basePluginId = $base_plugin_id; $this->cckPluginManager = $cck_manager; $this->fieldPluginManager = $field_manager; $this->includeTranslations = $translations; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, $base_plugin_id) { // Translations don't make sense unless we have content_translation. return new static( $base_plugin_id, $container->get('plugin.manager.migrate.cckfield'), $container->get('plugin.manager.migrate.field'), $container->get('module_handler')->moduleExists('content_translation') ); } /** * Gets the definition of all derivatives of a base plugin. * * @param array $base_plugin_definition * The definition array of the base plugin. * * @return array * An array of full derivative definitions keyed on derivative id. * * @see \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Derivative\DeriverBase::getDerivativeDefinition() */ public function getDerivativeDefinitions($base_plugin_definition) { if ($base_plugin_definition['id'] == 'd6_node_translation' && !$this->includeTranslations) { // Refuse to generate anything. return $this->derivatives; } $node_types = static::getSourcePlugin('d6_node_type'); try { $node_types->checkRequirements(); } catch (RequirementsException $e) { // If the d6_node_type requirements failed, that means we do not have a // Drupal source database configured - there is nothing to generate. return $this->derivatives; } // Read all field instance definitions in the source database. $fields = []; try { $source_plugin = static::getSourcePlugin('d6_field_instance'); $source_plugin->checkRequirements(); foreach ($source_plugin as $row) { $fields[$row->getSourceProperty('type_name')][$row->getSourceProperty('field_name')] = $row->getSource(); } } catch (RequirementsException $e) { // If checkRequirements() failed then the content module did not exist and // we do not have any fields. Therefore, $fields will be empty and // below we'll create a migration just for the node properties. } try { foreach ($node_types as $row) { $node_type = $row->getSourceProperty('type'); $values = $base_plugin_definition; $values['label'] = t("@label (@type)", [ '@label' => $values['label'], '@type' => $node_type, ]); $values['source']['node_type'] = $node_type; $values['destination']['default_bundle'] = $node_type; // If this migration is based on the d6_node_revision migration or // is for translations of nodes, it should explicitly depend on the // corresponding d6_node variant. if (in_array($base_plugin_definition['id'], ['d6_node_revision', 'd6_node_translation'])) { $values['migration_dependencies']['required'][] = 'd6_node:' . $node_type; } /** @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Migration $migration */ $migration = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migration')->createStubMigration($values); if (isset($fields[$node_type])) { foreach ($fields[$node_type] as $field_name => $info) { $field_type = $info['type']; try { $plugin_id = $this->fieldPluginManager->getPluginIdFromFieldType($field_type, ['core' => 6], $migration); if (!isset($this->fieldPluginCache[$field_type])) { $this->fieldPluginCache[$field_type] = $this->fieldPluginManager->createInstance($plugin_id, ['core' => 6], $migration); } $this->fieldPluginCache[$field_type] ->processFieldValues($migration, $field_name, $info); } catch (PluginNotFoundException $ex) { try { $plugin_id = $this->cckPluginManager->getPluginIdFromFieldType($field_type, ['core' => 6], $migration); if (!isset($this->cckPluginCache[$field_type])) { $this->cckPluginCache[$field_type] = $this->cckPluginManager->createInstance($plugin_id, ['core' => 6], $migration); } $this->cckPluginCache[$field_type] ->processCckFieldValues($migration, $field_name, $info); } catch (PluginNotFoundException $ex) { $migration->setProcessOfProperty($field_name, $field_name); } } } } $this->derivatives[$node_type] = $migration->getPluginDefinition(); } } catch (DatabaseExceptionWrapper $e) { // Once we begin iterating the source plugin it is possible that the // source tables will not exist. This can happen when the // MigrationPluginManager gathers up the migration definitions but we do // not actually have a Drupal 6 source database. } return $this->derivatives; } }