'filtered_html', 'name' => 'Filtered HTML', 'weight' => 0, 'filters' => [], ]); $filtered_html_format->save(); // Create admin user. $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(['administer filters']); } /** * Tests an existing format without any editors available. */ public function testNoEditorAvailable() { $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser); $this->drupalGet('admin/config/content/formats/manage/filtered_html'); // Ensure the form field order is correct. $raw_content = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent(); $roles_pos = strpos($raw_content, 'Roles'); $editor_pos = strpos($raw_content, 'Text editor'); $filters_pos = strpos($raw_content, 'Enabled filters'); $this->assertTrue($roles_pos < $editor_pos && $editor_pos < $filters_pos, '"Text Editor" select appears in the correct location of the text format configuration UI.'); // Verify the when a text editor is available. $select = $this->xpath('//select[@name="editor[editor]"]'); $select_is_disabled = $this->xpath('//select[@name="editor[editor]" and @disabled="disabled"]'); $options = $this->xpath('//select[@name="editor[editor]"]/option'); $this->assertTrue(count($select) === 1, 'The Text Editor select exists.'); $this->assertTrue(count($select_is_disabled) === 0, 'The Text Editor select is not disabled.'); $this->assertTrue(count($options) === 2, 'The Text Editor select has two options.'); $this->assertTrue(($options[0]->getText()) === 'None', 'Option 1 in the Text Editor select is "None".'); $this->assertTrue(($options[1]->getText()) === 'Unicorn Editor', 'Option 2 in the Text Editor select is "Unicorn Editor".'); $this->assertTrue($options[0]->hasAttribute('selected'), 'Option 1 ("None") is selected.'); // Ensure the none option is selected. $this->assertNoRaw('This option is disabled because no modules that provide a text editor are currently enabled.', 'Description for select absent that tells users to install a text editor module.'); // Select the "Unicorn Editor" editor and click the "Configure" button. $edit = [ 'editor[editor]' => 'unicorn', ]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Configure'); $unicorn_setting = $this->xpath('//input[@name="editor[settings][ponies_too]" and @type="checkbox" and @checked]'); $this->assertTrue(count($unicorn_setting), "Unicorn Editor's settings form is present."); return $edit; } /** * Verifies unicorn editor configuration. * * @param string $format_id * The format machine name. * @param bool $ponies_too * The expected value of the ponies_too setting. */ protected function verifyUnicornEditorConfiguration($format_id, $ponies_too = TRUE) { $editor = editor_load($format_id); $settings = $editor->getSettings(); $this->assertIdentical($editor->getEditor(), 'unicorn', 'The text editor is configured correctly.'); $this->assertIdentical($settings['ponies_too'], $ponies_too, 'The text editor settings are stored correctly.'); $this->drupalGet('admin/config/content/formats/manage/' . $format_id); $select = $this->xpath('//select[@name="editor[editor]"]'); $select_is_disabled = $this->xpath('//select[@name="editor[editor]" and @disabled="disabled"]'); $options = $this->xpath('//select[@name="editor[editor]"]/option'); $this->assertTrue(count($select) === 1, 'The Text Editor select exists.'); $this->assertTrue(count($select_is_disabled) === 0, 'The Text Editor select is not disabled.'); $this->assertTrue(count($options) === 2, 'The Text Editor select has two options.'); $this->assertTrue($options[1]->hasAttribute('selected'), 'Option 2 ("Unicorn Editor") is selected.'); } }