doTransform($value); $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); } /** * Data provider for testRoute(). * * @return array * An array of arrays, where the first element is the input to the Route * process plugin, and the second is the expected results. */ public function providerTestRoute() { // Internal link tests. // Valid link path and options. $values[0] = [ 'user/login', [ 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Test menu link 1', ], ], ]; $expected[0] = [ 'route_name' => 'user.login', 'route_parameters' => [], 'options' => [ 'query' => [], 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Test menu link 1', ], ], 'url' => NULL, ]; // Valid link path and empty options. $values[1] = [ 'user/login', [], ]; $expected[1] = [ 'route_name' => 'user.login', 'route_parameters' => [], 'options' => [ 'query' => [], ], 'url' => NULL, ]; // Valid link path and no options. $values[2] = 'user/login'; $expected[2] = [ 'route_name' => 'user.login', 'route_parameters' => [], 'options' => [ 'query' => [], ], 'url' => NULL, ]; // Invalid link path. $values[3] = 'users'; $expected[3] = []; // Valid link path with parameter. $values[4] = [ 'system/timezone/nzdt', [ 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Show NZDT', ], ], ]; $expected[4] = [ 'route_name' => 'system.timezone', 'route_parameters' => [ 'abbreviation' => 'nzdt', 'offset' => -1, 'is_daylight_saving_time' => NULL, ], 'options' => [ 'query' => [], 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Show NZDT', ], ], 'url' => NULL, ]; // External link tests. // Valid external link path and options. $values[5] = [ '', [ 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Drupal', ], ], ]; $expected[5] = [ 'route_name' => NULL, 'route_parameters' => [], 'options' => [ 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Drupal', ], ], 'url' => '', ]; // Valid external link path and options. $values[6] = [ '', [ 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Drupal password reset', ], ], ]; $expected[6] = [ 'route_name' => NULL, 'route_parameters' => [], 'options' => [ 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Drupal password reset', ], ], 'url' => '', ]; return [ // Test data for internal paths. // Test with valid link path and options. [$values[0], $expected[0]], // Test with valid link path and empty options. [$values[1], $expected[1]], // Test with valid link path and no options. [$values[2], $expected[2]], // Test with Invalid link path. [$values[3], $expected[3]], // Test with Valid link path with query options and parameters. [$values[4], $expected[4]], // Test data for external paths. // Test with external link path and options. [$values[5], $expected[5]], // Test with valid link path and query options. [$values[6], $expected[6]], ]; } /** * Tests Route plugin based on providerTestRoute() values. * * @param mixed $value * Input value for the Route process plugin. * @param array $expected * The expected results from the Route transform process. * * @dataProvider providerTestRouteWithParamQuery */ public function testRouteWithParamQuery($value, $expected) { $this->installSchema('system', ['sequences']); $this->installEntitySchema('user'); $this->installConfig(['user']); // Create a user so that user/1/edit is a valid path. $adminUser = User::create([ 'name' => $this->randomMachineName(), ]); $adminUser->save(); $actual = $this->doTransform($value); $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); } /** * Data provider for testRouteWithParamQuery(). * * @return array * An array of arrays, where the first element is the input to the Route * process plugin, and the second is the expected results. */ public function providerTestRouteWithParamQuery() { $values = []; $expected = []; // Valid link path with query options and parameters. $values[0] = [ 'user/1/edit', [ 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Edit admin', ], 'query' => [ 'destination' => '/admin/people', ], ], ]; $expected[0] = [ 'route_name' => 'entity.user.edit_form', 'route_parameters' => [ 'user' => '1', ], 'options' => [ 'attributes' => [ 'title' => 'Edit admin', ], 'query' => [ 'destination' => '/admin/people', ], ], 'url' => NULL, ]; return [ // Test with valid link path with parameters and options. [$values[0], $expected[0]], ]; } /** * Transforms link path data to a route. * * @param array|string $value * Source link path information. * * @return array * The route information based on the source link_path. */ protected function doTransform($value) { // Rebuild the routes. $this->container->get('router.builder')->rebuild(); $pathValidator = $this->container->get('path.validator'); $row = new Row(); $migration = $this->prophesize(MigrationInterface::class)->reveal(); $executable = $this->prophesize(MigrateExecutableInterface::class)->reveal(); $plugin = new Route([], 'route', [], $migration, $pathValidator); $actual = $plugin->transform($value, $executable, $row, 'destinationproperty'); return $actual; } }