Unicode::strtolower($this->randomMachineName()), 'name' => $this->randomString(), ]); $format->save(); // Create a paired editor. Editor::create(['format' => $format->id(), 'editor' => 'unicorn'])->save(); // Disable the text format. $format->disable()->save(); // The paired editor should be disabled too. $this->assertFalse(Editor::load($format->id())->status()); // Re-enable the text format. $format->enable()->save(); // The paired editor should be enabled too. $this->assertTrue(Editor::load($format->id())->status()); // Completely remove the text format. Usually this cannot occur via UI, but // can be triggered from API. $format->delete(); // The paired editor should be removed. $this->assertNull(Editor::load($format->id())); } }