[ 'description' => 'The new width of the resized image, in pixels', ], 'height' => [ 'description' => 'The new height of the resized image, in pixels', ], ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function validateArguments(array $arguments) { // Assure integers for all arguments. $arguments['width'] = (int) round($arguments['width']); $arguments['height'] = (int) round($arguments['height']); // Fail when width or height are 0 or negative. if ($arguments['width'] <= 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid width ('{$arguments['width']}') specified for the image 'resize' operation"); } if ($arguments['height'] <= 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid height ('{$arguments['height']}') specified for the image 'resize' operation"); } return $arguments; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(array $arguments = []) { // Create a new resource of the required dimensions, and copy and resize // the original resource on it with resampling. Destroy the original // resource upon success. $original_resource = $this->getToolkit()->getResource(); $data = [ 'width' => $arguments['width'], 'height' => $arguments['height'], 'extension' => image_type_to_extension($this->getToolkit()->getType(), FALSE), 'transparent_color' => $this->getToolkit()->getTransparentColor(), 'is_temp' => TRUE, ]; if ($this->getToolkit()->apply('create_new', $data)) { if (imagecopyresampled($this->getToolkit()->getResource(), $original_resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $arguments['width'], $arguments['height'], imagesx($original_resource), imagesy($original_resource))) { imagedestroy($original_resource); return TRUE; } else { // In case of failure, destroy the temporary resource and restore // the original one. imagedestroy($this->getToolkit()->getResource()); $this->getToolkit()->setResource($original_resource); } } return FALSE; } }