drupalCreateUser(['administer unit tests']); $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); } /** * Overrides checkRequirements(). */ protected function checkRequirements() { if ($this->isInChildSite()) { return [ 'Test is not allowed to run.' ]; } return parent::checkRequirements(); } /** * Ensures test will not run when requirements are missing. */ public function testCheckRequirements() { // If this is the main request, run the web test script and then assert // that the child tests did not run. if (!$this->isInChildSite()) { // Run this test from web interface. $edit['tests[Drupal\simpletest\Tests\MissingCheckedRequirementsTest]'] = TRUE; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/testing', $edit, t('Run tests')); $this->assertRaw('Test is not allowed to run.', 'Test check for requirements came up.'); $this->assertNoText('Test ran when it failed requirements check.', 'Test requirements stopped test from running.'); } else { $this->fail('Test ran when it failed requirements check.'); } } }