'filtered_html', 'name' => 'Filtered HTML', ]); $filtered_html_format->save(); $filtered_html_permission = $filtered_html_format->getPermissionName(); user_role_grant_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, [$filtered_html_permission]); } /** * Check several empty values for required forms elements. * * Carriage returns, tabs, spaces, and unchecked checkbox elements are not * valid content for a required field. * * If the form field is found in $form_state->getErrors() then the test pass. */ public function testRequiredFields() { // Originates from https://www.drupal.org/node/117748. // Sets of empty strings and arrays. $empty_strings = ['""' => "", '"\n"' => "\n", '" "' => " ", '"\t"' => "\t", '" \n\t "' => " \n\t ", '"\n\n\n\n\n"' => "\n\n\n\n\n"]; $empty_arrays = ['array()' => []]; $empty_checkbox = [NULL]; $elements['textfield']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'textfield']; $elements['textfield']['empty_values'] = $empty_strings; $elements['telephone']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'tel']; $elements['telephone']['empty_values'] = $empty_strings; $elements['url']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'url']; $elements['url']['empty_values'] = $empty_strings; $elements['search']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'search']; $elements['search']['empty_values'] = $empty_strings; $elements['password']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'password']; $elements['password']['empty_values'] = $empty_strings; $elements['password_confirm']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'password_confirm']; // Provide empty values for both password fields. foreach ($empty_strings as $key => $value) { $elements['password_confirm']['empty_values'][$key] = ['pass1' => $value, 'pass2' => $value]; } $elements['textarea']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'textarea']; $elements['textarea']['empty_values'] = $empty_strings; $elements['radios']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'radios', '#options' => ['' => t('None'), $this->randomMachineName(), $this->randomMachineName(), $this->randomMachineName()]]; $elements['radios']['empty_values'] = $empty_arrays; $elements['checkbox']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#required' => TRUE]; $elements['checkbox']['empty_values'] = $empty_checkbox; $elements['checkboxes']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => [$this->randomMachineName(), $this->randomMachineName(), $this->randomMachineName()]]; $elements['checkboxes']['empty_values'] = $empty_arrays; $elements['select']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => ['' => t('None'), $this->randomMachineName(), $this->randomMachineName(), $this->randomMachineName()]]; $elements['select']['empty_values'] = $empty_strings; $elements['file']['element'] = ['#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#type' => 'file']; $elements['file']['empty_values'] = $empty_strings; // Regular expression to find the expected marker on required elements. $required_marker_preg = '@<.*?class=".*?js-form-required.*form-required.*?">@'; // Go through all the elements and all the empty values for them. foreach ($elements as $type => $data) { foreach ($data['empty_values'] as $key => $empty) { foreach ([TRUE, FALSE] as $required) { $form_id = $this->randomMachineName(); $form = []; $form_state = new FormState(); $form['op'] = ['#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Submit')]; $element = $data['element']['#title']; $form[$element] = $data['element']; $form[$element]['#required'] = $required; $user_input[$element] = $empty; $user_input['form_id'] = $form_id; $form_state->setUserInput($user_input); $form_state->setFormObject(new StubForm($form_id, $form)); $form_state->setMethod('POST'); // The form token CSRF protection should not interfere with this test, // so we bypass it by setting the token to FALSE. $form['#token'] = FALSE; \Drupal::formBuilder()->prepareForm($form_id, $form, $form_state); \Drupal::formBuilder()->processForm($form_id, $form, $form_state); $errors = $form_state->getErrors(); // Form elements of type 'radios' throw all sorts of PHP notices // when you try to render them like this, so we ignore those for // testing the required marker. // @todo Fix this work-around (https://www.drupal.org/node/588438). $form_output = ($type == 'radios') ? '' : \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($form); if ($required) { // Make sure we have a form error for this element. $this->assertTrue(isset($errors[$element]), "Check