install(['comment_empty_title_test']); // Set comments to have a subject with preview disabled. $this->setCommentPreview(DRUPAL_DISABLED); $this->setCommentForm(TRUE); $this->setCommentSubject(TRUE); // Create a node. $this->drupalLogin($this->webUser); $this->node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'promote' => 1, 'uid' => $this->webUser->id()]); // Post comment #1 and verify that h3's are not rendered. $subject_text = $this->randomMachineName(); $comment_text = $this->randomMachineName(); $comment = $this->postComment($this->node, $comment_text, $subject_text, TRUE); // Confirm that the comment was created. $regex = '/comment_body->value . '(.*?)'; $regex .= '/s'; $this->assertPattern($regex, 'Comment is created successfully'); // Tests that markup is not generated for the comment without header. $this->assertNoPattern('|]*>|', 'Comment title H3 element not found when title is an empty string.'); } /** * Tests markup for comments with populated titles. */ public function testCommentPopulatedTitles() { // Set comments to have a subject with preview disabled. $this->setCommentPreview(DRUPAL_DISABLED); $this->setCommentForm(TRUE); $this->setCommentSubject(TRUE); // Create a node. $this->drupalLogin($this->webUser); $this->node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'promote' => 1, 'uid' => $this->webUser->id()]); // Post comment #1 and verify that title is rendered in h3. $subject_text = $this->randomMachineName(); $comment_text = $this->randomMachineName(); $comment1 = $this->postComment($this->node, $comment_text, $subject_text, TRUE); // Confirm that the comment was created. $this->assertTrue($this->commentExists($comment1), 'Comment #1. Comment found.'); // Tests that markup is created for comment with heading. $this->assertPattern('|]*>]*>' . $subject_text . '|', 'Comment title is rendered in h3 when title populated.'); // Tests that the comment's title link is the permalink of the comment. $comment_permalink = $this->cssSelect('.permalink'); $comment_permalink = (string) $comment_permalink[0]['href']; // Tests that the comment's title link contains the url fragment. $this->assertTrue(strpos($comment_permalink, '#comment-' . $comment1->id()), "The comment's title link contains the url fragment."); $this->assertEqual($comment1->permalink()->toString(), $comment_permalink, "The comment's title has the correct link."); } }