migration = $this->getMock(MigrationInterface::class); $this->migration->method('id')->willReturn('fubar'); } /** * Tests different connection types. */ public function testConnectionTypes() { $sql_base = new TestSqlBase([], $this->migration); // Verify that falling back to the default 'migrate' connection (defined in // the base class) works. $this->assertSame('default', $sql_base->getDatabase()->getTarget()); $this->assertSame('migrate', $sql_base->getDatabase()->getKey()); // Verify the fallback state key overrides the 'migrate' connection. $target = 'test_fallback_target'; $key = 'test_fallback_key'; $config = ['target' => $target, 'key' => $key]; $database_state_key = 'test_fallback_state'; \Drupal::state()->set($database_state_key, $config); \Drupal::state()->set('migrate.fallback_state_key', $database_state_key); // Create a test connection using the default database configuration. Database::addConnectionInfo($key, $target, Database::getConnectionInfo('default')['default']); $this->assertSame($sql_base->getDatabase()->getTarget(), $target); $this->assertSame($sql_base->getDatabase()->getKey(), $key); // Verify that setting explicit connection information overrides fallbacks. $target = 'test_db_target'; $key = 'test_migrate_connection'; $config = ['target' => $target, 'key' => $key]; $sql_base->setConfiguration($config); Database::addConnectionInfo($key, $target, Database::getConnectionInfo('default')['default']); // Validate we have injected our custom key and target. $this->assertSame($sql_base->getDatabase()->getTarget(), $target); $this->assertSame($sql_base->getDatabase()->getKey(), $key); // Now test we can have SqlBase create the connection from an info array. $sql_base = new TestSqlBase([], $this->migration); $target = 'test_db_target2'; $key = 'test_migrate_connection2'; $database = Database::getConnectionInfo('default')['default']; $config = ['target' => $target, 'key' => $key, 'database' => $database]; $sql_base->setConfiguration($config); // Call getDatabase() to get the connection defined. $sql_base->getDatabase(); // Validate the connection has been created with the right values. $this->assertSame(Database::getConnectionInfo($key)[$target], $database); // Now, test this all works when using state to store db info. $target = 'test_state_db_target'; $key = 'test_state_migrate_connection'; $config = ['target' => $target, 'key' => $key]; $database_state_key = 'migrate_sql_base_test'; \Drupal::state()->set($database_state_key, $config); $sql_base->setConfiguration(['database_state_key' => $database_state_key]); Database::addConnectionInfo($key, $target, Database::getConnectionInfo('default')['default']); // Validate we have injected our custom key and target. $this->assertSame($sql_base->getDatabase()->getTarget(), $target); $this->assertSame($sql_base->getDatabase()->getKey(), $key); // Now test we can have SqlBase create the connection from an info array. $sql_base = new TestSqlBase([], $this->migration); $target = 'test_state_db_target2'; $key = 'test_state_migrate_connection2'; $database = Database::getConnectionInfo('default')['default']; $config = ['target' => $target, 'key' => $key, 'database' => $database]; $database_state_key = 'migrate_sql_base_test2'; \Drupal::state()->set($database_state_key, $config); $sql_base->setConfiguration(['database_state_key' => $database_state_key]); // Call getDatabase() to get the connection defined. $sql_base->getDatabase(); // Validate the connection has been created with the right values. $this->assertSame(Database::getConnectionInfo($key)[$target], $database); // Verify that falling back to 'migrate' when the connection is not defined // throws a RequirementsException. \Drupal::state()->delete('migrate.fallback_state_key'); $sql_base->setConfiguration([]); Database::renameConnection('migrate', 'fallback_connection'); $this->setExpectedException(RequirementsException::class, 'No database connection configured for source plugin'); $sql_base->getDatabase(); } /** * Tests that SqlBase respects high-water values. * * @param mixed $high_water * (optional) The high-water value to set. * @param array $query_result * (optional) The expected query results. * * @dataProvider highWaterDataProvider */ public function testHighWater($high_water = NULL, array $query_result = []) { $configuration = [ 'high_water_property' => [ 'name' => 'order', ], ]; $source = new TestSqlBase($configuration, $this->migration); if ($high_water) { $source->getHighWaterStorage()->set($this->migration->id(), $high_water); } $statement = $this->createMock(StatementInterface::class); $statement->expects($this->atLeastOnce())->method('setFetchMode')->with(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $query = $this->createMock(SelectInterface::class); $query->method('execute')->willReturn($statement); $query->expects($this->atLeastOnce())->method('orderBy')->with('order', 'ASC'); $condition_group = $this->getMock(ConditionInterface::class); $query->method('orConditionGroup')->willReturn($condition_group); $source->setQuery($query); $source->rewind(); } /** * Data provider for ::testHighWater(). * * @return array * The scenarios to test. */ public function highWaterDataProvider() { return [ 'no high-water value set' => [], 'high-water value set' => [33], ]; } } /** * A dummy source to help with testing SqlBase. * * @package Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\source */ class TestSqlBase extends SqlBase { /** * The query to execute. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface */ protected $query; /** * Overrides the constructor so we can create one easily. * * @param array $configuration * The plugin instance configuration. * @param \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface $migration * (optional) The migration being run. */ public function __construct(array $configuration = [], MigrationInterface $migration = NULL) { parent::__construct($configuration, 'sql_base', [], $migration, \Drupal::state()); } /** * Gets the database without caching it. */ public function getDatabase() { $this->database = NULL; return parent::getDatabase(); } /** * Allows us to set the configuration from a test. * * @param array $config * The config array. */ public function setConfiguration($config) { $this->configuration = $config; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIds() {} /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function fields() {} /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function query() { return $this->query; } /** * Sets the query to execute. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $query * The query to execute. */ public function setQuery(SelectInterface $query) { $this->query = $query; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHighWaterStorage() { return parent::getHighWaterStorage(); } }