values, TRUE), '%errors' => $valid_form ? t('None') : implode(' ', $errors), ]; $this->assertTrue($valid_input == $valid_form, format_string('Input values: %values
Validation handler errors: %errors', $args)); // We check submitted values only if we have a valid input. if ($valid_input) { // Fetching the values that were set in the submission handler. $stored_values = $form_state->get('programmatic_form_submit'); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $this->assertEqual($stored_values[$key], $value, format_string('Submission handler correctly executed: %stored_key is %stored_value', ['%stored_key' => $key, '%stored_value' => print_r($value, TRUE)])); } } } /** * Test the programmed_bypass_access_check flag. */ public function testProgrammaticAccessBypass() { $form_state = (new FormState())->setValues([ 'textfield' => 'dummy value', 'field_restricted' => 'dummy value' ]); // Programmatically submit the form with a value for the restricted field. // Since programmed_bypass_access_check is set to TRUE by default, the // field is accessible and can be set. \Drupal::formBuilder()->submitForm('\Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestProgrammaticForm', $form_state); $values = $form_state->get('programmatic_form_submit'); $this->assertEqual($values['field_restricted'], 'dummy value', 'The value for the restricted field is stored correctly.'); // Programmatically submit the form with a value for the restricted field // with programmed_bypass_access_check set to FALSE. Since access // restrictions apply, the restricted field is inaccessible, and the value // should not be stored. $form_state->setProgrammedBypassAccessCheck(FALSE); \Drupal::formBuilder()->submitForm('\Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestProgrammaticForm', $form_state); $values = $form_state->get('programmatic_form_submit'); $this->assertNotEqual($values['field_restricted'], 'dummy value', 'The value for the restricted field is not stored.'); } }