assertTrue($result); // Check a translatable string which includes trustable HTML. $string = 'Hello world!'; $result = locale_string_is_safe($string); $this->assertTrue($result); // Check an untranslatable string which includes untrustable HTML (according // to the locale_string_is_safe() function definition). $string = 'Hello world!'; $result = locale_string_is_safe($string); $this->assertFalse($result); // Check a translatable string which includes a token in an href attribute. $string = 'Hi user'; $result = locale_string_is_safe($string); $this->assertTrue($result); } /** * Tests if a translated and tokenized string is properly escaped by Twig. * * In each assert* call we add a new line at the expected result to match the * newline at the end of the template file. */ public function testLocalizedTokenizedString() { $tests_to_do = [ 1 => [ 'original' => 'Go to the frontpage', 'replaced' => 'Go to the <a href="javascript:alert(&#039;Mooooh!&#039;);">frontpage</a>', ], 2 => [ 'original' => 'Hello [locale_test:security_test2]!', 'replaced' => 'Hello <strong>&lt;script&gt;alert(&#039;Mooooh!&#039;);&lt;/script&gt;</strong>!', ], ]; foreach ($tests_to_do as $i => $test) { $original_string = $test['original']; $rendered_original_string = \Drupal::theme()->render('locale_test_tokenized', ['content' => $original_string]); // Twig assumes that strings are unsafe so it escapes them, and so the // original and the rendered version should be different. $this->assertNotEqual( $rendered_original_string, $original_string . "\n", 'Security test ' . $i . ' before translation' ); // Pass the original string to the t() function to get it marked as safe. $safe_string = t($original_string); $rendered_safe_string = \Drupal::theme()->render('locale_test_tokenized', ['content' => $safe_string]); // t() function always marks the string as safe so it won't be escaped, // and should be the same as the original. $this->assertEqual( $rendered_safe_string, $original_string . "\n", 'Security test ' . $i . ' after translation before token replacement' ); // Replace tokens in the safe string to inject it with dangerous content. // @see locale_test_tokens(). $unsafe_string = \Drupal::token()->replace($safe_string); $rendered_unsafe_string = \Drupal::theme()->render('locale_test_tokenized', ['content' => $unsafe_string]); // Token replacement changes the string so it is not marked as safe // anymore. Check it is escaped the way we expect. $this->assertEqual( $rendered_unsafe_string, $test['replaced'] . "\n", 'Security test ' . $i . ' after translation after token replacement' ); } } }