empty($key) '$type' field '$element'"); if (!empty($form_output)) { // Make sure the form element is marked as required. $this->assertTrue(preg_match($required_marker_preg, $form_output), "Required '$type' field is marked as required"); } } else { if (!empty($form_output)) { // Make sure the form element is *not* marked as required. $this->assertFalse(preg_match($required_marker_preg, $form_output), "Optional '$type' field is not marked as required"); } if ($type == 'select') { // Select elements are going to have validation errors with empty // input, since those are illegal choices. Just make sure the // error is not "field is required". $this->assertTrue((empty($errors[$element]) || strpos('field is required', (string) $errors[$element]) === FALSE), "Optional '$type' field '$element' is not treated as a required element"); } else { // Make sure there is *no* form error for this element. $this->assertTrue(empty($errors[$element]), "Optional '$type' field '$element' has no errors with empty input"); } } } } } // Clear the expected form error messages so they don't appear as exceptions. drupal_get_messages(); } /** * Tests validation for required checkbox, select, and radio elements. * * Submits a test form containing several types of form elements. The form * is submitted twice, first without values for required fields and then * with values. Each submission is checked for relevant error messages. * * @see \Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestValidateRequiredForm */ public function testRequiredCheckboxesRadio() { $form = \Drupal::formBuilder()->getForm('\Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestValidateRequiredForm'); // Attempt to submit the form with no required fields set. $edit = []; $this->drupalPostForm('form-test/validate-required', $edit, 'Submit'); // The only error messages that should appear are the relevant 'required' // messages for each field. $expected = []; foreach (['textfield', 'checkboxes', 'select', 'radios'] as $key) { if (isset($form[$key]['#required_error'])) { $expected[] = $form[$key]['#required_error']; } elseif (isset($form[$key]['#form_test_required_error'])) { $expected[] = $form[$key]['#form_test_required_error']; } else { $expected[] = t('@name field is required.', ['@name' => $form[$key]['#title']]); } } // Check the page for error messages. $errors = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "error")]//li'); foreach ($errors as $error) { $expected_key = array_search($error[0], $expected); // If the error message is not one of the expected messages, fail. if ($expected_key === FALSE) { $this->fail(format_string("Unexpected error message: @error", ['@error' => $error[0]])); } // Remove the expected message from the list once it is found. else { unset($expected[$expected_key]); } } // Fail if any expected messages were not found. foreach ($expected as $not_found) { $this->fail(format_string("Found error message: @error", ['@error' => $not_found])); } // Verify that input elements are still empty. $this->assertFieldByName('textfield', ''); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-checkboxes-foo'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-checkboxes-bar'); $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-select', ''); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-radios-foo'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-radios-bar'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-radios-optional-foo'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-radios-optional-bar'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-radios-optional-default-value-false-foo'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-radios-optional-default-value-false-bar'); // Submit again with required fields set and verify that there are no // error messages. $edit = [ 'textfield' => $this->randomString(), 'checkboxes[foo]' => TRUE, 'select' => 'foo', 'radios' => 'bar', ]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Submit'); $this->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "error")]', FALSE, 'No error message is displayed when all required fields are filled.'); $this->assertRaw("The form_test_validate_required_form form was submitted successfully.", 'Validation form submitted successfully.'); } /** * Tests that input is retained for safe elements even with an invalid token. * * Submits a test form containing several types of form elements. */ public function testInputWithInvalidToken() { // We need to be logged in to have CSRF tokens. $account = $this->createUser(); $this->drupalLogin($account); // Submit again with required fields set but an invalid form token and // verify that all the values are retained. $edit = [ 'textfield' => $this->randomString(), 'checkboxes[bar]' => TRUE, 'select' => 'bar', 'radios' => 'foo', 'form_token' => 'invalid token', ]; $this->drupalPostForm(Url::fromRoute('form_test.validate_required'), $edit, 'Submit'); $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "error")]', NULL, 'Error message is displayed with invalid token even when required fields are filled.'); $this->assertText('The form has become outdated. Copy any unsaved work in the form below'); // Verify that input elements retained the posted values. $this->assertFieldByName('textfield', $edit['textfield']); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-checkboxes-foo'); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-checkboxes-bar'); $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-select', 'bar'); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-radios-foo'); // Check another form that has a textarea input. $edit = [ 'textfield' => $this->randomString(), 'textarea' => $this->randomString() . "\n", 'form_token' => 'invalid token', ]; $this->drupalPostForm(Url::fromRoute('form_test.required'), $edit, 'Submit'); $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "error")]', NULL, 'Error message is displayed with invalid token even when required fields are filled.'); $this->assertText('The form has become outdated. Copy any unsaved work in the form below'); $this->assertFieldByName('textfield', $edit['textfield']); $this->assertFieldByName('textarea', $edit['textarea']); // Check another form that has a number input. $edit = [ 'integer_step' => mt_rand(1, 100), 'form_token' => 'invalid token', ]; $this->drupalPostForm(Url::fromRoute('form_test.number'), $edit, 'Submit'); $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "error")]', NULL, 'Error message is displayed with invalid token even when required fields are filled.'); $this->assertText('The form has become outdated. Copy any unsaved work in the form below'); $this->assertFieldByName('integer_step', $edit['integer_step']); // Check a form with a Url field $edit = [ 'url' => $this->randomString(), 'form_token' => 'invalid token', ]; $this->drupalPostForm(Url::fromRoute('form_test.url'), $edit, 'Submit'); $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "error")]', NULL, 'Error message is displayed with invalid token even when required fields are filled.'); $this->assertText('The form has become outdated. Copy any unsaved work in the form below'); $this->assertFieldByName('url', $edit['url']); } /** * CSRF tokens for GET forms should not be added by default. */ public function testGetFormsCsrfToken() { // We need to be logged in to have CSRF tokens. $account = $this->createUser(); $this->drupalLogin($account); $this->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('form_test.get_form')); $this->assertNoRaw('form_token'); } /** * Tests validation for required textfield element without title. * * Submits a test form containing a textfield form element without title. * The form is submitted twice, first without value for the required field * and then with value. Each submission is checked for relevant error * messages. * * @see \Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestValidateRequiredNoTitleForm */ public function testRequiredTextfieldNoTitle() { // Attempt to submit the form with no required field set. $edit = []; $this->drupalPostForm('form-test/validate-required-no-title', $edit, 'Submit'); $this->assertNoRaw("The form_test_validate_required_form_no_title form was submitted successfully.", 'Validation form submitted successfully.'); // Check the page for the error class on the textfield. $this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[contains(@class, "error")]', FALSE, 'Error input form element class found.'); // Check the page for the aria-invalid attribute on the textfield. $this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[contains(@aria-invalid, "true")]', FALSE, 'Aria invalid attribute found.'); // Submit again with required fields set and verify that there are no // error messages. $edit = [ 'textfield' => $this->randomString(), ]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Submit'); $this->assertNoFieldByXpath('//input[contains(@class, "error")]', FALSE, 'No error input form element class found.'); $this->assertRaw("The form_test_validate_required_form_no_title form was submitted