installEntitySchema('menu_link_content'); $this->installEntitySchema('node'); $node = Node::create([ 'nid' => 3, 'title' => 'node link test', 'type' => 'article', ]); $node->save(); $this->executeMigrations(['d7_menu', 'd7_menu_links']); \Drupal::service('router.builder')->rebuild(); } /** * Asserts various aspects of a menu link entity. * * @param string $id * The link ID. * @param string $title * The expected title of the link. * @param string $menu * The expected ID of the menu to which the link will belong. * @param string $description * The link's expected description. * @param bool $enabled * Whether the link is enabled. * @param bool $expanded * Whether the link is expanded * @param array $attributes * Additional attributes the link is expected to have. * @param string $uri * The expected URI of the link. * @param int $weight * The expected weight of the link. * * @return \Drupal\menu_link_content\MenuLinkContentInterface * The menu link content. */ protected function assertEntity($id, $title, $menu, $description, $enabled, $expanded, array $attributes, $uri, $weight) { /** @var \Drupal\menu_link_content\MenuLinkContentInterface $menu_link */ $menu_link = MenuLinkContent::load($id); $this->assertTrue($menu_link instanceof MenuLinkContentInterface); $this->assertSame($title, $menu_link->getTitle()); $this->assertSame($menu, $menu_link->getMenuName()); // The migration sets the description of the link to the value of the // 'title' attribute. Bit strange, but there you go. $this->assertSame($description, $menu_link->getDescription()); $this->assertSame($enabled, $menu_link->isEnabled()); $this->assertSame($expanded, $menu_link->isExpanded()); $this->assertSame($attributes, $menu_link->link->options); $this->assertSame($uri, $menu_link->link->uri); $this->assertSame($weight, $menu_link->getWeight()); return $menu_link; } /** * Tests migration of menu links. */ public function testMenuLinks() { $this->assertEntity(469, 'Bing', static::MENU_NAME, 'Bing', TRUE, FALSE, ['attributes' => ['title' => 'Bing']], '', 0); $this->assertEntity(467, 'Google', static::MENU_NAME, 'Google', TRUE, FALSE, ['attributes' => ['title' => 'Google']], '', 0); $this->assertEntity(468, 'Yahoo', static::MENU_NAME, 'Yahoo', TRUE, FALSE, ['attributes' => ['title' => 'Yahoo']], '', 0); // Tests migrating an external link with an undefined title attribute. $this->assertEntity(470, 'Ask', static::MENU_NAME, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, [], '', 0); $this->assertEntity(245, 'Home', 'main', NULL, TRUE, FALSE, [], 'internal:/', 0); $this->assertEntity(478, 'custom link test', 'admin', NULL, TRUE, FALSE, ['attributes' => ['title' => '']], 'internal:/admin/content/book', 0); $this->assertEntity(479, 'node link test', 'tools', 'node 3', TRUE, FALSE, ['attributes' => ['title' => 'node 3']], 'entity:node/3', 3); $menu_link_tree_service = \Drupal::service('menu.link_tree'); $parameters = new MenuTreeParameters(); $tree = $menu_link_tree_service->load(static::MENU_NAME, $parameters); $this->assertCount(2, $tree); $children = 0; $google_found = FALSE; foreach ($tree as $menu_link_tree_element) { $children += $menu_link_tree_element->hasChildren; if ($menu_link_tree_element->link->getUrlObject()->toString() == '') { $this->assertEquals(reset($menu_link_tree_element->subtree)->link->getUrlObject()->toString(), ''); $google_found = TRUE; } } $this->assertEquals(1, $children); $this->assertTrue($google_found); // Now find the custom link under a system link. $parameters->root = 'system.admin_structure'; $tree = $menu_link_tree_service->load(static::MENU_NAME, $parameters); $found = FALSE; foreach ($tree as $menu_link_tree_element) { $this->assertTrue($menu_link_tree_element->link->getUrlObject()->toString()); if ($menu_link_tree_element->link->getTitle() == 'custom link test') { $found = TRUE; break; } } $this->assertTrue($found); } }