installEntitySchema('node'); $this->installSchema('node', 'node_access'); $this->installEntitySchema('user'); $this->installEntitySchema('content_moderation_state'); $this->installConfig('content_moderation'); $this->createNodeType(); } /** * Creates a page node type to test with, ensuring that it's moderated. */ protected function createNodeType() { $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'page', 'label' => 'Page', ]); $node_type->save(); $workflow = Workflow::load('editorial'); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'page'); $workflow->save(); } /** * Verifies that the process of saving forward-revisions works as expected. */ public function testForwardRevisions() { // Create a new node in draft. $page = Node::create([ 'type' => 'page', 'title' => 'A', ]); $page->moderation_state->value = 'draft'; $page->save(); $id = $page->id(); // Verify the entity saved correctly, and that the presence of forward // revisions doesn't affect the default node load. /** @var Node $page */ $page = Node::load($id); $this->assertEquals('A', $page->getTitle()); $this->assertTrue($page->isDefaultRevision()); $this->assertFalse($page->isPublished()); // Moderate the entity to published. $page->setTitle('B'); $page->moderation_state->value = 'published'; $page->save(); // Verify the entity is now published and public. $page = Node::load($id); $this->assertEquals('B', $page->getTitle()); $this->assertTrue($page->isDefaultRevision()); $this->assertTrue($page->isPublished()); // Make a new forward-revision in Draft. $page->setTitle('C'); $page->moderation_state->value = 'draft'; $page->save(); // Verify normal loads return the still-default previous version. $page = Node::load($id); $this->assertEquals('B', $page->getTitle()); // Verify we can load the forward revision, even if the mechanism is kind // of gross. Note: revisionIds() is only available on NodeStorageInterface, // so this won't work for non-nodes. We'd need to use entity queries. This // is a core bug that should get fixed. $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); $revision_ids = $storage->revisionIds($page); sort($revision_ids); $latest = end($revision_ids); $page = $storage->loadRevision($latest); $this->assertEquals('C', $page->getTitle()); $page->setTitle('D'); $page->moderation_state->value = 'published'; $page->save(); // Verify normal loads return the still-default previous version. $page = Node::load($id); $this->assertEquals('D', $page->getTitle()); $this->assertTrue($page->isDefaultRevision()); $this->assertTrue($page->isPublished()); // Now check that we can immediately add a new published revision over it. $page->setTitle('E'); $page->moderation_state->value = 'published'; $page->save(); $page = Node::load($id); $this->assertEquals('E', $page->getTitle()); $this->assertTrue($page->isDefaultRevision()); $this->assertTrue($page->isPublished()); } /** * Verifies that a newly-created node can go straight to published. */ public function testPublishedCreation() { // Create a new node in draft. $page = Node::create([ 'type' => 'page', 'title' => 'A', ]); $page->moderation_state->value = 'published'; $page->save(); $id = $page->id(); // Verify the entity saved correctly. /** @var Node $page */ $page = Node::load($id); $this->assertEquals('A', $page->getTitle()); $this->assertTrue($page->isDefaultRevision()); $this->assertTrue($page->isPublished()); } /** * Verifies that an unpublished state may be made the default revision. */ public function testArchive() { $page = Node::create([ 'type' => 'page', 'title' => $this->randomString(), ]); $page->moderation_state->value = 'published'; $page->save(); $id = $page->id(); // The newly-created page should already be published. $page = Node::load($id); $this->assertTrue($page->isPublished()); // When the page is moderated to the archived state, then the latest // revision should be the default revision, and it should be unpublished. $page->moderation_state->value = 'archived'; $page->save(); $new_revision_id = $page->getRevisionId(); $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); $new_revision = $storage->loadRevision($new_revision_id); $this->assertFalse($new_revision->isPublished()); $this->assertTrue($new_revision->isDefaultRevision()); } }