successfully.", 'Validation form submitted successfully.'); } /** * Test default value handling for checkboxes. * * @see _form_test_checkbox() */ public function testCheckboxProcessing() { // First, try to submit without the required checkbox. $edit = []; $this->drupalPostForm('form-test/checkbox', $edit, t('Submit')); $this->assertRaw(t('@name field is required.', ['@name' => 'required_checkbox']), 'A required checkbox is actually mandatory'); // Now try to submit the form correctly. $values = Json::decode($this->drupalPostForm(NULL, ['required_checkbox' => 1], t('Submit'))); $expected_values = [ 'disabled_checkbox_on' => 'disabled_checkbox_on', 'disabled_checkbox_off' => '', 'checkbox_on' => 'checkbox_on', 'checkbox_off' => '', 'zero_checkbox_on' => '0', 'zero_checkbox_off' => '', ]; foreach ($expected_values as $widget => $expected_value) { $this->assertEqual($values[$widget], $expected_value, format_string('Checkbox %widget returns expected value (expected: %expected, got: %value)', [ '%widget' => var_export($widget, TRUE), '%expected' => var_export($expected_value, TRUE), '%value' => var_export($values[$widget], TRUE), ])); } } /** * Tests validation of #type 'select' elements. */ public function testSelect() { $form = \Drupal::formBuilder()->getForm('Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestSelectForm'); $this->drupalGet('form-test/select'); // Verify that the options are escaped as expected. $this->assertEscaped('four'); $this->assertNoRaw('four'); // Posting without any values should throw validation errors. $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Submit'); $no_errors = [ 'select', 'select_required', 'select_optional', 'empty_value', 'empty_value_one', 'no_default_optional', 'no_default_empty_option_optional', 'no_default_empty_value_optional', 'multiple', 'multiple_no_default', ]; foreach ($no_errors as $key) { $this->assertNoText(t('@name field is required.', ['@name' => $form[$key]['#title']])); } $expected_errors = [ 'no_default', 'no_default_empty_option', 'no_default_empty_value', 'no_default_empty_value_one', 'multiple_no_default_required', ]; foreach ($expected_errors as $key) { $this->assertText(t('@name field is required.', ['@name' => $form[$key]['#title']])); } // Post values for required fields. $edit = [ 'no_default' => 'three', 'no_default_empty_option' => 'three', 'no_default_empty_value' => 'three', 'no_default_empty_value_one' => 'three', 'multiple_no_default_required[]' => 'three', ]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Submit'); $values = Json::decode($this->getRawContent()); // Verify expected values. $expected = [ 'select' => 'one', 'empty_value' => 'one', 'empty_value_one' => 'one', 'no_default' => 'three', 'no_default_optional' => 'one', 'no_default_optional_empty_value' => '', 'no_default_empty_option' => 'three', 'no_default_empty_option_optional' => '', 'no_default_empty_value' => 'three', 'no_default_empty_value_one' => 'three', 'no_default_empty_value_optional' => 0, 'multiple' => ['two' => 'two'], 'multiple_no_default' => [], 'multiple_no_default_required' => ['three' => 'three'], ]; foreach ($expected as $key => $value) { $this->assertIdentical($values[$key], $value, format_string('@name: @actual is equal to @expected.', [ '@name' => $key, '@actual' => var_export($values[$key], TRUE), '@expected' => var_export($value, TRUE), ])); } } /** * Tests a select element when #options is not set. */ public function testEmptySelect() { $this->drupalGet('form-test/empty-select'); $this->assertFieldByXPath("//select[1]", NULL, 'Select element found.'); $this->assertNoFieldByXPath("//select[1]/option", NULL, 'No option element found.'); } /** * Tests validation of #type 'number' and 'range' elements. */ public function testNumber() { $form = \Drupal::formBuilder()->getForm('\Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestNumberForm'); // Array with all the error messages to be checked. $error_messages = [ 'no_number' => '%name must be a number.', 'too_low' => '%name must be higher than or equal to %min.', 'too_high' => '%name must be lower than or equal to %max.', 'step_mismatch' => '%name is not a valid number.', ]; // The expected errors. $expected = [ 'integer_no_number' => 'no_number', 'integer_no_step' => 0, 'integer_no_step_step_error' => 'step_mismatch', 'integer_step' => 0, 'integer_step_error' => 'step_mismatch', 'integer_step_min' => 0, 'integer_step_min_error' => 'too_low', 'integer_step_max' => 0, 'integer_step_max_error' => 'too_high', 'integer_step_min_border' => 0, 'integer_step_max_border' => 