languageTypes = $this->config('language.types'); $this->languageManager = $language_manager; $this->negotiator = $negotiator; $this->blockManager = $block_manager; $this->themeHandler = $theme_handler; $this->blockStorage = $block_storage; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { $entity_manager = $container->get('entity.manager'); $block_storage = $entity_manager->hasHandler('block', 'storage') ? $entity_manager->getStorage('block') : NULL; return new static( $container->get('config.factory'), $container->get('language_manager'), $container->get('language_negotiator'), $container->get('plugin.manager.block'), $container->get('theme_handler'), $block_storage ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getFormId() { return 'language_negotiation_configure_form'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getEditableConfigNames() { return ['language.types']; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $configurable = $this->languageTypes->get('configurable'); $form = [ '#theme' => 'language_negotiation_configure_form', '#language_types_info' => $this->languageManager->getDefinedLanguageTypesInfo(), '#language_negotiation_info' => $this->negotiator->getNegotiationMethods(), ]; $form['#language_types'] = []; foreach ($form['#language_types_info'] as $type => $info) { // Show locked language types only if they are configurable. if (empty($info['locked']) || in_array($type, $configurable)) { $form['#language_types'][] = $type; } } foreach ($form['#language_types'] as $type) { $this->configureFormTable($form, $type); } $form['actions'] = ['#type' => 'actions']; $form['actions']['submit'] = [ '#type' => 'submit', '#button_type' => 'primary', '#value' => $this->t('Save settings'), ]; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $configurable_types = $form['#language_types']; $stored_values = $this->languageTypes->get('configurable'); $customized = []; $method_weights_type = []; foreach ($configurable_types as $type) { $customized[$type] = in_array($type, $stored_values); $method_weights = []; $enabled_methods = $form_state->getValue([$type, 'enabled']); $enabled_methods[LanguageNegotiationSelected::METHOD_ID] = TRUE; $method_weights_input = $form_state->getValue([$type, 'weight']); if ($form_state->hasValue([$type, 'configurable'])) { $customized[$type] = !$form_state->isValueEmpty([$type, 'configurable']); } foreach ($method_weights_input as $method_id => $weight) { if ($enabled_methods[$method_id]) { $method_weights[$method_id] = $weight; } } $method_weights_type[$type] = $method_weights; $this->languageTypes->set('negotiation.' . $type . '.method_weights', $method_weights_input)->save(); } // Update non-configurable language types and the related language // negotiation configuration. $this->negotiator->updateConfiguration(array_keys(array_filter($customized))); // Update the language negotiations after setting the configurability. foreach ($method_weights_type as $type => $method_weights) { $this->negotiator->saveConfiguration($type, $method_weights); } // Clear block definitions cache since the available blocks and their names // may have been changed based on the configurable types. if ($this->blockStorage) { // If there is an active language switcher for a language type that has // been made not configurable, deactivate it first. $non_configurable = array_keys(array_diff($customized, array_filter($customized))); $this->disableLanguageSwitcher($non_configurable); } $this->blockManager->clearCachedDefinitions(); $form_state->setRedirect('language.negotiation'); $this->messenger()->addStatus($this->t('Language detection configuration saved.')); } /** * Builds a language negotiation method configuration table. * * @param array $form * The language negotiation configuration form. * @param string $type * The language type to generate the table for. */ protected function configureFormTable(array &$form, $type) { $info = $form['#language_types_info'][$type]; $table_form = [ '#title' => $this->t('@type language detection', ['@type' => $info['name']]), '#tree' => TRUE, '#description' => $info['description'], '#language_negotiation_info' => [], '#show_operations' => FALSE, 'weight' => ['#tree' => TRUE], ]; // Only show configurability checkbox for the unlocked language types. if (empty($info['locked'])) { $configurable = $this->languageTypes->get('configurable'); $table_form['configurable'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Customize %language_name language detection to differ from Interface text language detection settings', ['%language_name' => $info['name']]), '#default_value' => in_array($type, $configurable), '#attributes' => ['class' => ['language-customization-checkbox']], '#attached' => [ 'library' => [ 'language/drupal.language.admin', ], ], ]; } $negotiation_info = $form['#language_negotiation_info']; $enabled_methods = $this->languageTypes->get('negotiation.' . $type . '.enabled') ?: []; $methods_weight = $this->languageTypes->get('negotiation.' . $type . '.method_weights') ?: []; // Add missing data to the methods lists. foreach ($negotiation_info as $method_id => $method) { if (!isset($methods_weight[$method_id])) { $methods_weight[$method_id] = isset($method['weight']) ? $method['weight'] : 0; } } // Order methods list by weight. asort($methods_weight); foreach ($methods_weight as $method_id => $weight) { // A language method might be no more available if the defining module has // been disabled after the last configuration saving. if (!isset($negotiation_info[$method_id])) { continue; } $enabled = isset($enabled_methods[$method_id]); $method = $negotiation_info[$method_id]; // List the method only if the current type is defined in its 'types' key. // If it is not defined default to all the configurable language types. $types = array_flip(isset($method['types']) ? $method['types'] : $form['#language_types']); if (isset($types[$type])) { $table_form['#language_negotiation_info'][$method_id] = $method; $method_name = $method['name']; $table_form['weight'][$method_id] = [ '#type' => 'weight', '#title' => $this->t('Weight for @title language detection method', ['@title' => mb_strtolower($method_name)]), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#default_value' => $weight, '#attributes' => ['class' => ["language-method-weight-$type"]], '#delta' => 20, ]; $table_form['title'][$method_id] = ['#plain_text' => $method_name]; $table_form['enabled'][$method_id] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Enable @title language detection method', ['@title' => mb_strtolower($method_name)]), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#default_value' => $enabled, ]; if ($method_id === LanguageNegotiationSelected::METHOD_ID) { $table_form['enabled'][$method_id]['#default_value'] = TRUE; $table_form['enabled'][$method_id]['#attributes'] = ['disabled' => 'disabled']; } $table_form['description'][$method_id] = ['#markup' => $method['description']]; $config_op = []; if (isset($method['config_route_name'])) { $config_op['configure'] = [ 'title' => $this->t('Configure'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute($method['config_route_name']), ]; // If there is at least one operation enabled show the operation // column. $table_form['#show_operations'] = TRUE; } $table_form['operation'][$method_id] = [ '#type' => 'operations', '#links' => $config_op, ]; } } $form[$type] = $table_form; } /** * Disables the language switcher blocks. * * @param array $language_types * An array containing all language types whose language switchers need to * be disabled. */ protected function disableLanguageSwitcher(array $language_types) { $theme = $this->themeHandler->getDefault(); $blocks = $this->blockStorage->loadByProperties(['theme' => $theme]); foreach ($language_types as $language_type) { foreach ($blocks as $block) { if ($block->getPluginId() == 'language_block:' . $language_type) { $block->delete(); } } } } }