[ 'value' => TRUE, 'table' => 'node_field_data', 'field' => 'status', 'plugin_id' => 'boolean', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'entity_field' => 'status', ] ]; /** * Overrides Drupal\views\Plugin\views\wizard\WizardPluginBase::getAvailableSorts(). * * @return array * An array whose keys are the available sort options and whose * corresponding values are human readable labels. */ public function getAvailableSorts() { // You can't execute functions in properties, so override the method return [ 'node_field_data-title:ASC' => $this->t('Title') ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function rowStyleOptions() { $options = []; $options['teasers'] = $this->t('teasers'); $options['full_posts'] = $this->t('full posts'); $options['titles'] = $this->t('titles'); $options['titles_linked'] = $this->t('titles (linked)'); $options['fields'] = $this->t('fields'); return $options; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function defaultDisplayOptions() { $display_options = parent::defaultDisplayOptions(); // Add permission-based access control. $display_options['access']['type'] = 'perm'; $display_options['access']['options']['perm'] = 'access content'; // Remove the default fields, since we are customizing them here. unset($display_options['fields']); // Add the title field, so that the display has content if the user switches // to a row style that uses fields. /* Field: Content: Title */ $display_options['fields']['title']['id'] = 'title'; $display_options['fields']['title']['table'] = 'node_field_data'; $display_options['fields']['title']['field'] = 'title'; $display_options['fields']['title']['entity_type'] = 'node'; $display_options['fields']['title']['entity_field'] = 'title'; $display_options['fields']['title']['label'] = ''; $display_options['fields']['title']['alter']['alter_text'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['alter']['make_link'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['alter']['absolute'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['alter']['trim'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['alter']['word_boundary'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['alter']['ellipsis'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['alter']['strip_tags'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['alter']['html'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['hide_empty'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['empty_zero'] = 0; $display_options['fields']['title']['settings']['link_to_entity'] = 1; $display_options['fields']['title']['plugin_id'] = 'field'; return $display_options; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function defaultDisplayFiltersUser(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $filters = parent::defaultDisplayFiltersUser($form, $form_state); $tids = []; if ($values = $form_state->getValue(['show', 'tagged_with'])) { foreach ($values as $value) { $tids[] = $value['target_id']; } } if (!empty($tids)) { $vid = reset($form['displays']['show']['tagged_with']['#selection_settings']['target_bundles']); $filters['tid'] = [ 'id' => 'tid', 'table' => 'taxonomy_index', 'field' => 'tid', 'value' => $tids, 'vid' => $vid, 'plugin_id' => 'taxonomy_index_tid', ]; // If the user entered more than one valid term in the autocomplete // field, they probably intended both of them to be applied. if (count($tids) > 1) { $filters['tid']['operator'] = 'and'; // Sort the terms so the filter will be displayed as it normally would // on the edit screen. sort($filters['tid']['value']); } } return $filters; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function pageDisplayOptions(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $display_options = parent::pageDisplayOptions($form, $form_state); $row_plugin = $form_state->getValue(['page', 'style', 'row_plugin']); $row_options = $form_state->getValue(['page', 'style', 'row_options'], []); $this->display_options_row($display_options, $row_plugin, $row_options); return $display_options; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function blockDisplayOptions(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $display_options = parent::blockDisplayOptions($form, $form_state); $row_plugin = $form_state->getValue(['block', 'style', 'row_plugin']); $row_options = $form_state->getValue(['block', 'style', 'row_options'], []); $this->display_options_row($display_options, $row_plugin, $row_options); return $display_options; } /** * Set the row style and row style plugins to the display_options. */ protected function display_options_row(&$display_options, $row_plugin, $row_options) { switch ($row_plugin) { case 'full_posts': $display_options['row']['type'] = 'entity:node'; $display_options['row']['options']['view_mode'] = 'full'; break; case 'teasers': $display_options['row']['type'] = 'entity:node'; $display_options['row']['options']['view_mode'] = 'teaser'; break; case 'titles_linked': case 'titles': $display_options['row']['type'] = 'fields'; $display_options['fields']['title']['id'] = 'title'; $display_options['fields']['title']['table'] = 'node_field_data'; $display_options['fields']['title']['field'] = 'title'; $display_options['fields']['title']['settings']['link_to_entity'] = $row_plugin === 'titles_linked'; $display_options['fields']['title']['plugin_id'] = 'field'; break; } } /** * Overrides Drupal\views\Plugin\views\wizard\WizardPluginBase::buildFilters(). * * Add some options for filter by taxonomy terms. */ protected function buildFilters(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { parent::buildFilters($form, $form_state); if (isset($form['displays']['show']['type'])) { $selected_bundle = static::getSelected($form_state, ['show', 'type'], 'all', $form['displays']['show']['type']); } // Add the "tagged with" filter to the view. // We construct this filter using taxonomy_index.tid (which limits the // filtering to a specific vocabulary) rather than // taxonomy_term_field_data.name (which matches terms in any vocabulary). // This is because it is a more commonly-used filter that works better with // the autocomplete UI, and also to avoid confusion with other vocabularies // on the site that may have terms with the same name but are not used for // free tagging. // The downside is that if there *is* more than one vocabulary on the site // that is used for free tagging, the wizard will only be able to make the // "tagged with" filter apply to one of them (see below for the method it // uses to choose). // Find all "tag-like" taxonomy fields associated with the view's // entities. If a particular entity type (i.e., bundle) has been // selected above, then we only search for taxonomy fields associated // with that bundle. Otherwise, we use all bundles. $bundles = array_keys($this->bundleInfoService->getBundleInfo($this->entityTypeId)); // Double check that this is a real bundle before using it (since above // we added a dummy option 'all' to the bundle list on the form). if (isset($selected_bundle) && in_array($selected_bundle, $bundles)) { $bundles = [$selected_bundle]; } $tag_fields = []; foreach ($bundles as $bundle) { $display = entity_get_form_display($this->entityTypeId, $bundle, 'default'); $taxonomy_fields = array_filter(\Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldDefinitions($this->entityTypeId, $bundle), function ($field_definition) { return $field_definition->getType() == 'entity_reference' && $field_definition->getSetting('target_type') == 'taxonomy_term'; }); foreach ($taxonomy_fields as $field_name => $field) { $widget = $display->getComponent($field_name); // We define "tag-like" taxonomy fields as ones that use the // "Autocomplete (Tags style)" widget. if ($widget['type'] == 'entity_reference_autocomplete_tags') { $tag_fields[$field_name] = $field; } } } if (!empty($tag_fields)) { // If there is more than one "tag-like" taxonomy field available to // the view, we can only make our filter apply to one of them (as // described above). We choose 'field_tags' if it is available, since // that is created by the Standard install profile in core and also // commonly used by contrib modules; thus, it is most likely to be // associated with the "main" free-tagging vocabulary on the site. if (array_key_exists('field_tags', $tag_fields)) { $tag_field_name = 'field_tags'; } else { $tag_field_name = key($tag_fields); } // Add the autocomplete textfield to the wizard. $target_bundles = $tag_fields[$tag_field_name]->getSetting('handler_settings')['target_bundles']; $form['displays']['show']['tagged_with'] = [ '#type' => 'entity_autocomplete', '#title' => $this->t('tagged with'), '#target_type' => 'taxonomy_term', '#selection_settings' => ['target_bundles' => $target_bundles], '#tags' => TRUE, '#size' => 30, '#maxlength' => 1024, ]; } } }