0, 'integer_step_based_on_min' => 0, 'integer_step_based_on_min_error' => 'step_mismatch', 'float_small_step' => 0, 'float_step_no_error' => 0, 'float_step_error' => 'step_mismatch', 'float_step_hard_no_error' => 0, 'float_step_hard_error' => 'step_mismatch', 'float_step_any_no_error' => 0, ]; // First test the number element type, then range. foreach (['form-test/number', 'form-test/number/range'] as $path) { // Post form and show errors. $this->drupalPostForm($path, [], 'Submit'); foreach ($expected as $element => $error) { // Create placeholder array. $placeholders = [ '%name' => $form[$element]['#title'], '%min' => isset($form[$element]['#min']) ? $form[$element]['#min'] : '0', '%max' => isset($form[$element]['#max']) ? $form[$element]['#max'] : '0', ]; foreach ($error_messages as $id => $message) { // Check if the error exists on the page, if the current message ID is // expected. Otherwise ensure that the error message is not present. if ($id === $error) { $this->assertRaw(format_string($message, $placeholders)); } else { $this->assertNoRaw(format_string($message, $placeholders)); } } } } } /** * Tests default value handling of #type 'range' elements. */ public function testRange() { $values = json_decode($this->drupalPostForm('form-test/range', [], 'Submit')); $this->assertEqual($values->with_default_value, 18); $this->assertEqual($values->float, 10.5); $this->assertEqual($values->integer, 6); $this->assertEqual($values->offset, 6.9); $this->drupalPostForm('form-test/range/invalid', [], 'Submit'); $this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@type="range" and contains(@class, "error")]', NULL, 'Range element has the error class.'); } /** * Tests validation of #type 'color' elements. */ public function testColorValidation() { // Keys are inputs, values are expected results. $values = [ '' => '#000000', '#000' => '#000000', 'AAA' => '#aaaaaa', '#af0DEE' => '#af0dee', '#99ccBc' => '#99ccbc', '#aabbcc' => '#aabbcc', '123456' => '#123456', ]; // Tests that valid values are properly normalized. foreach ($values as $input => $expected) { $edit = [ 'color' => $input, ]; $result = json_decode($this->drupalPostForm('form-test/color', $edit, 'Submit')); $this->assertEqual($result->color, $expected); } // Tests invalid values are rejected. $values = ['#0008', '#1234', '#fffffg', '#abcdef22', '17', '#uaa']; foreach ($values as $input) { $edit = [ 'color' => $input, ]; $this->drupalPostForm('form-test/color', $edit, 'Submit'); $this->assertRaw(t('%name must be a valid color.', ['%name' => 'Color'])); } } /** * Test handling of disabled elements. * * @see _form_test_disabled_elements() */ public function testDisabledElements() { // Get the raw form in its original state. $form_state = new FormState(); $form = (new FormTestDisabledElementsForm())->buildForm([], $form_state); // Build a submission that tries to hijack the form by submitting input for // elements that are disabled. $edit = []; foreach (Element::children($form) as $key) { if (isset($form[$key]['#test_hijack_value'])) { if (is_array($form[$key]['#test_hijack_value'])) { foreach ($form[$key]['#test_hijack_value'] as $subkey => $value) { $edit[$key . '[' . $subkey . ']'] = $value; } } else { $edit[$key] = $form[$key]['#test_hijack_value']; } } } // Submit the form with no input, as the browser does for disabled elements, // and fetch the $form_state->getValues() that is passed to the submit handler. $this->drupalPostForm('form-test/disabled-elements', [], t('Submit')); $returned_values['normal'] = Json::decode($this->content); // Do the same with input, as could happen if JavaScript un-disables an // element. drupalPostForm() emulates a browser by not submitting input for // disabled elements, so we need to un-disable those elements first. $this->drupalGet('form-test/disabled-elements'); $disabled_elements = []; foreach ($this->xpath('//*[@disabled]') as $element) { $disabled_elements[] = (string) $element['name']; unset($element['disabled']); } // All the elements should be marked as disabled, including the ones below // the disabled container. $actual_count = count($disabled_elements); $expected_count = 42; $this->assertEqual($actual_count, $expected_count, SafeMarkup::format('Found @actual elements with disabled property (expected @expected).', [ '@actual' => count($disabled_elements), '@expected' => $expected_count, ])); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Submit')); $returned_values['hijacked'] = Json::decode($this->content); // Ensure that the returned values match the form's default values