installConfig(['system', 'field']); \Drupal::service('router.builder')->rebuild(); $this->installEntitySchema('entity_test'); $this->entityType = 'entity_test'; $this->bundle = $this->entityType; $this->fieldName = Unicode::strtolower($this->randomMachineName()); $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::create([ 'field_name' => $this->fieldName, 'entity_type' => $this->entityType, 'type' => 'string_long', ]); $field_storage->save(); $instance = FieldConfig::create([ 'field_storage' => $field_storage, 'bundle' => $this->bundle, 'label' => $this->randomMachineName(), ]); $instance->save(); $this->display = entity_get_display($this->entityType, $this->bundle, 'default') ->setComponent($this->fieldName, [ 'type' => 'string', 'settings' => [], ]); $this->display->save(); } /** * Renders fields of a given entity with a given display. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface $entity * The entity object with attached fields to render. * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface $display * The display to render the fields in. * * @return string * The rendered entity fields. */ protected function renderEntityFields(FieldableEntityInterface $entity, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display) { $content = $display->build($entity); $content = $this->render($content); return $content; } /** * Tests string formatter output. */ public function testStringFormatter() { $value = $this->randomString(); $value .= "\n\n" . $this->randomString() . ''; $value .= "\n\n" . $this->randomString(); $entity = EntityTest::create([]); $entity->{$this->fieldName}->value = $value; // Verify that all HTML is escaped and newlines are retained. $this->renderEntityFields($entity, $this->display); $this->assertNoRaw($value); $this->assertRaw(nl2br(Html::escape($value))); // Verify the cache tags. $build = $entity->{$this->fieldName}->view(); $this->assertTrue(!isset($build[0]['#cache']), 'The string formatter has no cache tags.'); } }