in both // cases. foreach ($returned_values as $values) { $this->assertFormValuesDefault($values, $form); } } /** * Assert that the values submitted to a form matches the default values of the elements. */ public function assertFormValuesDefault($values, $form) { foreach (Element::children($form) as $key) { if (isset($form[$key]['#default_value'])) { if (isset($form[$key]['#expected_value'])) { $expected_value = $form[$key]['#expected_value']; } else { $expected_value = $form[$key]['#default_value']; } if ($key == 'checkboxes_multiple') { // Checkboxes values are not filtered out. $values[$key] = array_filter($values[$key]); } $this->assertIdentical($expected_value, $values[$key], format_string('Default value for %type: expected %expected, returned %returned.', ['%type' => $key, '%expected' => var_export($expected_value, TRUE), '%returned' => var_export($values[$key], TRUE)])); } // Recurse children. $this->assertFormValuesDefault($values, $form[$key]); } } /** * Verify markup for disabled form elements. * * @see _form_test_disabled_elements() */ public function testDisabledMarkup() { $this->drupalGet('form-test/disabled-elements'); $form = \Drupal::formBuilder()->getForm('\Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestDisabledElementsForm'); $type_map = [ 'textarea' => 'textarea', 'select' => 'select', 'weight' => 'select', 'datetime' => 'datetime', ]; foreach ($form as $name => $item) { // Skip special #types. if (!isset($item['#type']) || in_array($item['#type'], ['hidden', 'text_format'])) { continue; } // Setup XPath and CSS class depending on #type. if (in_array($item['#type'], ['button', 'submit'])) { $path = "//!type[contains(@class, :div-class) and @value=:value]"; $class = 'is-disabled'; } elseif (in_array($item['#type'], ['image_button'])) { $path = "//!type[contains(@class, :div-class) and @value=:value]"; $class = 'is-disabled'; } else { // starts-with() required for checkboxes. $path = "//div[contains(@class, :div-class)]/descendant::!type[starts-with(@name, :name)]"; $class = 'form-disabled'; } // Replace DOM element name in $path according to #type. $type = 'input'; if (isset($type_map[$item['#type']])) { $type = $type_map[$item['#type']]; } $path = strtr($path, ['!type' => $type]); // Verify that the element exists. $element = $this->xpath($path, [ ':name' => Html::escape($name), ':div-class' => $class, ':value' => isset($item['#value']) ? $item['#value'] : '', ]); $this->assertTrue(isset($element[0]), format_string('Disabled form element class found for #type %type.', ['%type' => $item['#type']])); } // Verify special element #type text-format. $element = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :div-class)]/descendant::textarea[@name=:name]', [ ':name' => 'text_format[value]', ':div-class' => 'form-disabled', ]); $this->assertTrue(isset($element[0]), format_string('Disabled form element class found for #type %type.', ['%type' => 'text_format[value]'])); $element = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :div-class)]/descendant::select[@name=:name]', [ ':name' => 'text_format[format]', ':div-class' => 'form-disabled', ]); $this->assertTrue(isset($element[0]), format_string('Disabled form element class found for #type %type.', ['%type' => 'text_format[format]'])); } /** * Test Form API protections against input forgery. * * @see _form_test_input_forgery() */ public function testInputForgery() { $this->drupalGet('form-test/input-forgery'); $checkbox = $this->xpath('//input[@name="checkboxes[two]"]'); $checkbox[0]['value'] = 'FORGERY'; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, ['checkboxes[one]' => TRUE, 'checkboxes[two]' => TRUE], t('Submit')); $this->assertText('An illegal choice has been detected.', 'Input forgery was detected.'); } /** * Tests required attribute. */ public function testRequiredAttribute() { $this->drupalGet('form-test/required-attribute'); $expected = 'required'; // Test to make sure the elements have the proper required attribute. foreach (['textfield', 'password'] as $type) { $element = $this->xpath('//input[@id=:id and @required=:expected]', [ ':id' => 'edit-' . $type, ':expected' => $expected, ]); $this->assertTrue(!empty($element), format_string('The @type has the proper required attribute.', ['@type' => $type])); } // Test to make sure textarea has the proper required attribute. $element = $this->xpath('//textarea[@id=:id and @required=:expected]', [ ':id' => 'edit-textarea', ':expected' => $expected, ]); $this->assertTrue(!empty($element), 'The textarea has the proper required attribute.'); } }